July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

The Curious Case Of Caroline Carr | Video Essay

In today’s video essay we are looking at tiktok musician Caroline Carr (yeahimcaroline) looking at the notable moments of controversy in Carolines career from Caroline and her frogs, inappropriate cosplays, shipping characters Venelope with Ralph, being considered a poser by the goth and punk community, selling on the tiktok shop and her wider impact on society.

Feel Free To Follow Me @caldoeslife on instagram, tiktok & twitter



  • @Pixzelz July 1, 2024


  • @I_play_random_107 July 1, 2024

    For the people who bring up the fact that Mina is sexualized in the anime are completely wrong as mina is just a young girl who enjoys dancing and have fun within her teen years she also enjoys her fashion! And they say she is sexualized when anime tends to be a child's cartoons in japan and if only has a high rating for gore, when characters lose their hero suits in battle (Only a bit of it and although it was a young girl she was able to fix it and was only by another girl) And the other older characters being sexualized! And all the gore but anyway its not the anime sexualizing her its these people who think it is ok there are more characters her age getting sexualized more as well but thats not because of everyone its because of one perv in the show that is the same age as them!

  • @vaultgirl42091 July 1, 2024

    Aww man i was gunna subscribe until you starting hating on mha 😭😭

  • @rei1700 July 1, 2024

    when she first posted her music i made a comment saying that it was all auto tunned, and she responded being very defensive and upset. she later deleted her response video

  • @SafKhadA July 1, 2024

    Love the big ikea bear

  • @candy_royalty July 1, 2024

    Dang this really hurt to watch this cause I'm kinda a fan of her. I listen to one of her songs cause I find it relatable and I've taken inspo from some of her outfits. I didn't know that she did any of this.

  • @JonnyCrackers July 1, 2024

    What's with every soyboy commentary youtuber having the same mullet and mustache look?

  • @kahvipaputyyppi July 1, 2024

    I'm referring to the part about Vanellope cosplay. I think it's perfectly fine for a young character to have a crush on adult character as long as it's one sided interest (young to adult), it's innocent and no normal adult would have mutual feelings for them. While I'm against the hypersexualisation of young people, there also tends to be this weird misconseption that young girls cannot be sexual at all. When I was a kid I could get attracted to movie stars and other artists who were much older than me and I was quite young when I first time got interested in having sex (I didn't have sex until I was much older). Men can talk about when they found their dad's erotic magazines as kid but when a woman tells about their first sexual experiences everyone gets weirded out. There needs to be an equal understandment on the subject.

  • @Kir_by._. July 1, 2024

    what I don't understand is how someone gets into the scene. i used to think you just have to dress that way and act that way but I've realized that it's not. I live in Alabama so to my knowledge there's no like big scene here unless I'm just not cool enough to know about it lmao. could anyone shed some light on how someone really becomes part of the gothic and alt and punk scene. (i know they're different people just group them together so much)

  • 16-19 on a tricycle with circus music playing is soooo accurate😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Whatsalove30 July 1, 2024

    9:06 frog k!ller 9000

  • @Official_Mr.Rabbit July 1, 2024

    as a punk puppy (young punk similar to baby bats) who was called a poser simply because i dont listen to strictly punk music such as green day, i dont care for carolines song but it isnt as bad as people say. it just doesnt sound like the original, thats why people are upset. i think its nice that they make songs for punk puppies to get into punk more and start somewhere to understand it. and remember, you dont have to like the artist to like their art/music. i recommend a small artist like Harley Poe, as hes a non traditional punk who has a folk theme to it and has punk beliefs such as living life outside of the system.

  • @hannalol2584 July 1, 2024

    you look like kenny’s dad from south park you need to cosplay him omg

  • @DEADMEATMOVING July 1, 2024

    I hate the popularization of frogs on tic tok I can’t tell you how many people I cut the fuck off cause they impulse bought frogs and neglected the fuck out of them for content or fun, (if abusing animals is fun to you) treating them like toys and props instead of one of the most difficult herpetological species to own in the modern pet trade and then came to my ass complaining because their frogs won’t eat the mealworms and lettuce they’re trying to feed them and absolutely refuse to take their extremely neglected frogs to the vet. In conclusion never get frogs unless you PERSONALLY KNOW AN EXPERIENCED HERPETOLOGIST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP YOU OR ARE READY TO BE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR FACT CHECKING AND CROSS REFERENCING AS MUCH RESEARCH AND INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE FOR LITERAL YEARS BEFORE YOU GET THAT ANIMAL

  • @emmadrew3911 July 1, 2024

    Putting the frog in a clean teacup or the hat isn’t the end of the world people are a bit overly sensitive about these things and so quick to shout abuse. The arm thing is not good for the frog absolutely but using your pet to some degree (in a non harmful manner both physically and mentally) for entertainment isn’t necessarily abuse????

  • @yasminh July 1, 2024

    cool art in the background 😀

  • @mylastnameisnot July 1, 2024

    this doesn’t have anything to do with anything especially because Ralph is absolutely an adult and your point is correct but it’s funny you mention him having a house because in the movie he lives in a pile of bricks LOL

  • @OliveSomething July 1, 2024

    I called her a poser and got dogpiled by her and her fans, it was wild

  • @bluebell560 July 1, 2024

    Great video! I’m so glad to find another good commentary creator to add to my sub box, especially from a video about another creator I’ve followed (but definitely not agreed with all the actions of) for so many years. I really appreciated you sharing your own takes and possible solutions.

    One note I have though, is that I really don’t think “k/d” needed a full explanation interrupting the video. I feel like it would’ve been way more suited to being defined with a quick pop-up on screen.

  • @rubyrod8532 July 1, 2024

    I enjoyed your video, I really do but imma say it. you look like a ginger kurtis corner

  • @xxcryptid July 1, 2024

    your take on the alt scene is so correct. tiktok “alt” music is made for kids who want to be in the scene. it’s totally okay to start with some capitalist bs but then realize that it isn’t actually punk and finding actual punk music. it’s a good transition into the punk scene/music, but it isn’t part of the actual punk scene/music.

  • @artiac.arr3st July 1, 2024

    i’m sorry, why have i never seen this ginger kurtis before?

  • @Doginthefog74 July 1, 2024

    Cal is my favorite guy on here he’s the best I’m glad I discovered his channel

  • @CosmicAscent July 1, 2024

    I’ve never really liked her for some reason something has always rubbed me the wrong way.

  • @AllGlitchdOut July 1, 2024

    Animals are food .. These are 3$ "carnival pets" You have no basis for what the frog liked wants or ultimately needs beyond conjecture . Where do we draw the line ? If i ate a handful of tree frogs and unfortunately my kitchen is being remodeled this week so i can't cook them and have no interest in "extra steps" where do i fall on the "cancel meter"
    Would we all sit down top discuss my socioeconomic reasoning for partaking in a cheap light snack? My upbringing ?

    This person seems to spends upwards of 600 swagbucks/per unit squared an outfit to be a billboard that says "i am not a responsible adult that makes rational decision and probably have daddy issues" They are akin to poison bugs that are brightly colored to drive away things that may mistake it for a tasty reasonable snack or something that could be counted on in any way to do anything but cause you grief or harm .
    If while eating these tree frogs .
    If Evolution decided darwined my cocky ass is the frog to blame ? Is it more or less to blame if it tried to warn me in some vague evolutionary way ?

    Are we not responsible for warning the next generation to avoid the poison and accept the warnings as upholding her end of the social contract ?
    It seems like you wanted to make a video that said ""Hey you suck ROLF IMHO" and much like i tend to do . Channeled the mania and had a script for a 6 part mini series circulating catfish circles where you are the lolcow that believes you are entitled to gatekeep something that by definition is the expression of "fuck you and you're rules" And i would argue. trying to do so isn't very punk either. And would make you the proverbial "man" the entire culture exists to "damn" ..

    The arguments and sheer authoritative nature of this comment section is worrisome in so many ways. I admit outside Misflits newer (00's ) emo core shit like The Used BFMV , Mindless self indulgence Pt grimm and the dead puppies "the o" Punk in it's various forms occupies most of my favorite music .
    I guess we all get different things from it . Cause inclusion acceptance and and getting together to beat the shit out of fascist scum to good music was what punk gave me .
    We are all posers man .. That's why god gave us good drugs like heroin so we didn't have to live long enough for that fact to cement itself.

  • @Maudpie_is_me_fr July 1, 2024

    going into this vid ik she has controversy from tiktok like a few weeks ago but loved her last year and i want to know what happend for the controversy

  • @sidiwvwhi July 1, 2024

    this video lowkey is just talking in circles for half an hour

  • @JustAnotHerNoBody8 July 1, 2024

    I'm genuinely glad somebody is talking about her because I've always had a really off feeling about her. Loved the frog impression though!

  • @ova6649 July 1, 2024

    I’m new here and I absolutely adore this video! Im sorry to be this person but where’s your sweatshirt from?

  • @dead_channe1 July 1, 2024

    This is the most ridiculous and pointless video essay I've ever seen. Caroline is fine.

  • @kiayaoi July 1, 2024

    if people don't like adults in cosplay doing adult things they should never go to the hotel bar at an anime con :0

    shouldn't be posting it on tiktok tho

  • @flowerchild2496 July 1, 2024

    but like… as a young punk, we don't like her either. It's not about the times. its about integrity

  • @stars4diva July 1, 2024

    hey y'all can anyone give me the tldw I have a horrible attention span 😭

  • I agree with most things that you are saying, but Caroline is not for kids, she sings about being objectified and SAd.

  • @madeleinep.828 July 1, 2024

    I already don't like anyone who's friends with TX2

  • @797zero July 1, 2024

    It sucks cause I was subbed to her channel just seeing clips here and there and thought they were cool but down the rabbit hole w this one too..

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