July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Option Block 769: Fed Doesn’t Care About Volatility


Fed raises rates again – hints at slower raises to come, but not enough for the markets. Chair Powell pretty much says the Fed doesn’t need to respond to Trump or the market.

Most active:

SPY – 3.54M (ADV 3.72M)

VIX –  177k (584K ADV)

Earnings Highlights:

Thursday – Conagra, Nike

Friday – Carmax







Tesla put summary

Call love in (PG)

Call love in (EXEL)

Put love in (GNW)







#Options #QOTW – Which upcoming #Volatility product are you most excited about trading in 2019? Or are you content to stay with the original despite lingering issues?


– #Realday/ #RealVol

– #Voldex/ #Skewdex

– I’ll stick with $VIX


Comment from StockCats – 6 trading days left in the year…

Comment from TinSoldier – RE: Disney – Stock buybacks are not happening, but you have to be blind not to see future growth in every business segment(media, parks, studio)

Comment from Danny_Desert – RE: Disney – I can give a couple trillion why it won’t.

Comment from Koopus – Recent market jolts is when fake & bloated stocks like TSLA will race to the bottom!

Comment from PaulDrew2006 – Uncle Mike’s comment that this is a market for crazy people – Not really, smart people will be buying a sale

Comment from Scott Somer: 10,000 Jan 18th $XLF 22 puts have traded….$SPY STILL has 5 dollar expected move in Dec 21 cycle.








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