July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Sex Trafficking: Sex Trade in Nepal | *Content Warning*

Content Warning: Human Trafficking is the world’s second-largest criminal activity and it rakes in close to $32 billion dollars annually. And, in South Asia, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh top the list of countries where this vile trade is literally making a killing. In this documentary, our focus is on the Nepal-India border as we try to figure out why and how do close to 50 Nepalese women disappear from that border area every day.
#HumanTrafficking #Nepal #VICEAsia

Note: Ms. Nirmala Thapa at 15:19 minutes was credited incorrectly. She now goes by Nirmala Paudel**

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  • @sofia123kd June 25, 2024

    Why is the host asking questions in Hindi? Nepal is not India and we do not speak Hindi. We speak Nepali and we are Nepalese. Extremely dissapointed with this channel and the host. How do you think it is okay to speak Hindi to a Nepali person? Its not okay. How would you feel if we spoke in Nepali with you? Would you understand anything? lol this is not right.

  • @el_.professor1466 June 25, 2024

    And Shetty sir arrive for his sisters

  • @rajkumar-sb6jo June 25, 2024

    Monisha is so cute I want to marry her

  • @orangeniggalo4767 June 25, 2024

    Does anyone know where I can get hoes at in nepal?

  • @JackieLarose June 25, 2024

    Young girls, pretend to have lots of money, but really, they could be sex trafficking workers

  • @JackieLarose June 25, 2024

    Just goes to show you don’t judge people by their periods or a culture. You never know what to do behind closed doors stop hating people.

  • @RomitDholakia5 June 25, 2024

    Is it a sin to take service of a prostitute? Is it rape?

  • @angelinathedrifter June 25, 2024


  • @simontempler3230 June 25, 2024

    What the fuck is actually happening to our world!!

  • @MichaelSacerdotus June 25, 2024

    This is clearly God's punishment for their sins, may this be a strong warning for those who forsake His words, in Jesus name amen.

  • @thewanderingartists June 25, 2024

    Wasn't an Indian politician saying that enjoy rape?? You got some fucked up government

  • @GauravKPal June 25, 2024

    Trafficking rules need to be more strengthened

  • @FeliixMoon June 25, 2024

    One day I will start a charity to help these women

  • @FeliixMoon June 25, 2024

    Disgusting how her entire village persecuted her for being sexually assaulted.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • @viewerabundzu6887 June 25, 2024

    Empower all women, give them legal power, economic power, social power, reproductive power.

  • @abethludlow1874 June 25, 2024

    What is wrong with the mentality of the people in some cultures? Treating victims like garbage? Spitting on them? What shitty people. Neanderthals.

  • @doctorpharma2528 June 25, 2024

    Yatii huda pani nepalese news ma khi xaina…our legal system most corrupted 😰🤮

  • @asutoshmittapalli June 25, 2024

    Shetty anna FTW!

  • @Zincink June 25, 2024

    Looking for a forest spirit to engage the utmost pain on this earth for what they have done to innocent lives. May the forest eat their soul inside out for all eternity. May the four of them be slaughtered by nature itself.

  • @changa3012 June 25, 2024

    Sex trafficking is worse than the crime of murder. Because in this crime, the victim dies a thousand deaths. Thanks.

  • @nareshghale1430 June 25, 2024

    Alexa play Prasanga by Yamabuddha

  • @Tattootin June 25, 2024

    What’s crazy is that this area of the world is ahead of itself in ways? And I make little sense I know. But western meds are there? Depression medication was something I wasn’t expecting. Seems like the mindsets of men are still very archaic and the woman are the ones that are truly taking charge. Awesome to see. And I hope that it keeps going, and doesn’t turn into America. I personally dislike most women my age. I’m 35. From America, and it’s soooo bad for everyone no one is noticing? Every lady has some only fans account, has sprung up a gnarly complex of themselves, and forget about enjoying company with ANYONE ANYMORE. Legit they’ll all chill and just talk to someone else they don’t know while in your presence? It makes no sense. The guys aren’t any better… I’m not choosing sides. But it’s sad. I wish all the best for y’all! Good video.

  • Shame and Guilt and Getting Blamed, Rejected, Treating Victims of Child Abuse As Absolute Trash.. SHEOPLE SHOW SHALLOW BRAINWASHED SEETHING HATRED TO THE CHILD ABUSED, INSTEAD OF FACING THE TRUTH N HUNTING DOWN THE SCUM WHO HARM CHILDREN AND DEALING WITH, STOPPING THOSE SICK SCUMBAG'S FROM HARMING DESTROYING MORE INNOCENT CHILDREN'S LIVES.. Society Is Run by the One Percent Banksters Satsnists Pedoscum Kabal.. we live in.. UPSIDE DOWN, ORDO SECLORUM, SICK SICK SICKENING TIMES.. HARMING CHILDREN IS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.. Even the Bible Says.. hang a millstone around their necks and dump them in deep oceans.. Humanity Is Weak n Sick from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.. to Wake Up and See Through Their Lies Spun to Keep The People Enslaved in this Sick System.. Praying for Heaven's True God to Bind Up and Expose All Evil Sent Against Us Here Always.. SAVE THE CHILDREN from Pedoscum and big pharma nasi eugenics programme..see David McGowan Wierd Scenes Inside the Canyon.. Nasis saved project Paperclip Criminals running the Freakshow Here atm ..

  • @johngta7172 June 25, 2024

    Question – Why do SO MANY of the girls run away after being "RESCUED" ? [Could it be because they can make almost 50,000 rupees easy money, compared to a poor nepali boy washing plates who makes rs 1,500 ]

  • @Traxick June 25, 2024

    this is horrible man this has to stop

  • @lovesandwich8783 June 25, 2024

    meanwhile a girl in the west got triggered because a man held the door open for her.

  • @ilaiaho6326 June 25, 2024


  • @arpittyagi7 June 25, 2024

    Pallavi pundir😻❤

  • @seahorseseahell2045 June 25, 2024

    I hate what happened i wish this world was different

  • @jkr77r June 25, 2024

    Heart breaking

  • @user-im9ip2zv6w June 25, 2024

    الواتـــساب 0079672701955 whatapps📲
    يمكنك ان تحصل اكبر الاوفرات المخصصة ادوية المشاكل التي تواجه الرجال مع الخبير طلحت ✨✨زيادة حجم الغضيب و توخير القذف و تقوية الانتصاب ✨✨
    للتواصل من خلال تطبيقات واتس اب عبر الرقم0079672701955

  • @ravidhyani1011 June 25, 2024

    U are looking beautiful

  • @ravidhyani1011 June 25, 2024

    This lady is absolutely correct that trafficker is living in between us. I think there is an absent of morality in the victum family and the society as well

  • @ravidhyani1011 June 25, 2024

    Indian government, Nepalese government, Indian and Nepali hindu organization plus other NGO must do something to elevate the economical status of the nepali people

  • @ravidhyani1011 June 25, 2024

    The main reason of this trafficking is that these girls are poor. If they have enough money then they never come to our India like this

  • @jonnyweeds8020 June 25, 2024

    Heartbreaking and incredibly informative

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