July 7, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Repugnant! Biden Gang Desperate to Hide Audio Tapes!


Judicial Watch announced it requested a federal court to reject the Biden Justice Department’s request to rewrite the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and that it order the release of the audio recordings of President Biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur within 14 days. (This lawsuit has already forced the Biden administration to confess that the transcripts of the audio recordings have been altered and are not accurate.) WATCH NOW!





  • @jamesgreen8734 June 26, 2024

    Biden is doing work for the deep state as you know with Bush Hillary and JFK no one will cooperate

  • If the case is closed doesn't the information become public information?unwarranted invasion?!?! How bout the invasion of my country since joeybiden was inserted into my oval office…as far as I'm concerned, he's trespassing. He past due eviction…ALL OF HIS ADMINISTRATION!

  • If the case is closed doesn't the information become public information?

  • joeybiden has violated his oaths of ofice(s), therefore he is a traitor to the American people (s. He needs to be prosecuted under rule(s) of law.

  • @wmffmw1854 June 26, 2024

    If the transcript is the same as the audio tape and the transcript is public you can't classify copies in any form, including audio.

  • @wmffmw1854 June 26, 2024

    Biden's argument is ridiculous. Might, maybe, if, could be that AI will be used to alter audio tapes. How about something substantial? LIED again.

  • @CarolineKline-uj8hs June 26, 2024

    La la la la

  • @garykreutzer1239 June 26, 2024

    If it can be AI altered how can we trust what they do send over? FJB! TRUMP 24!

  • @garykreutzer1239 June 26, 2024

    Im SO tired of this two-teired justice system. Traitor Joe is even more guilty than trump because he has had some of his classified papers since he was a senator, years ago. This means he had to have stolen them from a SCIF, he was going to put some of those in his book.

  • @lindajutras9611 June 26, 2024


  • @lindajutras9611 June 26, 2024

    Novel privacy Biden's DOJ. Lol

  • @47Grits June 26, 2024

    The public can really imagine how bad this audio must be. They are going to claim the audio was destroyed in a fire and a MAGA dog ate what was left and then ran away, And it's a "On Going Investagation" and can't be discussed.

  • @lindahinojosa299 June 26, 2024

    I remember that Hur told Congress, when asked if the Whitehouse asked to see the transcript during the meeting. Hur said yes, and when asked more than once, he said yes. So Hur let the team Biden see and change the transcript. Hur never said Biden wouldn't be prosecuted, he said the jury may not. Hur said the Whitehouse called him, numerous times, during the meeting. There needs to be someone looking at the transcript and the tapes, because Hur never said Biden shouldn't be prosecuted, he wasn't saying positively not to charge Biden. He was asked, and he said they may just look at him like a nice old guy. Anyone who knows Biden knows he is far from a nice old guy. Comparing him to that shuttle is telling you that we will be shocked at Biden's words, and his fits of anger and violence. Please get those tapes, and there is probably another transcript too. We will see some stuff we won't believe. Biden is faking dementia, and he is a warmonger and secret classified document seller. Please keep going. Thank you

  • @padraiggluck2980 June 26, 2024

    Because the transcripts are false.

  • @trinaadams3717 June 26, 2024

    Love the title

  • @rleebert6897 June 26, 2024

    Garland "without fear or favor" and "because nobody is above the law" should put himself in jail and throw away the key.

  • @Songwriter376 June 26, 2024

    Notice the pattern of how they put all these kohm-mie operators in place who are of a special protected class of citizens rendering them untouchable

  • @jchawkins4 June 26, 2024

    You are probably correct by saying video, it wouldn't surprise me or anyone else if, in the future, video,audio tapes all of sudden surfaced.

  • @marygossett4547 June 26, 2024

    Double Standard! Democrats have never been held accountable for ANYTHING. I hope every person in the doj has to hunt a job and Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch take over. DOJ is a joke. Never has been justice.

  • @James-oo1db June 26, 2024

    So the medical field, WHO, NIH, has a F.O.I.A. department that hates F.O.I.A.’s and has the head of that department sabotaging, ignoring, and violating their duties,….. and now the DOJ is pulling anything off, including trying to get rid of F.O.I.As to protect their asset,.. I mean Joe Biden?? Did I get that right?? I believe that our government is being held captive by these three letter agencies and all the foreign investors in this destruction of our America 🇺🇸 to bring us under a one world government or else… I believe that them underground bunkers were built all over the world for a reason and I believe that they will sacrifice all of America 🇺🇸 to achieve their goals.. we have to pray.. no way any of this could happen if government upholds their oath to the constitution..

  • @uraseagull4825 June 26, 2024

    Every crime is an ongoing investigation. That's their excuse for not providing any of the material evidence. How many times has the government given us BS excuses to do what they do? The Pentagon Papers under Lyndon Johnson and the Weapons of Mass Deception, under George Bush. Both men should have gone to prison for lying to get us into unjust wars. That's the MO of the Fasci and they have most of the judiciary on a string. Who do you think got us into the American Civil War by deceiving the American People. John D. Rockefeller made his 1st half million dollars selling goods to the Union Army. It's always been about selling goods and/or servicies to the taxpayers. The medical industrial complex even has a bigger budget than defense. First, they try to inject injurious drugs and "vaccines" in everyone, making us even sicker, and then they give us even more drugs to mitigate the contraindications of the poisons. Guess who gave experimental vaccines to thousands of U.S. military inductees during the First World War, the very pathogens that caused the bacterial pneumonia, that killed everyone. Not only did they give it to military inductees, many dying in the training camps before even making it overseas, they also inoculated civilians with both groups appearing to have spread the "Spanish" flu, called vaccine shedding, as they were send around the world. Anytime foreign substances get into our bodies we naturally try to expel them through sweating, coughing, sneezing, and other excretions. A fever is our body trying to fight the pathogens. Do you really think that all the autism spectrum disorders occurring at epidemic levels is environmental?

  • @dianasasina9328 June 26, 2024

    The PROOF Is In The
    DENIAL …..
    Good L U C K
    With THAT …….

  • @247Q June 26, 2024

    Biden org just wants a delay until after election. Hence the bogus legal refusel to release.

  • @dianasasina9328 June 26, 2024

    And Or Invoke
    The 25th Amendment…..

  • It's not to protect Biden. it's to destroy our Constitutional Rebubic and the right of We the People to know the truth.

  • Transparency to WE THE PEOPLE is demaneded, not a request.
    Congress and government agencies are our servants. About time they start serving us and our Constitutional Rebubic.

  • @williamhanna5224 June 26, 2024

    Excellent Tom !!!

  • @JescaML June 26, 2024

    This is a crime in which they claim to have immunity. Yet if this was Trump he’d be given charges

  • @Skye-ef1sm June 26, 2024

    The tapes belong to the American people. Since the transcripts have alread been disseminated, they no longer be considered executive privilege. For all we know they've destroyed the tapes.

  • @donnameby6933 June 26, 2024

    Qualified immunity and all these protections our government has given themselves must go because they continue to destroy the system but hide behind immunity.

  • @btspyglass4077 June 26, 2024

    To think Garland was a scotus nominee?
    Of course an Obama Commie choice is no surprise
    His legal anaysis would ffail in law school
    Well maybe not commie Harvard, Yale etcc

  • @georgepowe4898 June 26, 2024

    25th for Biden by democrats.
    Very likely but they'll drag it out till after the election and then throw some random communist in his place.

  • @gregm5636 June 26, 2024

    The big question can you get it before the Election????
    because we know from the Hunter Laptop, after the Election its a lot less of an issue, but if they can suppress it now, they can save Biden again.

  • @johnmeckel2319 June 26, 2024

    Now a certain internet platform is Censoring 99% of my comments, and they refuse to allow me to Up Vote Videos as well!
    No notifications either!

  • @conlagrime June 26, 2024

    At this point in time is anyone surprised? Biden's handlers ignore that which is deemed unconstitutional, continuing on their same communist, burn the country to the ground agendas. Worse yet are the American citizens that continue to vote for these criminals.

  • @cherylpatrick7914 June 26, 2024

    The audio must be devastating to the potato. I can't even imagine how bad it is. Why do these criminals keep protecting him?

  • @georgeadams3954 June 26, 2024

    put the tapes up his butt

  • @johneire5016 June 26, 2024

    I just had an email from AE9/11truth that says the federal gov are allowed to issue scientific reports that are not factual WTF

  • @GG-ud1ib June 26, 2024

    If they are concerned about manipulation, than it should be released on their Web page and to those asking for it

  • @shewillloveGod June 26, 2024

    Judicial Watch please nevef back down,never give up.We have a right to know truth.

  • @ckdd8891 June 26, 2024

    Cheap fakes hiding from their own faults.

  • @jlt4139 June 26, 2024

    Sick of all the excuses and fighting. Just go arrest Garland. As he likes to say, “No one is above the law”, regarding imprisoning Navarro and Biden, for contempt when a subpoena wasn’t even legal.

  • @joeysdream7166 June 26, 2024

    It's the "laptop" 2.0, all over again. They lied about the authenticity of Hunter's laptop. Fifty top DS officials committed perjury in order to protect one of their own. They knew if it got released, it would alter the outcome of the 2020 election… and here we are again. They need to release the audio. We The People have the right to hear it and make an informed decision on whether Joe is capable enough to run our country or not. Right now, it's very clear that Joe is not running this country. Someone else is running it from behind the scenes, calling all the shots.

  • @melodyread4650 June 26, 2024

    I remember watching Hurrs testimony in no way is Joe Biden's exonerated in taking classified documents from the government sciff when he was a Senator and Vice president!

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