A violent incident disrupted operations at the Department of Infrastructure, Ports, and Transport (DIPT), according to Lenita Joseph, the Permanent Secretary of the Division. The incident occurred on Wednesday and Joseph confirmed it in an official statement issued on Thursday. The disruption was caused by a customer’s attempt to process a change of ownership transaction. The issue emerged from discrepancies between the information provided by the customer and that stored in the Department’s Licensing and Registration Database.
The customer reportedly insisted on implementing the change based on the documents he presented. However, when this was not allowed, he resorted to violence, causing significant damage to the premises by smashing his fist through a glass window. The aftermath of the incident shows a broken window temporarily patched with cardboard.
The incident has reportedly left the staff of the DIPT traumatized, underlining the importance of adhering to proper procedures to maintain safety in such institutions. This episode has underscored the need to follow correct guidelines and avoid any potential disruptions or threats to staff safety at public service departments.
“The Department wants to remind the public that transactions can only proceed lawfully with the submission of correct and appropriate documents,” Joseph emphasized in her statement following the incident. “The use of force to influence changes in the database entries is not beneficial to anyone. We encourage our customers to use the online platform to minimize inconvenience during this time,” she added.
Following this incident, the Department will remain closed on March 21 and 22 to address the damage and investigate the issue. Authorities are currently investigating the matter. Despite the unwanted disruptions, the Department of Infrastructure, Ports, and Transport urges the public to maintain decorum, follow proper procedures, and value the safety of public servants.
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Is this the new normal? Concerned about safety measures at Department of Transport.
Safety measures at the Department of Transport have always been a priority. If youre concerned, why not reach out to them directly for clarification instead of assuming the worst? Its important to stay informed and proactive rather than jumping to conclusions.
Do you think the Department of Transport should implement stricter security measures now?
Absolutely, stricter security measures are necessary to ensure the safety of all passengers. The Department of Transport must prioritize this issue to prevent any potential threats. Safety should always be the top priority, no compromises.
Do you think this incident will lead to increased security measures?
I doubt it. Theyll probably just sweep it under the rug like always. Security theater at its finest. Dont hold your breath for any real change.
Is it time for increased security measures in transportation operations? #safetyfirst 🚔
Do you think better security measures could prevent future incidents?
Better security measures are important, but lets not forget the root causes of these incidents. Addressing underlying issues like inequality, mental health, and systemic violence is just as crucial. Prevention requires a holistic approach, not just increased surveillance.
Is this a sign of increasing safety concerns in the transportation sector?
Could this incident have been prevented with better security measures in place?
Do you think stricter security measures are needed at the Department of Transport?
Do you think increased security measures are needed at Department of Transport?