Ernst Julmé, also known as “Ti Greg” and presumed leader of the Delmas 95 gang, was killed on Thursday, March 21 in Delmas 66 during clashes with national police officers. The information was confirmed by the Haitian National Police in a Facebook post. Arrested in October 2021 on multiple charges, including murder, the notorious gang leader had escaped from prison on March 2, 2024, following an armed gang attack on the National Penitentiary. Ti Greg, a former police officer, is the second presumed gang leader to be killed this week, following the death of Makandal in the Bristou area near Delmas 95 during a police operation on Wednesday, March 20.
Ti Greg’s death marks another blow to the gang operating in the Delmas 95 area, known for its high levels of crime and violence. His status as a former police officer turned gang leader adds a layer of complexity to the situation, highlighting the challenges of combating organized crime within law enforcement ranks. His escape from prison after the attack on the National Penitentiary raised concerns about the security situation in Haiti and the power of the criminal elements within the country.
The killing of Ti Greg and Makandal in quick succession by national police units demonstrates a strong response to the growing threat of gang violence in Haiti. The targeted operations against gang leaders reflect a proactive approach by law enforcement to dismantle criminal networks and restore public security. However, the prevalence of armed gangs in the region indicates the deep-rooted nature of the problem, requiring sustained efforts from authorities to address underlying socio-economic issues fueling gang activity.
The involvement of former police officers in criminal activities, such as Ti Greg’s transition from law enforcement to gang leadership, sheds light on the challenges faced by Haitian authorities in maintaining integrity within the security forces. The overlaps between legal and illegal activities within the police force underscore the need for ongoing reforms and oversight to prevent corruption and infiltration by criminal elements. The deaths of Ti Greg and Makandal serve as a reminder of the complex dynamics at play in Haiti’s security landscape and the ongoing struggle to combat organized crime.
The successful operations against Ti Greg and Makandal represent a significant victory for the Haitian National Police in their efforts to contain gang violence and restore order in the affected areas. The elimination of high-profile gang leaders sends a strong message to other criminal elements about the risks associated with engaging in illegal activities. However, the broader challenges of poverty, inequality, and political instability in Haiti will require a comprehensive approach involving not only law enforcement but also social and economic development initiatives to address the root causes of gang violence and insecurity.
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Wow, did the police really have to shoot Ti Grèg or was there another way?
Do you think the police should have used non-lethal force instead?
If the suspect posed a threat to public safety or officers lives, lethal force may have been necessary. Its easy to criticize from afar, but split-second decisions are tough. Lets support our law enforcement in making difficult calls to keep us safe.
I cant believe they took him down, justice served or too harsh?
I cant believe they took him out like that, seems a bit extreme.
I cant believe they took him out like that. Whats your take on it?
Is this really justice or just perpetuating a cycle of violence?
Was the use of lethal force justified? Lets discuss this controversial topic.
Why does the police always resort to lethal force? Could there be other options?