July 5, 2024
Sex Crimes

Rape of 10-year-old fuels abortion rights debate

A 10-year-old girl traveled from Ohio, where most abortions are illegal after six weeks, to Indiana to get an abortion after she was raped. The girl’s case sparked international attention after President Biden made reference to it as he signed an executive order to protect access to abortions. Elaine Quijano reports.

#abortion #news

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  • I'm pro life, but it's not easy being that. It was hard for me to reject this abortion. With standards, the ugly must also be accepted. I feel terrible for the girl, though.

  • @shannane5171 July 2, 2024

    This is why I stopped being prolife. Prolifers told me children should carry babies if raped 🤬🤬

  • @vickieself4762 July 2, 2024

    Most people would consider me conservative/republican but regarding abortion, I do not support it but do believe that it is totally unacceptable to have a total ban on abortions. Pregnancies caused by rape and incest should be allowed in every single state, PERIOD. I do not support unrestricted abortions, however, it sadens my heart to think of a young girl being forced to carry and have a baby because they were raped at a very young age. It's heartbreaking for me to imagine my daughter having to go through that further robbing her of her actual childhood. NO republican or anyone else can argue a valid point to justify banning totally with no exception for extreme and rare cases.

  • @fishhuntadventure July 2, 2024

    This is a baloney story. Not because it isn’t true but because the typical abortion is a method of birth control which is a disgusting moral travesty.
    The overturning of Roe Vs Wade is about constitutional state’s rights, neither about morality nor appropriateness of medical intervention in cases such as this.

    One has to be psychotic to relate ‘abortion rights’ with this case.

    In my opinion we will be much better off if ‘we’ wind up with states fashioning laws that prevent performing abortions as a method of birth control but allow discretionary, compassionate leeway in these situations.

    But we don’t get to have intelligent, compassionate conversations because “my body my choice” advocates conveniently don’t address abortion as a means of birth control. Rather, they coldly want to lump every situation together with a blind eye to the implications of murdering babies, or that numerous other methods exist to avoid pregnancy in the first place. Which supports the concept of unbeneficial behaviors being supported due to lack of consequences.

  • @fallon-may0935 July 2, 2024

    Let’s not use her as a fuel for any argument, she needs therapy and the rapist needs to be in jail

  • @smokeygats1651 July 2, 2024

    Trump didnt lose lol

  • @TheTuesday11 July 2, 2024

    Let’s talk about the “poor mom” whose boyfriend raped this little girl. Then this poor mom took her daughter out of state to have an abortion in hopes of protecting her boyfriend. Let’s talk about this. This little girl n Ed’s to be removed from her mother, who tried to protect her boyfriend after he raped a 10 yr old little girl.

  • @mrasmussen90 July 2, 2024

    How is it not child abuse to force a 10 year old to carry this pregnancy? How is it not siding with the pedophile??

  • If abortion becomes illegal in the US. Everyone who voted against it has to adopt a child . Period

  • @dovahbear0 July 2, 2024

    1, illegal immigrant
    2, rape
    3, 10 yr old (pedophle)
    4, would have been legal to abort but mom didn't want to report her boyfriend so went to a different state.

  • @tarynmerritt7437 July 2, 2024

    People are more concerned about the unborn than the ones who are actually born and ones even in the system. Where’s voices for them. Never hear it. But this people want to. Take more consideration for the children who are already suffering before bringing in more to suffer.

  • @colton3999 July 2, 2024

    Pro-life and yet they wanted to put at risk the life of a child. People r bizarre

  • @tomroach6275 July 2, 2024

    Why didn't CBS mention the filthy rapist is an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT?!? Mr. President, PLEASE close the borders!! PLEASE!!

  • @gotherecom July 2, 2024

    "If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days" – Deuteronomy 22: 28-29

  • She was raped by an illegal immigrant, he was arrested for rape earlier and he was let out of jail and he raped his 10 year old no one says that

  • @-SANDMAN- July 2, 2024

    I don't get it. So…a 10-year-old girl can't travel from one state to another? I thought 10-year old girls (and boys) travel from state to state for all kinds of reasons, every day.

  • Pregnancy in a ten year old is life threatening.this young girls life priority.raping a ten year old can cause internal massive bleeding and death and if the girl survives,life long irreversible damage and infertility is the result
    I am shocked and appalled that the United States has returned to the stone age, horrifying and shameful

  • @peterpam5479 July 2, 2024

    This little girl was raped by an illegal in their facility! Why didn't Brandon report that!

  • @elenaluca8941 July 2, 2024

    This just shows how dumb society can be sometimes. SHES 10! SHE IS STILL LEARNING MULTIPLICATION! NOT HAVING A CHILD! It isn't only bad for clients, its also making people lose their jobs… Trump or Biden..?

  • @johndough2523 July 2, 2024

    If you were raped why tf would you wait for a baby to grow inside you before you decided to do something about it?

  • @imageno2293 July 2, 2024

    The Republican Party platform:
    Government mandated pregnancies for 10yo

  • @kommisar. July 2, 2024

    How come there is more moral outrage over this girl having to travel to another state to get an abortion than there is in the fact that this rapist was in the country illegally? Democrats want to keep the open border they've created out of the headlines!

  • @montithered4741 July 2, 2024

    More than 50 religious groups sought to make this clear to the high court last year, filing a friend-of-the-court brief explaining religious traditions have various views of when life begins, affirm a woman's "moral right" to decide when to terminate pregnancy and stand by "the importance of ensuring reproductive choice for women in marginalized communities who are disproportionately harmed by the ban."

    "By prohibiting abortions beyond 15 weeks gestation, the Ban precludes women from making that choice in accordance with their own moral, spiritual, and religious beliefs, which this Court has recognized as a constitutional right,"

  • @ageis3250 July 2, 2024

    I cant get over how sadistic pro life are. They literally wanted to force this 10 year old girl into giving birth so the child she gives birth too can suffer…Its so sadistic how pro life really are. This unborn child that got aborted was BOUND to suffer in this awful world. This 10 year old saved this child from being born and I am glad because now this 10 year old can get the help she needs and find healing. Anyone who wanted this 10 year old to give birth is a sadistic monster. These freaks that claim they are pro life dont actually care about this unborn child. They wanted this child born so he can suffer and they are mad because thats not happening. SOOOOO THANKFUL she got an abortion. Poor kid. Pro Life only care when you are not born. Once your born they dont care what happens to you because their main objective is make sure unwanted children are born so they can go through pain and depression. This unborn child was spared. And I will always be happy knowing that fact. 🙂 And I am also happy for this 10 year old so she can move on with her life.

  • @nealrcn July 2, 2024

    Just some conspiracy theories. So remove the right to do what women what to do with their bodies.
    1. The real reason they did this is to increase the population because the birth rate is averaging 19.5 babies per 1000 families. In 1950 it was 37 babies per 1000. In 2050 it is projected to be 14.4 babies per 1000.
    In 2050 birth and death rates are approaching parity.
    2. The young lady wants an abortion but has to travel outside the state or country. The Gov implements laws to stop young lady from traveling outside the state while pregnant. 20 year's later Men who want an operation to remove the ability to have babies. State then block all freedom of movement.

  • @dandonovan2858 July 2, 2024

    This 'victim' doesn't exist.
    If she did, you baby killers would have her as a literal poster child.

    You would be exploiting her to push your agenda. And don't even try to deny it.

  • @vickygraham2444 July 2, 2024

    "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.

  • @chrispowers187 July 2, 2024

    Yeah they didn't have to leave the state. They were trying to cover for a child rapist. Then here you go you got these news companies trying to cover up it was a 27 year old. So they went to another state and got a doctor to say the guy was 17. This is sick that these news companies are covering up rape

  • @frankdalton483 July 2, 2024

    But no debate on allowing illegal criminals doing these horrible acts.

  • @dylano7242 July 2, 2024

    Why is media refusing to report the rapist is an illegal from Guatemala who was flown to Ohio by Biden. He has a deportation order against him. The mother is also an illegal immigrant and in a telemundo tv report mother is in a relationship with the rapist, has children with him and the girl raped might be his daughter, and the mother knew of the multiple rapes. and in interview mother said in Guatemala this is common accepted behavior that the rapist did nothing wrong. And didn't want police involved and so went to a different state to get abortion to try hide it from police, and so wouldn't be deported.
    If the Dr is charged for not reporting the rape so too should the mother and deported for her sick behavior.

  • @spike141962 July 2, 2024

    Interesting the fake news media never mentioned the rapist was an illegal alien who crossed the border that is left open by the Biden Administration. So if anyone is to blame it is Joe Biden

  • @mopthermopther July 2, 2024

    Ohio, Indiana, rape, abortion 1,2,3
    case closed.

  • @asshole3569 July 2, 2024

    It was not reported to law enforcement until this came out because she was raped by a joe biden illegal immigrant and the mother is a democrat

  • @ageis3250 July 2, 2024

    Dang. I feel so bad for this girl. So glad she got the abortion. I dont care if I get hate for saying this. But Pro Life really are sadists for wanting to force this little girl into giving birth to a child that would have ended up suffering as well. So glad she was able to have the abortion and I hope now she can find healing in the future for what she went through.

  • @swright4837 July 2, 2024

    Where’s the out rage of a ten year old little girl rape where’s the rest of the story. The only thing that matters to this news network is abortion abortion abortion.

  • @noelhutchins7366 July 2, 2024

    when in doubt plead the fifth till till your dying breath, you cannot be compelled to incriminate yourself, your right to not speak is concrete law: also pennyroyal-tea loosens the uteran lining after a few days of constant sipping it becomes nauseating until the placenta slips.

  • @AdminAdmin-pb6kc July 2, 2024

    Abortion – it is killing! This sin, for which person will give answer by God. Many families wants to adopt a child!

  • @shell_kickat July 2, 2024

    Most pro-life people would agree that situations like rape would be one out of 2 reasons when abortions should be done.

  • @jeffw1267 July 2, 2024

    So why were we told that she was raped by a 17-year-old minor? Turns out that was a lie. Why lie about that?

  • @Markb2477 July 2, 2024

    This country is so f**ked up, a little child is raped and the states say "We don't care, you better have that rapists baby". These people who feel they should control another persons body are vile. I wonder if this was their daughter how they would feel. I can't imagine what it is like being a woman in one of those states. Everyone needs to come together and vote out the Senators who voted for this

  • @williamtaylor9368 July 2, 2024

    Isn't everyone missing the point here, this isn't an abortion case, its a negligent illegal immigration case……this current administration is responsible.

  • @DrJohn-rl9zg July 2, 2024

    A ten year old girl was raped and not allowed an abortion in her home state. So what is new? The US is the only member of the United Nations to not ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). We don't care about children, and we don't care about children's health.

  • I wonder how many western countries who has a ban of abortion. You Americans go in the wrong direction

  • @kimleverette4024 July 2, 2024

    I love this AG…GO INDIANA!!!! MAGA!!!!!!

  • @traviscornell3549 July 2, 2024

    Accurate Headline : Rape of 10-year-old by illegal immigrant wouldn't have happened if the US border was secure.
    Because they don't all "just come here to work".

  • @mythicalmining7999 July 2, 2024

    The police are going to go after the victim and her family, just watch

  • @peterepoet2535 July 2, 2024

    No one except the Court system needs to know the poor girls name, Dr. Caitlin Bernard should be charged with destroying evidence in a Rape Case. Had the good Dr. Cared about the next Rape victim of this Monster. DNA from aborted baby could have been used to bring Rape charge’s

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