July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Option Block 686: Bridging the ETF-Options Divide

Trading Block: Earnings!

• Monday: Netflix

• Tuesday: Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Travelers, Verizon

• Wednesday: GE, United Technologies

• Thursday: Caterpillar, 3M, Intel (Caterpillar doing crazy volume today – over 130k contracts on the tape.) Netflix, Intel and Starbucks.

Odd Block: Size near-term put sales in (NWL). Crazy move sparks crazy volume in (MNKD). Size short call roll in (SAN).

Strategy Block: Mike Tosaw discusses his most recent SPY trades

Mail Block: Options questions of the week

Since we’re down at #InsideETFs this week we thought we’d make our #Options #QOTW about #ETFOPTIONS. Quite simply – what is your favorite ETF/ETP #option to trade?

• $SPY

• $GLD

• $VXX

• Other (reply w/answer)

Bitcoin #Futures are currently trading around $11,500. If #Options existed, how would you trade them? Assuming one-month to expiration would you…?

• 27% – Buy 5% OTM Call

• 32% – Buy 5% OTM Put

• 16% – Sell 5% OTM Covered Call

• 25% – Just Short The Future

Around the Block: Economic Reports This Week

• Jan 26: GDP, Durable Goods


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