July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Rally for street vendor turns contentious in Woodland Hills

Jennifer McGraw reports for the KTLA 5 News at 10 on May 7, 2022.

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  • @oaktaylor7400 June 16, 2024

    Deport Alex

  • @gregtuttle7974 June 16, 2024

    Hey where’s Edin now in jail where he belongs. Deportation happening soon after prison.

  • @perrymcmillan2099 June 16, 2024

    as a whole thy need to get out the country.thr reason why noone can drive more then 5 miles a hour in the state cause to many out of towners around

  • @mexdrgagon June 16, 2024

    The instigator News Strikes again 🤦

  • @jonmacdonald5345 June 16, 2024

    The Vendor is fully licensed and bonded by the city correct??

  • @RandomFandom1 June 16, 2024

    The clip of the overturned table was actually a case of a criminal vendor threatening people

  • @MrDinger60 June 16, 2024

    So glad I moved out of LA.

  • @donaldtrumpjr2132 June 16, 2024

    He's an illegal so he has no business being here

  • @donaldtrumpjr2132 June 16, 2024

    Harassing a homeowner

  • @donaldtrumpjr2132 June 16, 2024

    Filthy illegal selling fruit

  • @geckomcgraw2692 June 16, 2024

    All the B roll was black folk

  • @gregfalco4528 June 16, 2024

    You know, if someone assaults you first, you are allowed to defend yourself.

  • @sterlingarcher9560 June 16, 2024

    I love that the community came together

  • @imbackdoe7395 June 16, 2024

    I’d rather have street vendors over “onlyfans” daughters making easy money! 👿😡

  • @kh485 June 16, 2024

    Um, don’t we have zoning laws that are enforced? I don’t like this man’s actions with an axe but, vendors need to follow the laws. I wouldn’t want my neighborhood looking trashy with unregulated vendors selling unhealthy food.

  • @soultekkamusic115 June 16, 2024

    Mexicans holding up American values better than Americans 😎

  • @lvbadboy June 16, 2024

    Street vendors don’t have a right to be there

  • @carloshuertas7385 June 16, 2024

    He did it again, guys. Go check out the news. What are we gonna do?

  • @10-10- June 16, 2024

    Get your story straight he didn't move here he came illegally across our border he broke our laws I'm siding with the homeowner deport all illegal immigrants who have broke the law..

  • @sunnyvangloria2084 June 16, 2024

    its Healthy fruit 🍑 🙂 better than selling drugs on my neighbors areas

  • @xpy1 June 16, 2024

    They should go

  • @xpy1 June 16, 2024

    Don’t they understand street vendors make a city and neighborhood look bad

  • @bryanboatwright1671 June 16, 2024

    Disgusting how a single person can cause so many issues and walk away with impunity.

  • @yingnyang June 16, 2024

    I wouldnt want people setting up tents and selling food in front of my home either.

    Why don't the people invite the guy to setup in front of their own home!
    They don't pay taxes!

    He can't be violent but I understand his frustration

  • @joedawg713 June 16, 2024

    Thats why I never feel bad when a racist gets their jaw broke. It's a benefit to society when racists are beaten back into their hole.

  • @josephfdent June 16, 2024

    At 1:04, did someone put a flower in the perv's head 🤣😂 Pure comedy 🤣

  • @josecfish5297 June 16, 2024

    These vendors need to start by paying taxes and selling food legit with a food permit that’s the real problem!

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    The world is already messed up as it is with all of this

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    The odd reality is it’s like Mexico trying to get there right in America someone can agree and disagree

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    And white people also think there always entitled and get everything first but I guess in this world it’s like weird with Mexican American

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    Also anyone has a right to call immigration Mexicans just get offended by that but they are in America

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    If your coming down from TJ to LA that means alot tho that is a lot of miles between the two

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    But this is the race world we live in just everything based off of race

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    Mexicans are hella racist tho sometimes they don’t got respect and that’s a same for an American

  • @JRdubs June 16, 2024

    Tbh there should be a mutual respect between both if we are United States of America a lot of people out here do immigrate from TJ and Mexico down south so feels like things from south comes up north to LA

  • @techreviewz87 June 16, 2024

    That's pretty bold – he's illegally in the country, as was insinuated, so to put yourself on TV – once ICE sees it – even if they sympathize, they'll auto deport him. The cart issue is annoying, and shouldn't escalate. That neighbor was clearly in the wrong. That is something for Immigration to handle, not him, if he feels a violation is in progress.

  • @zoltarzoltar4199 June 16, 2024

    Ah ! the good ole melting pot hahahahahaahahahahaaha

  • @MouseCIick June 16, 2024

    We can’t even help ourselves. Are we in any position to help outsiders that will probably retired back on their own home country.

  • @MH-zg5yw June 16, 2024

    I remember when the City of LA used to crack down on vendors in the 90s. Now it's a free for all. Vendors should not be allowed in residential neighborhoods. If I pay money for home I don't want street vendors or any nonsense on in the neighborhood. It's an eyesore and attracts the wrong type of people. I saw it start near CSULA on a residential street. started with one vendor selling hot food and it attracted a large number of people, the a lot of small time drug dealing started taking place. It doesn't happen all the time, but it opens the door to the possibility.

  • @zachblundeto7137 June 16, 2024

    My little brother got food poisoning from these vendors🤪

  • @zachblundeto7137 June 16, 2024

    I support the homeowner. 🤪

  • We have wealthier and nicer neighborhoods in Orange County with fruit vendors. So far they’re pretty chill. For a moment I thought the old fart was in some nice area. Anacrime looks better than this “residential area” lmao

  • @ThatCarGuy June 16, 2024

    Im on the guys side here. Im all for protesting, but if you come with a mob outside my house, blocking the path, pushing me, I will shoot you. My safety means more to me then your life, just like vice versa. Hope he ends up suing the cops for false arrest.

  • @ellisthejerk8018 June 16, 2024

    "We are literally being racist and harassing vendors every day"- LeSKINHEAD Always harassing people every day James

  • @newvilla8115 June 16, 2024

    ABOLISH PROP 13, GENERATIONAL WEALTH: Long time home owners (mainly white) barely pay taxes because of prop 13, welfare for the rich: ABOLISH PROP 13.

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