July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

‘Survivor’: Kellee Kim Reflects on Jeff Probst’s Apology & the Power of Speaking Up About Dan Spilo Incident

Amidst the intensity of “Survivor’s” 39th season, contestant Kellee Kim bravely raised concerns about inappropriate touching by a fellow competitor, Dan Spilo. Despite facing adversity, Kellee’s voice was heard as she shed light on uncomfortable truths. Her journey took a significant turn as Dan was ultimately removed from the game, validating her courage to speak out.

As the season reached its finale, Kellee returned to the spotlight, sharing her thoughts and experiences with Access Hollywood. Reflecting on her decision to speak up, she revealed, “I was unsure whether I was going to be able to speak freely at the reunion – and at times, whether the reunion was going to happen at all.” This uncertainty underscored the challenges she faced both on and off the show.

One pivotal moment stood out during the reunion – an apology from “Survivor” host Jeff Probst. For Kellee, this apology held deep significance. She expressed, “That was the first time that I’d received an apology, so it meant a lot.” Probst’s acknowledgment not only acknowledged her pain but also highlighted the importance of listening to and standing by those who have faced misconduct.

This emotional journey showcased the power of speaking up, the resilience of individuals in the face of adversity, and the impact of validation and apology. Kellee’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of empowering survivors and fostering a culture of accountability.

Join the conversation: What are your thoughts on Kellee’s journey on “Survivor” and the aftermath of the Dan Spilo incident? How can society better support those who come forward with their stories?


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  • @nate3556 June 18, 2024

    Still can’t believe everyone agreed to vote the guy out for harassing Kellee, then blindsided her. Like…that is so fucked up

  • @crumbsinmybed June 18, 2024

    did jeff or anyone apologize to ghandia for season 5's stuff w ted? i just watched it and you know, now it's 2024 and i know things weren't handled as they should've been years ago. but to see that in 2024 — that BROKE me. to see her villainized. when she was having an angry outburst hitting things and throwing rocks i was like YOU GO GIRLFRIEND!!!! YOURE NOT CRAZY!!! YOU ARE A WARRIOR!

  • @deejay2294 June 18, 2024

    Dude is a creep

  • @TylerDurden42069 June 18, 2024

    She should have sued survivor for letting this happened. After this season I realized how fake Jeff is as a person

  • @jellyfish9152 June 18, 2024

    Jeff should not apologise to Kellie. Kellie lied about Dan's inappropriate behaviour.

  • Dan will go down as the worst survivor player ever

  • @CaryChilton June 18, 2024

    I fear for the women in real life. Who got deal with Dan today.

  • @klassicalmuzik June 18, 2024

    I’m my opinion, Missy and Elizabeth are just as deplorable as Dan. It’s women like them who lie that give people reason to doubt people who are brave enough to come forward like Kellee did

  • @theminesweeper1 June 18, 2024

    Was Dan at the reunion?

  • @jonah.donohue June 18, 2024


  • @jayjayxpxd June 18, 2024

    Dan the perv Spilo

  • @carolbarranco838 June 18, 2024

    kellee is fucking gross. she is in a survival mode in Survivor and thinks any touch is forboden. she is disgusting

  • @lenniegray3086 June 18, 2024

    It's so sad and scary that there are people out there like Dan. Bottom line is if someone says they don't want to be touched or asks you to stop touching them, don't fucking touch them. It's really not difficult.

  • @iamskippy June 18, 2024

    I’m extremely uncomfortable with the show focusing on his actions #primarily towards Kellee because OTHERS spoke up as well … and I’m conflicted about saying what PROBST as the ultimate Survivor spokesman did was brave / strong / good because they didn’t show Dan being confronted by the producers and being pulled.
    ✅ Show a man burn the flesh off his hand
    ✅ Show concussions
    ✅ Show someone fainting and almost dying
    ✅ Blurring nudity
    ❌ Showing the Production team confronting him with footage they have of his groping
    Confronting the two women who said on camera they were roughly touched THEN THEY RECANTED IT about the damage it does to the #MeToo movement by the process of reporting and recanting.

    When Dan was confronted by Janet … SHAME ON THE PRODUCERS for allowing Dan to lie Janet without showing her the videos which proved Dan did the creepy foot touching and hair touching stuff.

    Janet had to apologize to him 🤮🤮🤮 for accusing him of something she didn’t KNOW WAS TRUE…
    🗣️ MAYBE THE CAMERAS FILMING THE WOMEN ACCUSING HIM COULD REWIND AND PRESS PLAY to settle this and kick him out sooner ❗️❗️❗️ 🤷🏼‍♂️

    His apology of “I’m sorry if they felt… I didn’t mean to…” sounded like crap because it WAS crap.

    ⚠️ This season had some of the very best and very worst moments in the ENTIRE SERIES HISTORY ⚠️

    I’d give CBS a C- for how they handled it even though to give them an A probably would have meant they got sued by him for pulling him and showing the footage of him finding out and his reaction to being forced to leave.

    Also tell us more about the other accusations.

  • @kennethpaulsen5407 June 18, 2024

    so what happend to those who lied against him?

  • @seal3081 June 18, 2024

    I didn't eatch the season but apparently he got kicked out when he touched a staff member? They don't really care abkut these contestants that apology is bs

  • @loser5805 June 18, 2024

    if she was so “ostracized” literally in an episode when she talked to the camera the producer said if he needed to he would handle it and shit but yet the same girl making these claims “kelly” she also said no that it’s fine so…. shit is fucking annoying how females try to act like they are not heard and all this other bullshit it’s disgusting 🤦🏻😂

  • @CEJRAID June 18, 2024

    Should’ve gave her Tommy’s prize money…although it would look like a payoff.

  • @misscoco5350 June 18, 2024

    I think Kellee deserves a second chance, she was 100% robbed

  • Dan was a super creep!!

  • @frankburrell4788 June 18, 2024

    You deserved better. It made me sick seeing this. The show should have compensated You because this did lead to your ouster. It is a shame to all of those that hurt You.

  • @mizzmia4407 June 18, 2024

    Oh bullshit lady. Metoo crybaby

  • @griffin2263 June 18, 2024

    "you were right to speak up" ..but we are not going to do anything about it because it makes for good tv..but if he touches a crew member then he is out of here …

  • @Thekiddd2013 June 18, 2024

    She’s is so fake and unattractive..

  • @SGTWinchester85 June 18, 2024

    He did things that were awful but he also had women trying to jump on the bandwagon and tarnish his name even further

  • @SGTWinchester85 June 18, 2024

    Omg ppl it’s ridiculous. I get that she was harassed but what about all the men/women that had it happen and not being able to get vindicated

  • @jjj1620 June 18, 2024

    Everyone talks about Dan and Kellee but seriously no one brings up Missy and Elizabeth? What Missy and Elizabeth did is just as disgusting wtf

  • @Nikkizucchini June 18, 2024

    Damn. Dan is a zaddy but a creep.

  • @priyaprix5786 June 18, 2024

    Very interesting to note that there were no such measures taken for so many seasons. It is astonishing that sexual misconduct never took place before for them to have this ineffect since the beginning of survivor. I first and foremost always always would make sure of my safety cuz ive had many such incidents like this. Its so sad that survivor was this unsafe. Inspite of all the confessions the producers never bothered to immediately put an end to it. Its only after their crew was subjected to this. Imagine the women in the crew being subjected to thos for 39 seasons.

  • @zacktobin8026 June 18, 2024

    Kellee handled everything really maturely. Her and Janet deserved better

  • @jusufnurkic1 June 18, 2024

    What happened to Molly, Ronnie, Tom and Vince? They never showed up as jury in tribe councils while the others attend.

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