July 3, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Navy cadet burned to death with hot iron by his bullies|Zulfarhan Osman Case


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  • Disgusting treatment of those innocent victims. . Justice delayed is justice denied.

  • @vijiakumari13 July 1, 2024

    So many prisoners are suffering in prison and no one can take action .whats happening in this country.

  • @HanSung-he2vv July 1, 2024

    I remember watching news… After, the court couldn't charge the punishment…. Those bangsat walking out from the court with high nose, with smiling faces… Shame of you…

  • @sunnni_ July 1, 2024

    This was extremely heartbreaking, how can you do that to someone and claim you "love them enough to not harm their face". Like what????? I'm so sick of these perpetrators getting a slap on the wrist for crimes they commit. These victims WILL NEVER come back while they are free to eat, live, breathe, think, etc.

  • @carolineross6474 July 1, 2024

    This is so sad!! Happened in My country Malaysia!! Arggg!!!

  • @ymattar July 1, 2024

    How ignorant can the doctor be to think burn marks were the result of military training?

  • @nanikore8420 July 1, 2024

    if only Death Note exist..

  • @peachesandlemons July 1, 2024

    I wonder why is it no one even check the rooms or went to him when the boys said that he is sick.And no one heard him scream bec of too much pain?

  • @Shez-dc3fn July 1, 2024

    was victim not conscious when he was taken to the dr? also i cant imagine other kids around his room not hearimg his cries and they did nothing..

  • @zerotodona1495 July 1, 2024

    This is not bullying.
    This is assault.

    Bullying is calling a fat person fatty

  • @April-dy2tn July 1, 2024

    My prayers to the parents and extended families. But what has happened to us as a community it’s so sad to see the lives impacted but why can’t we get these brutal acts to stop or have harsher punishments for the perpetrators.

  • @chrischin5454 July 1, 2024

    If this is Chinese all this news will be cover up nothing happen

  • The perpetrators came from an influential family.. that’s y the punishment is too lenient.. I remembered that all of the perpetrators came to the court all smiling for the camera.. it was disgusting.. and one of the perpetrators was apparently Zulfahan’s best friend. Makes me sick to the stomach.

  • @sodaa_daa July 1, 2024

    Thank you megan for covering this case. Had been request and waiting for you to cover for it.
    All Malaysian were still mad for the perpetrators

    1. They had the gut to tell the judge, as a friend, they love the victim 😭
    2. They believe a shaman who told them zulfarhan stole the laptop
    3. His mother said, she willing to pay the compensation for the laptop as long as her son is alive 😭

  • @arknessreapear4831 July 1, 2024

    I got 3rd degree burn in my arm from accidentally touch of gas stove. The pain is unbearable. I can't imagine the pain he went through from all those burnt.😢

  • @rcaang3484 July 1, 2024

    How can there be no intent. the fact that they burn and torture someone is enough to know that it could lead to death and instead of stopping they continue to torture him. Their not young and stupid to know for a fact torture leads to death everyone knows that.

  • I cried while watching this how could someone be that cruel 😭😢 I can't imagine the horror he had to go through😢 May his soul rest in peace 🕊️

  • @zu1200 July 1, 2024

    There's alsp another recent bullying case that caused the victim's death. The victim was close friend of my friend. I forgot what people call it but I usually just just call it the Kes Buli KV Sabah. Pretty new, happened this year

  • @esi8747 July 1, 2024

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  • @saaddiary July 1, 2024

    The college management wouldn't intervene, how would then young students turn into "Men" if they do?. The failure of a doctor operated under the same mindset. May Allah have mercy on both boys, be there for their families, and never forgive the bullies.

  • @luqmanalhakim8159 July 1, 2024


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