July 3, 2024
Sex Crimes

Only Two Men Convicted After 1,200 Sexual Assaults In Cologne (HBO)

Heavy security is expected in Cologne during this year’s New Year’s celebrations, following last year’s multiple assaults on mainly women celebrating in front of the cathedral and the station. The 2015/2016 New Year’s Eve celebrations in several German cities were rocked by a wave of sex attacks and assaults. The worst were centred on Cologne. It’s estimated up to 1200 women were assaulted and 2000 men were involved. Milene Larsson travels to Cologne to speak to victims and the authorities, to try and find out what really happened, and why some events weren’t made public for days.

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  • @VICENews June 28, 2024

    While celebrating the New Year 2016, there was the mass sexual assault of 1,200 women by as many as 2,000 men. WATCH NEXT: http://bit.ly/2j9YLBm

  • @ivanjugovic346 June 28, 2024

    Religion of peace

  • @joedoe783 June 28, 2024

    Now we have the AFD getting closer to power. You see how it works?

  • @mizzou1016 June 28, 2024

    Lmao take that you liberal cykas.

  • @hamlet557 June 28, 2024

    The men who weren't convicted are now GERMAN CITIZENS.
    Well done Germany, now the Mohameds will be free to travel around EU and they we can't even deport them.

  • @eb6552 June 28, 2024

    We hear Germany wants to recruit boys and girls for war. Tell me something why woúld women and girls want to fight for a country that treats criminals better than her most vulnerable. It's a sign of a dying country and is not acceptable nor good enough.

  • @mcsegeek1 June 28, 2024

    The german people are fully capable of ridding themselves of the violent islamic invasion that's destroying not only their country but all of europe. They need to get to it, since it's plain that their government could not care less.

  • @johnpacella9519 June 28, 2024

    Mass acceptance of refugees is a huge mistake.

  • @johnpacella9519 June 28, 2024

    The refugee spokesman is obviously lying.

  • @jamesjames9193 June 28, 2024

    'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  • @tonyclack5901 June 28, 2024

    Same responce from the wet cowardly police in the UK over the hamas marches in London. Mess their own country up and like the weak UK government, they are welcomed in and have the same benefits I have worked and paid in for over 50 years for and now I cannot access the services my forefathers and mothers worked to create. It is theft plain and simple and our traitorous government orchistrated this.

  • @tangocharlie9291 June 28, 2024

    Vice 2024: “The women asked for it. GO PALESINEZ!”

  • @adamcfada5071 June 28, 2024

    These migrants come from countries where there are strict judicial systems that use beatings and beheadings. They don't see Western prisons as much of a deterrent.

  • @Eric-steele June 28, 2024

    Frau Merkel and her leftist hippy buddies multicultural dream. I hope they are proud of the nightmare they created. I really wanted to visit Germany one day now i think ill pass. Hopefully they'll get a real leader again one day.

  • @ikke2757 June 28, 2024

    The same overhere in the Netherlands. Everybody overhere loves our Moroccan young men. Accountability is like kryptonite to some communities.

  • @IsabellaMoss-oj June 28, 2024

    These men are liars and defending the indefensible.

  • @SocialPrime June 28, 2024

    "It didn't really change my attitude towards refugees at all" – Assaulted girl

    When the universe tries to teach you a lesson and you don't take that lesson then you deserve the consequences of your terrible choices.

  • @albertinsinger7443 June 28, 2024

    The Far Right will come up in Europe. But if the Far Right cannot restore society, something much worst will come after that. The socialists have made a mess of Europe.

  • @BUDDY-c2w June 28, 2024

    German women fear Islamics may sexual assault them on German streets. Is this causing ISLAMAPHOBIA?

  • @BigEightiesNewWave June 28, 2024

    Hooligans were not vetted. Only people in REAL dire need, meeting criteria should be let in.

  • @BigEightiesNewWave June 28, 2024

    Adopt the Danish system world-wide.
    Certainly! Denmark's approach to immigration and refugee policies reflects its unique context and priorities. Let's delve into some key points:

    1. **Selective Immigration**:

    – Denmark has indeed implemented a selective immigration policy, emphasizing specific criteria for entry.

    – Concerns about security, cultural compatibility, and economic impact play a significant role in shaping these policies.

    2. **Points-Based System**:

    – Denmark's immigration system employs a points-based approach. Prospective immigrants earn points based on factors such as education, language proficiency, work experience, and age.

    – This system aims to attract skilled workers who can contribute to the country's economy and society.

    3. **Refugee Acceptance**:

    – While Denmark is cautious about accepting refugees, it does provide humanitarian aid and temporary protection.

    – The country's stance reflects a balance between humanitarian obligations and practical considerations.

    4. **Integration Efforts**:

    – Denmark emphasizes integration programs to help newcomers adapt to Danish society.

    – Cultural compatibility and language proficiency are essential for successful integration.

    5. **Public Perception and Debates**:

    – Public opinion varies. Some Danes support strict immigration policies, while others advocate for more inclusive approaches.

    – Debates center on finding the right balance between compassion and pragmatism.

    Remember that immigration policies are complex, and each country tailors its approach based on its unique circumstances. 🌍🇩🇰

  • @bakugo8971 June 28, 2024

    Islamophobia in Germany 🤬🤬🤬

  • @AsifAnsari-vn5bh June 28, 2024

    No to Arab ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔

  • @matthew1355 June 28, 2024

    The truth is the authorities have no idea who is in the country. They could have fingerprints, photograph and DNA and still couldn't find the offenders. Happening throughout Europe. Criminals are seeking asylum and effectively been given a fresh start as far as convictions are concerned. Our politicians have let us down.

  • @Applycommonsense June 28, 2024

    Oh no , Islamic republic of Germany open flood gates to radical Islam and Islamic Trojan horses. Germany is doomed and Christianity , peace , prosperity is destroyed.
    Radical Islam ruined germany and Europe at large

  • Deport them all. All these are invaders! They are here to stir trouble. Damage your economy. Brainwash your people. Protect your country! Protect your children, Protect your people!

    They are not there to adapt… they are there to change to their own Islamic state!

    Remember, they can curse you, say you, attack you, punch, kick, do whatever they want to you.

    BUT you can't!

    They will scream islamphobic and the media will protect them.

  • @PedroSilva-vb3h June 28, 2024

    Germany is gone

  • @johnceena3127 June 28, 2024

    But we should import more migrants

  • @RajAdams June 28, 2024

    Stupid Europe!!!! wake up, the Islam taking over the world!

  • @RajAdams June 28, 2024

    Protect Europe from Muslim Invasion!

  • @parckyparcon2183 June 28, 2024

    Cologne poloci weak!!!

  • @Gamla123 June 28, 2024

    Islam is a curse on humanity. It always was, starting with their "prophet". If the West wants to remain free we need to get rid of this bleight.

  • @ravichandel8690 June 28, 2024

    democraxy useless

  • @TechCrazy June 28, 2024

    They like their women covered up head to toe, while the others are up for grabs? Hypocrisy at its best.

  • @margaritayavila7455 June 28, 2024

    BS, those countries don't respect women and the whole world knows it!!

  • @louisefun3095 June 28, 2024


  • @fredpettitt June 28, 2024

    Disgusting how this is happening without repercussions

  • @thin_27 June 28, 2024

    Know this all that was immigrants and mainly Muslims😮

  • @painkiller3088 June 28, 2024

    Islam is offended by everything, but ashamed of nothing. The prophet is a pedo, and promotes child marriage.

  • @commonman4835 June 28, 2024

    Shameful, im an indian, now europeans will know what we have been facing from muslims

  • @IbrahimMuhammad_114 June 28, 2024

    A decade later — Auslander raus

  • @JAPAN.TOUR1 June 28, 2024

    I can tell in head 🗣️ who is african or not but it doesn't mean all are bad just arrest the one who does crime and who doesn't work return them back 🔙 to their country its simple question…tunisian also return back them no asylum no refugee for them for Morocco also no war so return them back only those who can effort to work and live

  • @koftasam June 28, 2024

    And they say why you hate islam .

  • @StEvEn-md8ez June 28, 2024

    Those 2 Sure were Busy . avr. 600 .

  • Ok it happened once on such a scale and it was extremely public, right in the midst of the information hybrid war. The di*heads who commited these certainly deserve jail time the least, but the obviousness of it to me smells like some money have been thrown from Russia to agitators. Russia send the waves of refugees with their actions in Syria and then tried to underline EU leadership by blaiming leaders for taking the refugees. There have been one public case of r*pe that was fake and spread by Russian media, even protest was organised. I am sure that many of these single guys coming from sexually repressed conservative societies are capable of assaulting women, especially after few drinks that are not allowed in their culture normally. But this to me seems way top obvious, coordinated and public. I bet the swastika waving groups who were active after that, have some donations from Russian shell companies too. These kinds of fiascos plus loads of Russian bots and trolls gave us brexit, Trump and destabilized the west enough, so their special military operation can happen, while we are in chaos.

    I might be wrong and it might have happened spontaneously, but my gut feeling is that there is organised agitation.

    Alwful for the victims. Wish all the attackers can be locked away forever.

  • @velofake9812 June 28, 2024

    Muslim and Islam ☪️

  • @garystevens8598 June 28, 2024


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