July 5, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Nancy Pelosi Caught Red-Handed With Insider Trading

Nancy Pelosi’s husband bought millions in tech stocks as Congress works on legislation that would benefit industry. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband bought millions in tech stock as Congress works on legislation that would clearly benefit industry. Wow. You know, I saw this story and the, it, it’s almost as if the writer completely missed the point. Don’t you think? Tell, why don’t you set it up. Okay.
Yeah. You know, we got this story from Yahoo finance. They talk about, oh, you’ve got Paul Pelosi. He, he exercised options is the way they put it. He bought $5 million worth of stock, is what.
Yeah. Which is fine.
Right. But then they didn’t explain at all in this particular piece.
Yahoo finance, this is Yahoo finance.
Yeah. Why that matters? You know, why, why do I even care that you’re reporting that Paul Pelosi bought 5 million in Nvidia stock?
Well, the real reason that this Yahoo finance reporter forgot to mention is that Congress is considering legislation to boost semiconductor production in the United States.
Basically hand a ton of money over two companies like Nvidia that’s gonna benefit the people who own the stock.
Isn’t this what we’re talking about? Here’s a reporter that does a two page report, talks about Pelosi and his, Pelosi’s husband and selling, he sold 200 options, he, call options 20,000 shares, $5 million over the count. Doesn’t ever tie it up. Why the hell do I care? How about this? The guy goes out and sells and buys semiconductor stock the week before, oh, by the way, coincidence, that Nancy Pelosi is pushing through this bill that’s going to bolster production of semiconductors. I mean, it’s, how does a reporter miss that?
Right. I mean, that is the actual heart of the story. That’s why this matters. I don’t care about, you know, Paul Pelosi’s random stock purchases.
It doesn’t.
Tie it up to something that has to do with Congress and then it suddenly does become an issue here. And this absolutely is a big issue. I know Paul Pelosi is not in Congress, but his, his spouse here is running Congress.
She’s running Congress. She knows a vote’s coming up that’s going to put a ton of money into the semiconductor business. Hey baby, you know, what’s gonna happen next week? We’re gonna do this. Why don’t you go buy some stock? Nancy Pelosi of course, kicking and screaming says, I will not change the law that allows congressmen and congresswomen to trade shares. I, I’m just not gonna do it. And all of a sudden she’s caught red-handed. I, I haven’t heard an explanation. Nobody’s asked her the tough question, ma’am this is insider trading. If anybody else did that besides you, they would be in prison for insider trading. But you can do it? Really?
Yeah. And that’s the big problem with this, is she disclosed it on her financial forms. So she said, yep, here it is. It happened. I’m reporting it like I’m supposed to. And because she did that, there is no criminal penalty whatsoever.
And even if there were, it would only be a $200 fine for Pelosi’s husband.
It’s and announce, it’s an announcement, isn’t it? Isn’t it, Farron?
It, the announcement is this, I’m going to engage in insider trading. Since I’ve told you I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna be free to do it. If anybody else do it, did it, they’re gonna end up in prison. Wow.
Anybody outside of Congress.
Anybody out.
Because the rest of them can do it too.
Exactly. But, but, and she’s the one that’s fighting desperately to keep the right to be able to do that in Congress.
Well, and we have seen look, dozens and dozens. We’ve talked about this. It’s Democrats, it’s Republicans.
Oh, it’s.
It’s most of them.

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  • @Ianpact June 27, 2024

    Thank you, Mike and Farron.

  • @W1HURI June 27, 2024

    Im glad im northern european. Our goverments have 0% corruption.

  • @Bluenoser27 June 27, 2024


  • @smudent2010 June 27, 2024

    We used to have shadow mercenaries to take these people out for us

  • @TheAoperator June 27, 2024

    The house members did better than the top fortune 500 companies in the past 10 years

  • @sejen811 June 27, 2024

    All of the USA chip factories across the board are down in the NASDAQ, but somehow they always know which one to invest in and when.

  • @notj5712 June 27, 2024

    Wait, didn't he buy the stock before the vote has been made? Unless he has a time machine and knows how everyone in congress will vote, I don't see the problem… Doesn't everyone know that this vote is going to happen and can make the same gamble either way?

  • @LeonardGreenpaw June 27, 2024

    Can we replace that mummified corpse yet?

  • @b.r.fowler785 June 27, 2024

    Nancy should make this her last term as a US House Rep; don’t even consider reelection. Or, she should just resign on the spot. This ain’t cool, Democrat or Republican.

  • @anonymouslee2083 June 27, 2024

    Lock her up!

  • @maxtornogood June 27, 2024

    Doesn't even matter if they are red or blue, corruption comes naturally!

  • @mrbob459 June 27, 2024

    You guys are over-blowing this thing. I don't support Pelosi in this at all, but the bill has been getting a lot of publicity for two weeks as being a huge corporate handout and passing going to pass the senate with 98 votes. I would be more surprised if Pelosi DIDN'T make this investment. It's too public to call a trade at this point "insider". The stock has probably already been going up big-time for two weeks. He is behind the curve on this one, not ahead of it.

  • She should
    be in jail
    She is so evil

  • @R1GAMBLER June 27, 2024

    ☝🏻 corrupt PIG!

  • @forlindy12 June 27, 2024

    As if these politicians don’t get enough benefits from the government. When will it ever be enough for these politicians? Americans are hungry and homeless and here the politicians are taking in money hand over fist! It’s never about Americans,it’s about politicians enriching themselves.

  • @johnmcnulty4425 June 27, 2024

    Pelosi sucks. She is the one of the best voter turn out tools for Republicans and voter apathy among democrats.

  • @marielovegrove5085 June 27, 2024

    She deserves the same kind of outrage we felt for ginni Thomas a good for the goose good for the gander situation. She should be investigated for criminal behaviour

  • @jacktruhlicka750 June 27, 2024

    Heck they all do, how do you think they get their millions. I’m sure Trump has, as he has broken every law there is. Congress is suppose to work for the poor people, but are greedy and enrich their lives.

  • @pedronoa1973 June 27, 2024

    Corruption will end this country.

  • @michaeljoseph4592 June 27, 2024

    Big fucking deal. A sin for all is a see in for none.

  • @elyshahall7000 June 27, 2024

    I don't deny the corruption in congress, but if I had the money Id've bought that stock without insider info. It's been in the news since last yr that these chips were in short supply. Seems like smart business to me.

  • @larrymccafferty950 June 27, 2024

    They made a Big Deal out of this, but yet they keep the Mouth shut about MTG!

  • @howtofixamerica2486 June 27, 2024

    That whole situation you reported on it before it's crap nobody's calling her on it none of the press is saying anything to her the story is basically being buried out of January 6th committee which don't get me wrong is very important but this is been going on for 40 years and nobody's doing nothing to stop it

  • @ValensBellator June 27, 2024

    Lord am I getting sick of it with Pelosi. It gives republicans so much material to work with, even if the majority of “over-performing” congressmen are republicans. It’s unacceptable.

  • @makemeLoLnow June 27, 2024

    Money money money must be funny.

  • @theresagarcia4892 June 27, 2024

    I don’t think republicans or democrats should be able to trade stock when legislation is pending! All members of congress should have to put stock in a blind trust!

  • @stevehealy7504 June 27, 2024

    Self serving bastards

  • @stevehealy7504 June 27, 2024

    Capitalist corruption

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