July 2, 2024
Hate Crimes

JK Rowling challenges Scottish police on hate crime law | Times Radio Panel

“There was an understanding then, this has been set up as a war.”

Scotland’s new hate speech laws have faced a controversial first day after JK Rowling challenged the police to arrest her after making a series of posts on social media calling trans women men.

Ella Whelan, Spiked Columnist and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, columnist for The I debate whether the Scottish government have gone too far.

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  • @blaircorral8158 June 28, 2024

    Too many people haven’t taken the time to understand the this law.

  • @blaircorral8158 June 28, 2024

    JKR, didn’t break the law.

  • @medusa210562 June 28, 2024

    We are defined by our biological body. This statement does not define anyone. Like? if someone says that they don't believe in God, they do not defime Christians.

  • @jeremywilson2875 June 28, 2024

    JK Rowling never said that all Trans-women are rapists or anything like that. What she says is that for hundreds (thousands?) of years spaces have been segregated in part out of an idea of "safeguarding". History shows that there is a threat against biological women from biological men, and that in the interest of safety for biological women certain spaces are segregated. JK Rowling points out that trans-women are still biological men with all the same threat potential.

  • @joshuarobertson1757 June 28, 2024

    Western culture is destroying itself from within.

  • @gg_rider June 28, 2024

    In totalitarian Islamic culture, people are accused and severely punished including death for the crime of "spreading corruption in the land". This includes Muslims who commit apostasy, especially in in a public manner.
    These laws are the Woke version of Sharia, the very idea that a person can MAKE another person FEEL some way, such as "HURT", meaning "offended".

    We've all known people before what culture who loved to make themselves the center of attention by claiming that something offends them.

    Well , people who are more self-centered are more likely to feel hurt and wounded over the smallest slights, to include imaginary slights.
    People who are narcissistic sociopaths, who enjoy being tattletales, who enjoy harming people with impunity, and those definitely exist, will feel empowered to use the power of the State against friends and foes and anyone they happen to dislike or anyone they feel like exercising power over.

  • @calistafalcontail June 28, 2024

    People should just print thousands of shirts and car bumpers stating "only females are women, only males are men." And lets see how much energy the police really has to deal with all of them.

  • @DianeMerriam June 28, 2024

    A woman can have a child. A man cannot. A woman has hormonal swings that, in some cases, do affect emotions. Doesn't happen to a man. Nor do they have to go through menopause. The strongest woman will be stronger than the vast majority of men, but the strongest man will always be stronger than the strongest woman. Men have more fast twitch muscles but women have more endurance. You can almost always determine a female skeleton from a male skeleton.

    Our biology rarely, in the modern age, determines what we can or cannot do. That doesn't mean there are no differences. You cannot, in all honesty, say there are not.

  • @shawnwaller8687 June 28, 2024

    this woman is scary 1984 !!!!

  • @dickvalentine9021 June 28, 2024

    "All my life I fought against is biological determinism"… ya well, guess what – when it comes to sex, biology is deterministic. That is not something you can argue about really…

  • @nickcharnley19 June 28, 2024

    No, enough is enough, we don't need laws for this, Like most people,I have friends from multiple gender/sexual proclivities. No body cares, as long as no physical harm is done, live and let live.

  • @johnswift3124 June 28, 2024

    Alibhai-brown, an absolute stooge of the establishment. Ella Whelan, eminently listenable sensible opinion from a brave woman.

  • @valparker1426 June 28, 2024

    I wander why 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🌹

  • @gracechapel2464 June 28, 2024

    She fault against this since puberty? She drank her own Koolaid. She is the problem. It used to be that pressuring a woman to subject herself to be battered by a mentally ill man was called abuse, now it’s called feminism. Feminism used to be about liberating women from oppression, now it’s about elevating misogynistic males who want to be women over real women. PLUS not being able to complain about it.

  • @jcraw6332 June 28, 2024

    If you want to lie to yourself that’s fine. But people do not like to be forced to lie. How can it be respectful to be forced to say something that you consider to be false?

  • @natgarrison2300 June 28, 2024

    I refuse to share toilets and changing rooms with a man dressed up as a woman, therefore not a woman! Have nothing against trans or anyone else but there are limits!!!

  • @natgarrison2300 June 28, 2024

    Am all with JK Rowlings, she is so right and brave! Sack the Humza back to muslimland!!!

  • @eanmeakin4618 June 28, 2024

    Why keep interrupting the lady from speaking? Well we wouldn't want her making any valid common sense points now!

  • @eanmeakin4618 June 28, 2024

    When a microfraction of society gets placed above the 97% of the rest of society and gets to police and control narrative and language we re in trouble. "We're in trouble!"

  • @eanmeakin4618 June 28, 2024

    Dispiriting because they disagree with YOUR ideology . Micro fractions of society should not be put before 96% of society

  • @kilgoretrout413 June 28, 2024

    What’s wrong with the British, that hatred has to be legislated against and common decency doesn’t just come naturally?!? Brexit Britain 🇬🇧 really is an utter toilet 🚽

  • @dhcanavan June 28, 2024

    "…but I have more money than other people in Scotland, so my opinions matter more than the majority of voters and their democratic institutions, don't they?" Have we not progressed beyond this kind of privelege abuse yet?

  • @georgemioch8981 June 28, 2024

    Honey, everything about you is your biology. Can not avoid it, sorry…

  • @A.I.Friends June 28, 2024

    So in Scottland you can call me CIS and get away with it. CIS is offensive to me.

  • @richardgomes5420 June 28, 2024

    Hey! Wait!
    I felt offended when you said that I do not have right to offend you!
    I will prosecute you by that… since I feel offended by your intolerance.

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