July 7, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

STOP HACKING | A Controversial Topic



  • @Jimjaminyourface June 16, 2024

    Lost my entire old discord account, years of memories and joy gone in seconds live on stream.

    I feel your pain bro

    (Had to delete the livestream because I was upset on strem that’s cringe)

  • @gg4life579 June 16, 2024

    Triangle why did you not turn your statis on so people could actually see the do not click mt links thing

  • @gg4life579 June 16, 2024

    I spammed every group you had so no body clicks

  • @SmolCroissantBoi June 16, 2024

    Yea i banned you because i was nervous because you were mod

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