July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

Starfield is OVERHATED & Criminally UNDERRATED

Starfield was launched in 2023 by Bethesda Game Studios, even though it sold well it recieved a lot of criticism and hate. I found that a lot of the backlash it got wasn’t deserved and many missed out on Starfield because of it’s reputation. In this video I talk about why I think the flaws Starfield has aren’t so bad, and why everything else the game has to offer is REALLY good.
#gaming #starfield #bethesda



  • @yesed July 1, 2024

    Its okay to be wrong and not have properly developed brain. I hope the best for you!

  • @jamesdax July 1, 2024

    Starfield is a very good game and now with Mod support added it will eventually be just as big as Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Mod support has been really good so far btw, with nearly 1000 mods in just the first 3 weeks on Xbox.

  • @wolfbrigade8042 July 1, 2024

    I would atleast give Starfield a try… if I could. I'm one of the Bethesda fans who got left in the dust on Playstation lol

  • @locuraromantica July 1, 2024

    I must admit that I hate scapism, I want to feel emotional about a movie or a videogame. I also must say that Bethesda did some things right. The Legacy mission, the people there and their story really it makes you feel sad. I guess some people in Bethesda have done a good work. Also there are plenty of parts that are souless,because no matter If you like It or not, Ideology is important and we need it to drive our decisions.
    I enjoyed the game, the landscapes in moons…But I think It would be a better game with more space content and use of ships. Also less stupid missions like going to get a coffwe.

  • @MrYoda-xb6mp July 1, 2024

    I just redownload the game and downloaded 5gbs worth of mods on the Xbox and omg the modders did it again…. This games fun asf again!

  • @christiancosta3876 July 1, 2024

    Overall a good video and I agree, that Starfield has a lot to offer.
    I truly like the game, but I completely disagree with your take on the nightclubs and the lack of sexiness in the game.
    The game is hypocritical, that is the problem. On one hand you have lots of gay couples, drugs, crime, poltical conflicts, espionage, religious fanatics and on the other hand no nudity, no sexy dancers, np prostitutes. Not every game needs to be like Cyberpunk, but the level of Mass Effect should be possible.

    In addition I have some thoughts to the aliens: There is a sentinent alien lifeform in the game, Everyone who played the Vanguard questline knows what I´m talking about. Of course I know people wanted alien civilications, but I like Bethesdas human centric take. We have "only" 100 starsystems, the odds of other civilations is pretty slim.
    But Shattered Space could introduce a reptile alien lifeform, more advanced than humaniity.

  • I've been on the fence about Starfield since last fall, but last week, I finally got it, and it's been tough putting the controller down for even a minute.

  • @sovadova9702 July 1, 2024

    Yeah I'm going to have to disagree. My opinion is that Starfield is a typical BGS title. It's a decent platform for modders to create, alter and fix things but every other aspect is mediocre or downright bad. Which is a huge problem when gamers have waited for a game like this from Bethesda since 2015
    Story sucks
    Characters suck
    Core Gameplay is Fallout 4 again
    Balance sucks
    Performance sucks
    Graphics are okay
    Then somehow the loading screens are even more agregious than past titles

    If I want to play that style of game I'll stick with Fallout or Elder Scrolls

  • bro spitting nothing but facts 🗣

  • @Lunar_Pendragon July 1, 2024

    Bro really roleplayed as Abby from The Last of Us Part II 💀

  • @RiThaKilla July 1, 2024

    *Me at level 103 NG+10 with all temple powers*: i guess I'm give this game a try now.

  • @Banba09 July 1, 2024

    If You like it – that cool.
    But it definitely very bad game.
    If you like future setting – just play Cyberpunk – it's 100x better.
    If you defending Starfield u just making harm to entire gaming community.
    It's bad game. Bad design, flat voices, wood animations, modders fixing the game, greedy, buggy, LOADING EVERY 5 MIN IN 2024 GAME XD
    Starfield have few good moments (literary few missions) – but they are not worth time or money.
    Skyrim is better :C That's sad I'm waiting for good space sim – but we need to wait some more…

  • @MrSHAKEJUNT24 July 1, 2024

    Bethesda psyop

  • @momsspaghetti4064 July 1, 2024

    I sometimes play Saints Row reboot to drive around and be brain dead for a couple hours so. Starfield is a glorious game to me atleast. 😅

  • @aztecfox1 July 1, 2024

    Love it

  • @TonyPaulazzo July 1, 2024

    I'm playing (and enjoying the game) but this, even to me, feels like a puff piece for Tod. The dialogue has plenty of choices but mostly fake, no consequences, animation is sub par (still), POI's are the same copy / pasted content scattered across a hundred systems, no actual space / atmospheric flight, ridiculous number of loading screens, overpriced mods before even fixing the multitude of bugs still plaguing the game…
    As for the companions deep storylines, they basically copy pasted one set of AI instructions for all the companions, NG+ has the exact same storyline because there are no real different outcomes to any of the quest lines and the skills tree is simply badly done.
    So why do I enjoy it? well, 70+ mods help plus I enjoy the relaxed game play of Beth games (not just one long corridor fighting game) and I'm hopeful for the games future (more modders than expecting Beth to make things right). I'm just not blind to its faults. Thumbs up anyway for an interesting video (and Peace).

  • 9:57 preach 🙏🏻

  • If you like the game. Awesome. If you don’t? That’s fine too. I would say at least give it a try if you haven’t tried it since mod access. Like a lot of Bethesda games. Mod creators can take these(mostly)black canvases and do some amazing things.

  • @dougwright7333 July 1, 2024

    It's the best game ever. I stopped playing the main quest long ago because I don't want it to end. I could be playing for years!

  • @Idle1996 July 1, 2024

    Got a new subscriber

  • @IrREZistible July 1, 2024

    I tried to get into Bethesda games before and just couldn't do it, I'd get bored. Skyrim, Fallout 3. But when I started Starfield, it just sucked me in. The story was great I had to re do it but more precise to my liking, I had to get it right. And now I do, and the gun play? It's top tier. I love the infinite ammo, I'm playing like the Punisher in Space. It's so fucking awesome. 😂 I think I can actually go back and re do them old Bethesda games and feel better with them, now that I know what they're games are like. But I have a feeling they'll just end up letting me down not living up to what Starfield is. It was my goty.

  • @robertwarrior July 1, 2024

    fallout 4 kicked ass

  • @youngman850 July 1, 2024

    I fell off. Then i came back… And i'm addicted. It finally clicked for me. Now i seek others who have been reborn in the light.

  • @Juiciejuice July 1, 2024

    This happens with alot of games, when ES6 comes out, Starfield will be the GOAT. But Starfield isnt a masterpiece. Simple UI and system settings wasnt implemented until months later when most games release with it. POI's Repeat very often and exploration becomes very repetitive after just a few hours. Just like Human, Alien is a race, Why not have other races? Are there no biological mammals with innate consciousness like us in any of these galaxies or planets? Theres gotta be. Space is joke, no piont in even building a ship except for looks. Its underrated but deserves the hate. They released paid mods before fixing things in the game, i mean even the vulture quest was bugged where you cant even use a certain weapon cause it wouldn't reload. Look at Larian studios, how do they create something so polished and with so many amazing systems, with way less people and funding? Its not played for a reason.

  • @Starfield_Eclipse July 1, 2024

    I love the game, people just hate change

  • @jammaples July 1, 2024

    I agree with you bud. It is a pretty cool game. Catch a smile out there. o7

  • @BleikAnima July 1, 2024

    I respect everyone's opinion, but

    Fallout New Vegas God

    Fallout 4 Antichrist

  • @nyx2903 July 1, 2024

    Personally I had some technical issues with the game on my old computer (haven't played it on the new one so far). I found the game mostly alright. I didn't like that the game made you land (if used medium sized ships or bigger) 20 miles away from quest locations. The final Ranger mission was a prime example for this. The quest location had a landing pad right in front of it and it was clearly meant for us to land there, because there were proximity mines between the landing pad and the gate. But when I reached this quest I usually had a medium sized ship and this ship landed like 10 minutes away from the gate.

    This was my only major issue with the game. I also had an issue with Constellation but this was easily fixed by just ignoring all of them and travelling with faction npc's or random npc's you can recruit in bars.

    And for a game all about exploration the game certainly lacked meaningfull exploration opportunities in my opinion. I found like 3 or 4 really good side quests while exploring, but in most cases I just found nothing or classic fetch quests that only rewarded me with a few loading screens to jump through..

    But still.. it's an okay game. I prefer Fallout 4 due to it having more interesting companions and giving the player the option to build settlements instead of meaningless outposts.. but Starfield is alright in my books.

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