July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Police Clearing School with k9. Potential Burglary.

This video is a short educational video on how the police tactically go through a school.

These Bellingham Police clear a school, alarm going off with a potential burglary.

note: This channel takes no legal liability in the content of this video.



  • @IllIlIIIlllIIlI July 4, 2024

    They need more CQB work in my opinion

  • @paz_3450 July 4, 2024

    Those dogs are Ass**les

  • @esotericvv1244 July 4, 2024

    remember always keep a knife on you for the dogs if for some reason you find yourself in a situation and they have a dog they will usually first try to release the dog so find cover and bring the dog to you and dispatch it quickly while behind cover the neck is a easy target and if you can allow it to just bite your leg so you have a easy opportunity

  • @esotericvv1244 July 4, 2024

    4:25 notice that on the wall lol yeah… it's a school alright

  • @TheGlowUpAffect July 4, 2024

    why do you not bunch up near doorways? just a little curious

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