July 5, 2024
Sex Crimes

Obesity is not Beautiful




  • @Sketched_Crafts July 3, 2024

    The worst thing someone can get is support out of pity

  • @Starryyeyedkid1 July 3, 2024

    Bruh I can’t even focus on your video because that mask is triggering my trypophobia

  • @FancyMan420 July 3, 2024

    Kanye's thought on lizzo

  • @comancheviperrrr July 3, 2024

    I think she’s quite quite delusional and she really thinks that. I know I’m no prize winner but I don’t go around saying I’m God’s favorite either lol only someone who is extremely narcissistic and self-centered would say something so idiotic.

  • @Thekidisback1 July 3, 2024

    “Everyone is their own kind of beautiful!”

  • @lisavosdoganes4086 July 3, 2024

    ummm she can’t really help the she’s obese.. and maybe a lot of people don’t think that she’s pretty. I don’t think she’s pretty but she is beautiful just like everyone on this planet she is a beautiful and she also has a beautiful attitude so in my perspective she is beautiful ❤❤

  • @vasilepalade8089 July 3, 2024

    lizzo is a whale??? I don't say it to upset anyone, but in what way is that persona is beautiful???

  • @kittybobo805 July 3, 2024

    I can only imagine the hideous creature that hides behind the mask on this video

  • @TheBee_queen27 July 3, 2024

    Your just rude even if she is obeis she is still pretty just th whay she is

  • @lukaudovc6809 July 3, 2024

    Who tf is Lizzo

  • @ZephryaProductions July 3, 2024

    Women's say lizzy is buetful but get mad when compared?

  • @thomas232 July 3, 2024

    How is she getting away with all of those dancers who worked under her calling her out for being emotionally abusive, body shaming them, and being insufferable to work under? Not to mention the banana incident. 🍌

  • @AndromedonThanks July 3, 2024

    Covering your Face is wise. This is so incelion

  • Nobody talking about the fact she had the ego to call herself “gods favorite”

  • @shaymiller5744 July 3, 2024

    LEAVE BRITNEY AL…. sorry I mean

  • @Lovemybunnytt235 July 3, 2024

    A recently is not beautiful what's a beautiful is a skinny pretty girl with no with no skin problems

  • @stoneshorty July 3, 2024

    Lizzo is not sexy or beautiful…. But she is still God's child. I'll agree to that

  • She is beautiful. She needs to be healthier. Skinny is not the standard of beauty either. Beauty can found anywhere. Just because a woman doesn't want to look another woman doesn't mean the woman is ugly.

  • @Trapster July 3, 2024

    What is beauty?

  • @SirShitsAlot69420 July 3, 2024

    Rockin’ body?

    More like boulder body.

  • @captaintoad8519 July 3, 2024

    Why does bro have a damn keyboard on his face

  • @ibelieveinpeople July 3, 2024

    lizzo’s face is actually so beautiful but obesity isn’t good 😭😭 like i’m all for body positivity as long as you’re actively trying to improve yourself and get healthy?? it isn’t about looking good it’s about living a long and fulfilling life

  • Who is Lizzie?

  • @Barbs_Collectibles July 3, 2024

    I think people need to be happy where they are right now. But you still need to be striving to get better. Weight loss is hard. But being comfortable where you are right now, but making steps to lose weight us the way to go. It takes a long time to gain weight and it's going to take some time to loss it.

  • Why are you hiding your face

  • Wait a second I hate the fact how Lizzo is saying that I would never bully anybody for their fatness and then she literally bullied her back up dancers💀

  • @steppy3736 July 3, 2024

    Lizzo is beautiful. But, her arrogance makes her less so.

  • @Yowai.mo.bakayaro July 3, 2024

    I said that to my friend and she took it 100% as a compliment and smiled. So try harder please.

  • I mean lizzo she eats heathly but that doesn't exuse her bodyshaming her employees when shes built like a tire

  • @tigernotwoods914 July 3, 2024

    Here’s the funny thing. Women will say Lizzo is beautiful and say Lizzo looks amazing and say her body is great but if you tell a woman, she looks like Lizzo oh, then that’s it. It’s game over all of a sudden it isn’t anymore.

  • @annabell2147 July 3, 2024

    Bro is prophet D. Goat

  • I mean shes got a good face ig😂😂😂

  • @Crooked60 July 3, 2024

    Who cares

  • @user-nc5hb6cz4r July 3, 2024

    Emotions and being social are what's beautiful.

    A father teaching his son to fish? Beautiful
    A mothers love to a child? Beautiful

    My opinions that If someones got heaps of acne or is overweight 99% of the time probably they have an ugly personality and don't maintain themselves, If they just wash their face every time they wash their hands I doubt they would have any acne.

  • This is hateful cap 🧢 if someone told me I was as pretty as Lizzo I’d take it as a compliment 😂

  • @MrPitbull1221 July 3, 2024

    lizzo doesnt have ocd she has obcd

  • @jadenandrews6551 July 3, 2024

    I feel like, you’re missing the bigger picture of how beauty and attraction works among people. Just because you do not think she’s beautiful does not mean other people are lying. And if someone gets offended by you comparing them to Lizzo, it’s because they know that you do not find her attractive/beautiful. And I’m definitely of the opinion that Fat ≠ Ugly… yes you can be fat and ugly but they are not synonymous. Lizzo is a very beautiful woman who’s also fat

  • @jfkj587 July 3, 2024

    4 letters

  • @Kordell_11 July 3, 2024

    If you could be thin by pressing a button, any fat person would press that

  • @Labrynthetic July 3, 2024

    When doctors say you need to lose weight, are they fat shaming?

  • @Adnelos July 3, 2024

    Nahhhh, let the ugly one be defined as hot and beautiful, cause then when society's view of beauty changes .
    We can hit for tge "ugly" ones

  • @gold4749 July 3, 2024

    Sorry, clogged artiries, low mobility, overeating, dying in 30 years is not beautiful

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