July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

Man says killing of gay Jewish teen wasn’t hate crime; Dad who crashed family off cliff avoids jail

This Week on True Crime News The Podcast: An alleged killer with ties to antisemitic and homophobic groups takes the stand in his own defense, claiming that the slaying of his gay Jewish classmate was not a hate crime. Plus, a father who intentionally drove his family off a cliff avoids jail time after being granted a mental health diversion.

Phillip Hamilton joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Phillip Hamilton

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  • if y'all understood how many closeted self-hating homosexual men use neo-nzism as a cover for their sexual identity via performative masculinity, this case wouldn't be so weird to you.

    well, maybe he'll find a nice boyfriend in prison and realize its okay to be gay, and what he did was wrong against the man he killed and a crime against himself and all gays.

  • It's wild that Sam is the same age as Blaze. He looks 46 not 26. I guess hate will age you.

  • @jesusespinosa7258 July 3, 2024

    The closeted gay coulnt get his bussy so he killed him. Makes sence why he thinks its not a hate crime

  • @Buttfudgie July 3, 2024

    why the name change? hmmmm

  • @xxLisaJaynexx July 3, 2024

    It’s surely a hate crime regardless of WHY or the circumstances. What about him going on an app looking for a young lad and killing him for being Gay it’s just HATE! The way this poor boy was killed is shocking!!!! Pure EVIL x

  • @realryancooper July 3, 2024

    well x3

  • @Big74Mike2012 July 3, 2024

    @ 34:27 Really?? It was only by the "grace" of some invisible magic sky fairy that they survived?! This is supposed to be an educated ADULT human that has people's freedom/lives in his hands on a daily basis, yet here he is admitting to the entire planet that he thinks whatever magic sky fairy he was duped into believing in was the REAL reason they are alive, apparently not understanding the same non-existent deity allowed it to happen in the first place!!! FACEPALM
    Unfortunately, Ana also contributes to this nonsense later in the video (@ 49:22) that just reinforces the silly delusions of this guy and seems to also suggest that the same magical sky fairy that allowed this to happen will now be the same magical sky fairy that fixes it!
    It's all just so damn embarrassing!!

  • @user-sb1ds3is6e July 3, 2024

    Both defendants should be jailed for life! Their excuses are bogus…!

  • @Inziagold July 3, 2024

    Hate is coming from the gey priesthoods against Mama who produces life from seed NOT HIM!

  • I dont know what to believe anymore. AI or propaganda….

  • @d0peshow July 3, 2024

    "Sometimes when things are hard, you just build a kitchen sink."

    That quote helps me every day.

  • @ashL12321 July 3, 2024

    The death of Blaze is another unnecessary tragedy…."I am confused about my sexuality, this that or the other happened, I panicked (& thought the victim was going to out me)", should NEVER be a defense!!!!!!!

  • @TiggiTheWillful July 3, 2024

    I usually love your podcast Ana. However, the legal sphere is not the place to be looking for ‘help from a higher power’ or ‘grace from above’

    Leave that stuff in your bible and keep it out of legal discussions. Very disappointed and I certainly would not hire your guest to represent me, if he’s going to spout god bothering crap. Keep the legal process secular!

  • @SRR0247 July 3, 2024

    The wife and his family may want the Dr not to face any consequences but what say do the children have?? Who advocates for them? Do they not count? Women are being denied the right to an abortion (for any reason including emergencies), yet a man can attempt to k il l 2 children and he's not going to be charged or face any consequences?? … he's gonna get mental health assistance and live with his parents. What TF kind of double-standard is this??

  • @mpannett1 July 3, 2024


  • @RandC2 July 3, 2024

    Phillip Hamilton is my favorite of your guests. His empathy and compassion always shines, like Ana’s.

  • @nuckinfuts7610 July 3, 2024

    No disrespect, but Ana's PC is literally the only thing worthwhile on this channel.

  • @rebeccafriend4854 July 3, 2024

    Love Ana!

  • @TheRealDragonSwan July 3, 2024

    Just sad.

  • @TheRealDragonSwan July 3, 2024

    Disgusted and enraged by himself. I mean- come on.
    I understand you guys don’t want to feel bad, but…

  • @smoocher July 3, 2024

    How about ADD / ADHD? I was diagnosed with ADD. Does that give me a get-out-of-jail-free card to commit crimes?

  • @smoocher July 3, 2024

    I still don't get why people care who other have relationships with, or what culture or religion others identify with. Why does it matter? As long as people aren't intentionally hurting others and are only involved with adult humans, why care who people get jiggy with? Do people really have that much free time to obsess over others' personal lives? Mind your damn business.

  • @helenerichard4800 July 3, 2024

    Are his parents even safe ? He should be in a more secure place, ankle monitors mean nothing 😢

  • @tobiwalker7145 July 3, 2024

    Patel isn't a danger to society, not a sociopath, but somebody who drew his family into his psychosis. He needs treatment, not punishment. The children are too young to be told anything but "We had an accident." When they are older, it can be explained that "Daddy was sick and made a mistake." Kids understand "sick." If mom insists on pushing the narrative that "Daddy is evil and wants you to die" on young children, that exacerbates the trauma and does them no favors.
    The other fellow is a ticking time bomb. Hate rots you from the inside out.

  • @anjelinamatcha July 3, 2024

    I am livid that POS isn’t getting any jail time , are you kidding me ??? He tried to kill his family !!!! To keep confidentiality , I dealt with some of his and her healthcare after the crash and it was so sad and horrible to know what he did . Justice is not being served ….. I am in disbelief at this ..

  • @marivipalomino6975 July 3, 2024

    Hi Ana, I hadn’t seen you in a long time. Glad to see you! Love your show!

  • @samchic84 July 3, 2024

    The 2nd case. How many times have ppl done stuff like this n the victims don't wanna press charges but the state picks the case up anyway n gives them a life sentence. No state should be allowed to pick up any charges on behalf of the victims that don't want them pursued unless the victim is a minor or legally incapable of making their own decisions. All the money the tax payers would be saved would be astounding I bet.

  • @AnaGNews July 3, 2024

    We don’t know

  • @salhuds9739 July 3, 2024

    I'm not feeling thus podcast all I hear is a lot of excuses for these demons in human skin

  • @rolfsinkgraven July 3, 2024

    That guy that drove off a cliff was a murder suicide, attempt they lived, so attempt off murder off 3 ppl, conclusion Justice is blind.

  • @chicfini July 3, 2024


  • @chicfini July 3, 2024

    The only who doesn't get away with these lame excuses is BLACK PEOPLE., they can be crazy as a fox but they get the worst penalty for the same things others commit🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @KyraSchaeffer July 3, 2024

    Was someone actually driving the lamborghini?

  • @MariePotsPlants July 3, 2024

    The helicopter stunt is so dangerous considering how much damage a “gender reveal” gone bad did when a forest fire started and people lost their lives and homes in the exact same county a few years back. It was a bad fire and ca doesn’t need any threat of more fires.

  • The schools are educating our children to hate each other because of color or religion. The people of the United States need to get out and vote these gopes out of office. They are turning our children into murderers. They are teaching them to murder each other, because of color or religion. The schools are spreading hate through our children. And his parents we need to stand up and protect our children from being taught to hate people because of their color of their skin or their religion. When is parents going to be parents, instead of standing back. And letting the schools be the parents. Because if the parents haven't noticed, the government's that are run by gop's are doing their best to have our children going to school year-round. Are children used to be out for 3 months for summer vacation. Now they're out less than 2 months. Soon they will not have no break, from all the hatred, in school. That is being taught to them. Parents need to stop, allowing the government to take over their parenting. Because when you let the government take over your parenting. You are showing the rest of the country that you do not know how to parent or have no interest in parenting your children. Parents need to take more interest in their children, instead of allowing the schools to brainwash their children to hate others, for the color of their skin or their religion.
    The next thing that needs to be done away with is churches. Churches are dividing the whole world. All they stand for is hate and dividing the people. Teaching their followers that they are the chosen ones. When they have no clue who is the chosen ones. Bet they will give you this false sense of caring, when they do not care about you or your children. So wake up parents, before you have no control over your children. Because the GOP government has ever intentions to take your rights away as parents. To where they can bring wash your children.

  • @blondie9293 July 3, 2024

    I'm so tired of hearing people aren't competent enough to stand trial when they're competent enough to commit a crime. Biden isnt competent enough to stand trial but he's competent enough to be president???

  • Of course bringing up the holocaust, well looking on those lgbt activists on the streets and how they behave towards normal people, they are pretty hatefull to me. Lets say this straight, this case got so much attention because the victim was gay jew and his living greandma was the holocaust survivor. But that one sited because the jewish usualy bringing holocaust up but forgeting about palestine. Of course sad story but maybe doesnt have anything to do with being hateful towards jew gay. I suppose that case would not get soo much attention if the victim be christian straight boy.

  • I live a mile from where Blaze was found and have met his parents at various events. The community still has not healed. The park is frequented by many on a daily basis. This story is horrifying. This was absolutely a hate crime.

  • @Sikati85 July 3, 2024

    I missed you Ana. Welcome back. I don’t know how you remain loving, peaceful and kind with all those cases. Please share your secrets. I’m trying to stop watching True Crime because those case affect me so much.

  • @bdsaints1986 July 3, 2024

    Oh please! Everyone has Autism or ADHD these days. Just an excuse for bad parenting !

  • Why would the hate crime drag on so dam long the system knows it was Pure hate crime. They will come up with all kinds of B.S. lies to not lock certain People up.But when you out right murder someone your foot is already in hell even if the system don't do the victim justice time and karma will and it's real.

  • @edw8889 July 3, 2024

    That killer is what trump brought us with his hateful anti everybody

  • @SHUT-UP_MEG July 3, 2024

    If you arent J3wish
    Just uttering the word J3W is a hate crime

  • @keagant6613 July 3, 2024

    Autism isn't a mental illness its neurological!❤

  • @keagant6613 July 3, 2024

    People need stop using autism as an excuse for murder if your child is that special that he doesn't know right from wrong? His parents are at fault if hes so disabled. People with autism face enough. This man is just evil, autism has nothing to do with it.

  • @nocontextwhatever July 3, 2024

    Ana please please go on defense diaries podcast!!!! 💖

  • @jasonrogers8754 July 3, 2024

    How is the judge's ruling about the guy who tried to kill his family surprising to anybody when it was in California? Because California's justice system is the way it is I would not be surprised if the judge would rule a similar ruling regardless what the wife wanted.

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