July 4, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Juror in Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial speaks out for 1st time about verdict l GMA

A member of the jury in the Depp-Heard defamation case told ABC News exclusively that “a lot of Amber’s story didn’t add up” and “the majority of the jury felt she was more the aggressor.”

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  • @leapinglaura7343 June 17, 2024

    NUANCES??? Uhm, no, being downright creeped out by the defendant for the entirety of her testimony is not "a little nuance," and their verdicts are not based on little things.

  • @user-eu1rh2nm8j June 17, 2024

    Biggest mystery in this trial; in which country was the talkshow where AH claimed she had donated the 7m? Since no one seems to get it right. Denmark? Uk? 😂😂😂😂

    Answer: its The netherlands. U get a cookie if u actually knew 😂😂😂

  • @duckydrummer6331 June 17, 2024

    The jury thought Johnny was a “little” more real in how he was responding to questions. A little? How about A LOT more real. AH came across as being so phony and melodramatic.

    But the Jury got it right, they did the right thing.

  • @shelahcarney1684 June 17, 2024

    I’m grateful for the juror speaking out, but I notice that the news media was quite blatant with mentioning that the “anonymous juror” was “male”…it just makes me feel like the media was trying to trigger the radical feminists out there while pretending that they are innocently just informing us.🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @internetuser7156 June 17, 2024

    She's an actress.

  • @AmazingSurrogats June 17, 2024

    oh f*ck. These overexpression "experts" are such pathetic crack-heads

  • @marieharris1230 June 17, 2024

    They were not bothabusive. Johnny was consistently kind and over the top considerate.

  • @RonBiss June 17, 2024

    Hiding in Spain shame

  • @vaxan5126 June 17, 2024

    when a man gets abused there is a massive attempt to make it look like both sides, these tv presenters should be ashamed of partaking in the same

  • @Wolverine.848 June 17, 2024

    A MAN who prefers to run into the rooms than to beat your a@@ up
    It’s a TRUE MAN
    I love you Johnny you the man,you spoke Johnny you told the world and WE BELIEVED YOU❤

  • @user-qe6ys1we6q June 17, 2024

    For those keen to be given the juror’s ACTUAL WORDS: “They had their husband-wife arguments. They were both yelling at each other. I don’t think that makes either of them right or wrong. That’s what you do when you get into an argument, I guess. But to rise to the level of what she was claiming, there wasn’t enough or any evidence that really supported what she was saying.”

    Since this “news organization” cannot disseminate without first butchering it to fit their narrative.

    I am sure my comments won’t survive long before they erase them from the conversation here.

    Not everyone’s voice or opinion matters- just the ones that coincide with their agenda.

    Better off getting news coverage from other countries.

  • @user-qe6ys1we6q June 17, 2024

    You have altered his statement. Shameful.
    He did not say “abused each other”. Time and time again media shows their lack of integrity and how nothing gets on the air without first being edited and manipulated to make their desired point, or coincide with whatever opinions they hold.

    Hysterical that your jobs were created and intended to be impartial and strictly report FACTS and ONLY ACTUAL WORDS PROVIDED TO YOU BY YOUR SUBJECTS.
    Just gross. Why does the “media” and “news” devote so much time to useless rubbish like this.

    Report on celebrities and never speak a word about the things that really urgently need a voice…. Ya know, like all the victimized children you lot won’t speak about.

    Ignore the horrors and realities of the world that critically need voice and attention and report on celebrities who don’t quite exist in the real world when it comes down to it.

    But hey not your problem right. Be the problem not the solution and lay your head down at night sleeping soundly whilst deluding yourselves into believing you’re making some sort of difference or getting the information out to the people that they rightfully should have and desperately need.

    Good on you lot. Cheers.

  • @waynerooney8311 June 17, 2024

    for an actress she really done terrible job on her fake crying, you don't even need to be a judge or a jury to see how fake her cry is, its awkward

  • @cheryllitz2579 June 17, 2024

    Johny may not be a Saint but he never laid a hand on her.❤

  • @am33-dj8zd June 17, 2024

    No matter what everyone will always be wrong no matter what but her. That would be the worst relationship ever . I wouldn't blame him for flipping out on her and he still didn't because i would have

  • @jenniferjohns9364 June 17, 2024

    Little stinkers

  • @bobbicatt June 17, 2024

    We all thought the same thing the jury did…she lied about all of it for financial gain and to hurt JD for wanting to leave her.

  • @joanneswenson4559 June 17, 2024

    Not for one second was Amber Heard BELIEVEABLE !!! My gosh it was horrifying watching some of it because she was so callous and cold!! NO MARKS ON HER LEFT VERY LITTLE DOUBT that Johnny even touched her at all!! She has a track record of abusing people!! She is lucky she had him as a husband for sure and if it wouldn't have been Johnny she may not have lived thru alot of her lies and physical abuse nature!! Some of us women would have loved to punch HER in the face to see how she liked it!! Totally one sided abuse from HER!! I don😮 get how the jurors could say they both were to blame!! WRONG SO WRONG!! OBVIOUSLY they didn't hear and see actual blame where it belonged!!! OMG Not even close to being both at fault!! All Heard hands down, the abuser!!!

  • @user-ww5ok2kj2x June 17, 2024

    Dr curry so if you would marry me top gun andrea Joe Roybal

  • @whitefawn01 June 17, 2024

    4:00 It's so funny that Amber was so desperate to get the jury on her side that she decided to dress like Jonny Depp!? 😂😂😂

  • @whitefawn01 June 17, 2024

    You can't say they both were abusive to each other, just don't group them together. Amber was the abusive one, im tired of these journalists saying THEY were abusive, not true!

  • @Jackson-pu7gd June 17, 2024

    i think the jurors really made the right call here, and all those advocating for victims rights should be angry at heard, not depp, not his layers, and not the jury. Amber heard is the one who did alot of damage to the 'me too' movement by making it clear that she was exploiting the movement in a vindictive manner to hurt her ex partner. Her insincerity was so obvious on many occasions.

  • @fatimaepes2828 June 17, 2024

    No, the WHOLE WORLD was not watching😂😂😂😂😅😅😅

  • @horse-lover68 June 17, 2024

    The little things called EVIDENCE!!!😂😂😂

  • @mala890 June 17, 2024

    "Her emotional testimony was not realistic." Because she's LYING!!!! Oh, and crazy too.

  • @slf5141 June 17, 2024

    It was so fake anybody could see it.

  • @ryanm666 June 17, 2024

    Disclaimer I don't think Depp is totally innocent since he is clear, I think their both guilty to some extent. However, a lot of what she said didn't match up with the evidence and the jurors saw that.

  • @nallelylral4075 June 17, 2024

    Abusers on drugs and alcohol dont see how much damage they can do to their partner. She looks straight at jurors to be heard. Its sad to hear she was faking her emotions. Sbe was bullied by the Depps lawyer like it was a joke.

  • @Rebecca-GLaines June 17, 2024

    I'm watching the new Netflix series, although I watched the ENTIRE trial.
    It reminded me of wondering wth the jury was thinking of this crap show by Scamber Turd.😅
    Amber starred at the jury because that's what you do when you audition for a part.
    You ACT for the people who may hire you, that's why it was so uncomfortable, they weren't directors 😂😂

  • @nazdsouza1381 June 17, 2024

    The TV show she was on was not Danish nor English. It was Dutch (the Netherlands) bloody Americans and their geography 😂

  • @kylemurray8230 June 17, 2024

    Real victims were watching the trial, we know one punch to the face. Makeup won't cover let alone a beating, She would of landed in the hospital..Seven beatings in one month, broken nose, flawless skin…She was around people all the time, no one seen a beaten face..Karma got her it the end..What sums up AMber..House Inhabit google it good article..

  • @Maan77777 June 17, 2024

    The thing is she did her best to make johnny do something impulsive and she was persistent to make him snap,
    Which she obviously did because just think,
    I she can creep out and bug the jurors in a few meetings,that to while the whole world is watching her actions,
    Think about what she could have done behind closed doors to make a gentleman like johnny depp to snap and act aggressively,
    I would surely have acted aggressively if someone left me with that creepy and nagging vile person for years

  • @bookwormchats June 17, 2024

    Um saying that Heard's team was constantly interrupting an actual fact it's the same for Johnny's team, specifically Camille Vasquez. I believe both Johnny and Amber had something.

  • @Digmer June 17, 2024

    My sister broke her nose when she got a nosejob, and it took her weeks for the dark bruising to dimish and months for the swelling to diminish. There is no way she could cover anything with makeup, at least not for several weeks.

  • @mikemrha9013 June 17, 2024

    AH, the proven in court to be a malious, defamatory liar. Evil personified. Don't be like Amber.

  • @edinburgmommy June 17, 2024

    Just goes to show how bad of an actress she is. And I use the word actress loosely 😂

  • @iriswoodhead6132 June 17, 2024

    Well we all thought that, she was the aggressor , she’s a bully, it’s right, you had to see the trial to believe it, she was and is the worst actress

  • @Chopper650 June 17, 2024

    turd is done… the NPD poster child eats it

  • @violetvixen493 June 17, 2024

    That assault case JD was sued for was bogus as well- it was staged from AH team- they had video showing JD never touched him- that's Y the dude settled out – he was scared of looking like a fool & Liar – like AH did

  • @juliadizazzo2803 June 17, 2024

    She is a. Evil spawn

  • @nancygarrett0000 June 17, 2024

    And all her supporters are clowns😂😂😂😂

  • @nancygarrett0000 June 17, 2024

    Any sane person can identify a liar nutjob! SCAMMER TURD IS A JOKE!😂😂😂

  • @ligidobastian9245 June 17, 2024

    The world needs more of these jurors

  • @asta_78 June 17, 2024

    not a UK or Danish tv show but a DUTCH tv show the name of the show is rtl late night

  • @frankhirsh7034 June 17, 2024

    The Witch got caught with all her Lies, really bad acting on the stand! 5 years of planning to Destroy Depp finally came full circle and bit her in the Ass! Truly a Sick and Demented, Twisted individual!!

  • @stephenfox8685 June 17, 2024

    If this was in a film, the acting would still be terrible. Funny thing is, this is the performance she'll be remembered for, over any of her real roles.

  • @lijie2511 June 17, 2024

    She does not dare to appeal.

  • @paulawerchowsky926 June 17, 2024

    Why can't the jury be recorded during deliberations?

  • @sofiaisabella3317 June 17, 2024

    I know this is potato potAto, especially for US people who think Europe is just one big island.. but the tv show she mentions pledged/donate. Camille said a Danish show, now it’s a UK show. It is Dutch. The Netherlands. The most important piece of evidence was talked about at length in a Dutch tv show. This sounds so odd. If you don’t know the country just say a tv show. You’re not gonna say a Chinese show when it was shot in Italy also now do you.

  • @coutoalberton3123 June 17, 2024

    They talk about the way she was talking . How about the fact that she was caught lying several times ?

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