A man who fancied himself the “unofficial sheriff” of a New South Wales coastal town has been sentenced to five years in prison for the death of a champion surfer. The individual in question, Grant Coleman, attacked and ultimately killed former professional surfer Chris “Davo” Davidson in a one-punch attack. Coleman, the younger brother of NSW Waratahs coach Darren Coleman, had inappropriately taken the law into his own hands, acting in his view as Davidson’s “executioner.”
The court heard that the fatal assault occurred outside South West Rocks Country Club on September 24, 2022. Coleman had called Davidson a “paedophile” after witnessing him speaking to a 19-year-old woman. The victim, Davidson, had been convicted in 2017 for indecent assaults on a minor. Coleman’s intense animosity for Davidson had driven him to act as he did and he evidently believed that his actions were vindicated.
Judge McGrath observed that Coleman saw himself as the “unofficial sheriff” of South West Rocks, presuming to decide who was, and who wasn’t, acceptable for the town. He further stated, despite the underlying sentiment being understood by many in the local community, Coleman’s action of effectively being an arbitrator and executioner was not justified by any means.
That evening at the country club, both Coleman and Davidson were present. Davidson had approached a 19-year-old woman and started to flirt with her. Upon observing this, Coleman, acutely aware of the potential danger Davidson posed to young women, intervened by shouting accusations at him. This led to a confrontation, with Coleman later waiting outside the club for Davidson, where he punched him once in the jaw, causing Davidson to fall and lose consciousness.
Coleman, who suffers from an acquired brain injury due to his rugby league-playing years, defended his actions by stating that he was intending to protect the community. He argued that his knowledge of Davidson’s past and the perceived immediate threat led to his impulse to react. The court acknowledged that Coleman’s brain injury led to significant impairment in his impulse control but maintained he had no right to act as he did. Davidson, whose left arm and shoulder were unusable due to a car accident, received immediate medical attention but died soon after in Kempsey Hospital.
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Do you think the sentence was fair? Im on the fence about it.
I believe the sentence was absolutely fair. Its important to uphold justice and accountability. If someone breaks the law, they should face the consequences. There should be no leniency when it comes to wrongdoing. Justice must prevail.
Do you think the sentence was too lenient for such a violent act?
Why do you think you have the right to dictate what punishment is appropriate? Maybe consider the complexities of the justice system before jumping to conclusions. Justice isnt always black and white.
Why is the justice system failing to properly punish violent offenders?
The justice system is a joke. Maybe if they spent less time worrying about petty crimes and more time locking up dangerous criminals, we wouldnt have to ask why violent offenders roam free. Its a disgrace.
This sentence seems too lenient for taking a life. Justice served or not?
Do you think the sentence was fair for the professional surfers killer?
Was the sentence tough enough for such a tragic loss? Justice served?
This is outrageous! The punishment should fit the crime. Justice system needs reform.
Why is the justice system so lenient on violent crimes like this?
I think the sentence should have been harsher. Justice not served properly.
Its crazy how one moment of anger can completely change someones life.