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Judge Clarence Thomas called 'Corrupt Lunatic' for Controversial Dissent!

Judge Clarence Thomas called ‘Corrupt Lunatic’ for Controversial Dissent!

The United States Supreme Court made headlines on Friday with a significant ruling in an 8-1 vote affirming the government’s right to restrict firearm access for individuals accused of domestic abuse.
However, it was the dissenting opinion of Justice Clarence Thomas that truly ignited a firestorm of controversy and outrage. Justice Thomas’s stance, described by some critics as the musings of a “corrupt lunatic” has drawn sharp rebukes from various quarters.
Justice Thomas’s dissenting opinion argued that all regulations on firearms should be considered violations of the Second Amendment unless they align with the “Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”He claimed that there was no historical precedent that justified the statute in question, suggesting that restrictions on abusers’ access to firearms are unconstitutional.

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1 Comment

  • @user-si3ct9yu6g June 27, 2024

    He is certainly corrupt and dishonst. Just the sort you do not want anywhere near the hisghest court in the land. Politically appointed judges should NOT be given unlimited terms of office. We have too many blatantly corrupted federal judges sitting on life time appointments.

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