July 4, 2024
Sex Crimes

Robert Morris Gateway Confession of Moral Failures and Sexual Relationship with 12 Year Old Girl

Pastor Robert Morris Gateway Church Scandal and allegations story. Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, which attracts an estimated 100,000 worshipers weekly, has confessed to “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” more than 35 years ago while he was a young pastor after a woman accused him of sexually abusing her over multiple years beginning when she was 12. The woman, Cindy Clemishire, first told The Wartburg Watch that he began sexually abusing her on Dec. 25, 1982, and continued with the abuse for four-and-a-half years after that. Cindy says “She thought nothing of visiting a family friend in their bedroom. He told her to lie down on her back and touched her stomach. He told her to close her eyes. Then he touched her breasts and felt under her panties. He warned her: Never tell anyone about this because it will ruin everything,” the report noted. By this time, Morris was a pastor at Shady Grove Church, which would eventually become Gateway Church-Grand Prairie Campus,” the report said. “It went on for many years. He says there was no sexual intercourse, but he did touch every part of my body and inserted his fingers into me, which I understand now is considered a form of rape by instrumentation. I was an innocent 12-year-old little girl who knew nothing about sexual behavior.” Clemishire explained that she retained an attorney in 2005 to file a civil lawsuit but Morris’ attorney suggested she caused the abuse on herself because she was “flirtatious.” She said she asked for $50,000 to cover the cost of her counseling stemming from the abuse. She said they offered her $25,000 if she signed a non-disclosure agreement, but she refused. Elders at Gateway Church told CP in a statement that Morris was transparent with them about his past and they believe he has been biblically restored to ministry. “Pastor Robert has been open and forthright about a moral failure he had over 35 years ago when he was in his twenties and prior to him starting Gateway Church. He has shared publicly from the pulpit the proper biblical steps he took in his lengthy restoration process,” they said. “The two-year restoration process was closely administered by the Elders at Shady Grove Church and included him stepping out of the ministry during that period while receiving professional counseling and freedom ministry counseling,” they said. “Since the resolution of this 35-year-old matter, there have been no other moral failures. Pastor Robert has walked in purity, and he has placed accountability measures and people in his life. The matter has been properly disclosed to church leadership.”. This will be a video about the Robert Morris Allegations and scandal.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: These are still allegations at this point made against Robert Morris of Gateway Church. We must wait for all the facts to come to the surface before arriving at any final conclusions. Although at first glance this doesn’t seem good.

#gatewaychurch #robertmorris #christiannews

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😎About Josh:

BS Degree from NYU in Counseling
MA Degree Theology Equivalent from Bethel University (Not Bethel Redding) and ORU University
Studied Inner Healing and Deliverance at School of Ministry
Graduate of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Mini MBA Program

⛪Ministry Experience
Several Years as a Youth & College Pastor
Deacon At New Life Fellowship church home of Emotional Healthy Discipleship started By Pete Scazzero
Mentored by Pete Scazzero and worked under him for 5.5 years
Led living waters and cross current which is a program for the sexual broken and the LBGTQ community
A ministry leader in Inner Healing and Deliverance for 8 years
A US and International Chaplain
Currently leading in a network of House Churches in NYC

Torn Curtain is a registered 501 (c) 3 Corporation



  • @mann234 June 23, 2024

    So he is 63 now and she was 12 when it happened. So how old is she now 54?

  • @Tina7364 June 23, 2024

    When God gives us a chance to publicaly repent and ask for His forgiveness and of those we sinned against, is a good thing.
    King David was confronted by prophet Nathan and he repented.
    The more famous you are, the more your sin gets attention.
    How do you deal with it is the next question.

  • @angelacunningham June 23, 2024

    Sorry Joshua but a pervert is not a good person or a man of integrity get real brother sin is sin!

  • @godswatching9400 June 23, 2024

    This man having sex with a child. Put him in jail. Morris is a A SICK CHILD PREDATOR. PUT HIM IN JAIL. I THOUGHT HE WAS GAY

  • @samkmatthews June 23, 2024

    David was caught in adultery with Bathsheeba when he was at the pinnacle of his calling as king and not at the age of 20, when he was just a shepherd boy! David's sin was more gruesome than that of Morris' because he got Uriah killed. Still David didn't come forward and confess his sins but had to be confronted by Prophet Nathan. Then he confessed his sin and God forgave him and restored him but suffered the consequences of his sin. So will Robert Morris! If there was hope for David, then there is hope for Robert Morris! But men will not forgive a sin committed and repented 35 years back instead will ask for his resignation and excommunication from the Church! All the "self-righteous" saints who post their comment here, beware; your past will catch up with you someday ; even the things that you did before you became a believer! What will you say then ? That you are forgiven? Then learn to 'forgive others just as in Christ God forgave you'. – (Ephesians 4:32) Stop digging up the sins of others that God has buried! Remember, with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you! – ( Luke 6:37-38) This verse was not used in the context of money but in the context of forgiveness.

  • @jenniferlambert3886 June 23, 2024

    It also wasn’t a one-off. He did it to the same girl over a period of 4 years. And at the end of those 4 years, she was still a minor.

  • @mcneillmama50 June 23, 2024

    You left out the part where his wife telephoned the victim who was 17 years old at the time to say "she forgave her for reporting her husbands behavior" Like a child did something wrong. This is classic gas lighting. So what good is the male leadership in the church if they would tell a victim, you can go to the police, but we cannot or we are not allowed to? This is the problem. Most victims are terrified to go to the police and their trusted leadership is basically saying, "we don't have your back????" This is why every church needs a licensed, ordained woman pastor on staff. Women need a real advocate. Any church that is worth its salt, should have a Safe Sanctuary policy in place and posted where everyone can read it. Every church should sign the #silenceisnotspiritual manifesto and post it in a visible place. The culture of silence surrounding these felony crimes makes the church no better than a Jonesboro cult. (Jim Jones convinced an entire group of adults to drink the koolaid who in turn gave the poison to their own children}

  • @mcneillmama50 June 23, 2024

    Do you think robert morris is the only preacher who can deliver a great sermon about Jezebel? He was and is a paid actor. I bet he never delivered a motivational sermon about the rape of Tamar and how David covered it up or the how the un named Levite concubine was gang raped by a mob of bisexual men who wanted to have sex with her master and how the master chopped her up in to 12 pieces as an object lesson to the tribes of Israel?

  • @mcneillmama50 June 23, 2024

    These churches have no right to call out abortion when they overlook pornography addiction, adultery, rape, domestic violence and sexual predators of children by the hands of their paid leaders. You worry about the speck in your brothers eye, when you have a 2×4 in your own eye. Be honest. Quit lying.

  • @mcneillmama50 June 23, 2024

    You need to report on the death of Paul Presslar, long time top dog in the Southern Baptist Church. Confrontation leads to confession which leads to reparation and restoration. You can't fix what you don't claim and name. Basic premise of every 12 step AA/NA/Sex addiction program. Repentance is required before any forgiveness should be offered.

  • @StephenBlackOKC June 23, 2024

    None of this really surprises me. As a leader in Exodus for over 20 years at the time, I saw a disgusting amount of compromise. It became obvious between 2008 and 2011 that Exodus was going the way of Clark Whitten's horrible theology on grace. He was the chairman of the board and surrogate father of Alan Chambers. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Foundations and what these fallen leaders believe behind the scenes is VERY IMPORTANT. In 2012, the Exodus International debacle started with seasoned leaders resigning their ministries from the network because of the rampant acceptance of "LGBTQ+ Christians" with legitimate orientations. Later the implosion of Exodus revealed WHO had embraced this perverted theology of OSAS and Hypergrace, "Cheap Grace" behind the scenes. Clark Whitten is held by several, specifically ROBERT MORRIS and JAMES ROBISON, as a great authority on GRACE. These men have all endorsed Clark Whitten and his teachings and have ALL been part of a good 'ole rich pastors fellowship. I have personally witnessed other well-known leaders said, "We don't expose our colleagues in public because it would be considered ungodly and unkind." — People would be very surprised HOW MANY of these big-named preachers are your list, starting with the number one you mention in the video have this mind-set.

    Clark Whitten's Book "Pure Grace" is nothing but pure heresy! Included below is a critique I gave in helping others 12 years ago to understand how bad and systemic this is in these mega "evangelical" churches. The one true theological need I see missing in ALL of these places — there is NO consistent teaching of the fear of GOD. It is totally absent.

    When you have such horrible theology, of —> NO FEAR OF GOD as a foundation of these leaders of course there will be compromise with cheap grace teaching. These leaders ALL explain away Eph. 5:5-7. This will continue because SECRET SIN continues and the teaching of the fear of God does not exist. NOR does true, sincere accountability exist within these so-called leaders.

    Very Small Critique of Clark Whitten's heretical book PURE GRACE: https://www.stephenblack.org/blog/post/what-would-you-say-to-me-if-i-told-you-

    See for yourself these endorsements: https://www.csmedia1.com/firststone.org/pure-grace.pdf (pdf under a source where I used to be the ministry director for 32 years).

    There is SO MUCH more I could tell you, Joshua… but I am in my own recovering from the worst trauma-betrayal after 35 years in ministry and church leaders here in Oklahoma City. Ironically, some connections to the IHOP-KC tragedy. Perhaps some day we can talk, unfortunately I am looking at another month PLUS of physical recovery from sepsis shock and now more surgery. I ran across this video tonight and watched because I knew this man to be part of the larger systemic problem in the American Church which few want to talk about because he's a mega church pastor. JUST LIKE THE ONE WE HAVE HERE IN OKLAHOMA CITY.

    BTW, I am grateful you are doing this challenging work of exposure. You are clear and kind.

  • @joanaustin3179 June 23, 2024

    It breaks my heart, I listened to Robert Morris a lot and bought several hundred dollars worth of his teachings however I have put all that I have purchased in the garbage. A very expensive lesson. You can't trust anyone. It breaks my heart for that young lady and I hope Robert Morris gets his just reward.

  • @777Atum June 23, 2024

    Shady Grove, not Shady Groove. Lol😅

  • @dezy8941 June 23, 2024

    I haven’t heard much in the reaction community about Mrs. Morris’s responsibility or position. What did she know? Is she just as guilty? How much has she witnessed over the years if anything? They had a handful of grandchildren, were there any signs or coverups by the children?

    Hindsight is truly 20/20. As a member of Gateway for 5+ years I routinely mentioned to my spouse that Debbie always seemed detached from the church with her mundane like appearances at women conferences, holiday celebrations, new campus building.growth. They owned a large hunting ground ranch and immaculately landscaped modern home with a lake in the wealthier section community, and the constant family additions with grandchildren.

    Even though everything appeared to be perfectly blessed in their life, she just seemed to have a “below average” kind of response to all praiseworthy church and personal accomplishments. I watched the church grow from 3 campuses to 10 campus and a couple of televised State prison broadcast spots they had. Every other Sunday was a WHO’s WHO in the pulpit preaching. The gift handouts in the lobby they had for members and guests were by no means cheap thrills. Events and Men’s Summits were top notch. Who wouldn’t be excited about such growth as a First Lady? If I could say one thing about her, she always seemed grieved OR mentally preoccupied. Our family would discuss this and pray for her. With this revelation things are possibly more full circle of understanding.

    I know I’d want mercy for wrongdoing, however PEDO is a totally different demonic illness. Prisoners deeply hate cell mating with them. If you did the crime you must do the time. What man covers up the Lord will expose. 2024 is the year of disclosures of ALL those we’ve come to admire.

  • @jcj2007 June 23, 2024

    Using "The Chosen" as a devotional is like someone consuming pornography to understand the Song of Solomon. Honestly, Josh, you need to go something else with your life. You lack the discernment to be in ministry. Please go do something else before you collide with the judgment of God.

  • @gladysfernandez4375 June 23, 2024

    Sis ,and repent ,UR SIS AND

  • @Tendervittle June 23, 2024

    Trump loving pastors – child molesters – evangelicals 🤢🤮 My Pastor for 15 yrs – mike bickle / international house of perverts – every prophet was a sexual deviant. To bad congratulations worship these deviant morons – money/power and sex 🤢🤮

  • @marvinstrasner9212 June 23, 2024

    This was years ago. It shouldn't matter……

  • @judysmith3249 June 23, 2024

    Now that his sin is out in the open may Robert Morris Repent, confess sin, humbly ask forgiveness, turn away from sin and allow God to redeem, heal and restore him unto Himself. For him to accept the consequences of his sins. A broken and contrive heart God will not turn away. Make amends to the people he hurt. Most importantly restoration of his relationship with Jesus. Jesus is waiting. It is freedom that Christ has set us free. Don't go back to the yoke of bondage.

  • @Tinstared June 23, 2024

    I listen to Bott Christian radio while riding my bike. I could listen to every teacher they put on except for Robert Morris. There was something about him that turned my stomach. His teaching was not doctrinal correct either. Many good men have exposed his doctrinal errors in videos here on youtube.

  • @leighalaughlin4056 June 23, 2024

    Mega churches with idolized pastors need to be done away with local churches are the wayv

  • @martinmasten4107 June 23, 2024

    If true. It would not be the only.

  • @uniquedove3168 June 23, 2024

    Corrections to my previous comment because there were some significant typos that altered the meaning of some of it:

    Thank you for this report! It provides some perspective on the CSA issue that's plaguing the Church.

    I have a lot of thoughts about this.

    A question I'd still like answered in this and many other situations of past sin is "What should have been done?"

    In cases, especially like Mike Bickle's, when it's obvious from admissions, etc, that at least some, if not all, of the victim's story is true, but 25+ years ago… what SHOULD have been done then in order for that person to have even continued in ministry up to this point?

    I hear so many people, even current leaders, dismissing and minimizing the verified sins: "It was 25+ years ago," "God forgave him," "she was an adult and had an affair with him, " "she benefitted from him financially and in public ministry"… the list goes on.

    But looking back… if it was dealt with properly, he should NOT have kept it a secret!

    He should have confessed to his wife and the ministry leaders. He should have stepped down from ministry and pursued counseling to break off soul ties and be delivered from a pattern of sexual sin in his own life and the lives of spiritual fathers like Bob Jones and Paul Cain. He should've NEVER been alone with a woman again, except his wife. He should've NEVER supported the victim's or her husband's ministry, especially without disclosing the nature of his prior relationship with that man's wife. He should've NEVER continued in ANY form of ministry with the victim after. He should have NEVER even maintained ANY sort of one on one communication with ANY victims or "partners" he had committed sinned against or with, weather consensual or not. The nature of his moral failure should have been disclosed to his ministry followers.

    I can't see how ANY of the way this was handled in the past could dismiss him on the account of how much time has passed!

    If he had been truly acting in integrity, why would his wife and co-leaders not have been aware of it? Why would he be silent for so long now? Why would he and the ministry he founded not be doing EVERYTHING possible to educate on policies and practices to prevent ministers and volunteers of young people from falling into those temptations?

    This whole mess and the response of leaders is so baffling!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @allanbartlett8356 June 23, 2024

    I enjoyed your presentation!

  • @Gerwoman June 23, 2024

    I don't think Morris is a good guy. Reason..think it was your daughter at 12 years of age …he did this for 4 years. He was the adult…and married. I am glad Texas has no statue of limitations on SA. I also believe the church is wrong for handling this internally. Abuse needs to be handled by the law. Romans 13 and not anything else. The moment he touched an underage child is the moment he is not fit for ministry. Period. EVER. The talk about restoring to ministry again.. is this even biblical ?
    There is forgiveness, but it doesn't mean this mam should ever be in ministry. Nothing wrong with working a regular job. Who lets an alcoholic manage a liquer store ?
    Sorry about being crude. The church needs to police its own. And for crying out loud can someone please say something about Charisma and Steve Strang supporting all those who have fallen and make excuses for them. Forgetting the victims.

  • @georgiafain3747 June 23, 2024

    He is a child molester/ pedophile how is he a good guy with integrity. He admitted it. I am appalled that you said that. What God do you serve?

  • @georgiafain3747 June 23, 2024

    What cleansing when the foundation is on shifting sands? The leadership in Gateway are unrepentant about their handling of this matter

  • @cherriixo June 23, 2024

    The more this man speaks the more he himself sounds like a pedo

  • @JulietaTorres-er7vi June 23, 2024

    Hello, thanks for your excellent presentation, sorry the sad part is the lady had not forgive Pastor Morris, because there is power in the presence of Holy Spirit.

  • @dsaunders53 June 23, 2024


  • @dsaunders53 June 23, 2024


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