July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The “Deep State” Explained

Trump was Right, the Deep State is Real
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With all the allegations about a group of unelected men making decisions that impact the rest of the country, we wanted to dig into the documents and talk to experts to find the truth. Is there a Deep State? And if so, how deep does it go?

We wanted to give a special thanks to Jefferson Morely for his extensive research and writing surrounding this topic and for taking time interview with us. Be sure to check out his blog: and his other work.

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0:00 Intro
7:26 Origins of the Deep State
13:55 Rise of the CIA
19:58 The Church Hearings
25:41 Post 9/11

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Johnny Harris is an Emmy-winning independent journalist and contributor to the New York Times. Based in Washington, DC, Harris reports on interesting trends and stories domestically and around the globe, publishing to his audience of over 3.5 million on Youtube. Harris produced and hosted the twice Emmy-nominated series Borders for Vox Media. His visual style blends motion graphics with cinematic videography to create content that explains complex issues in relatable ways.

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  • @johnnyharris July 5, 2024

    Exclusive! Grab the NordVPN deal ➼ https://nordvpn.com/johnnyharris and get 4 extra months. Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee!

  • @rubijenn July 5, 2024

    Just consider how “they” managed to cite the Espionage Act created in 1917 with Assange to consider where it all really began. Look further and deeper and follow the money. In fact look even before that when the global power of British took over strategic oil fields at the beginning of industrialisation … and work where it really began… and why it has never ended.

  • @audiemae9693 July 5, 2024

    911 where apparently the # of deaths are much higher than the bastards told us

  • @carbonEYE007 July 5, 2024

    Call them pure evil. The kazarian mafia

  • @audiemae9693 July 5, 2024

    Very interesting!

  • @4catmom14 July 5, 2024

    Yes, it’s real.

  • They weren’t doing those covert operations for our country. They were doing it for their own self interest…

  • I didn't hear anyone mention improve Education,have better knowledge on medicines,cut back on the global wars and military spending 🤔

  • @SUSHERRIE1423 July 5, 2024

    If you want America back vote Trump!

  • It's the 11th hour like 11:59

  • @Pureliv3 July 5, 2024

    Miss pace of the puzzle : the Vatican pope

  • @Spadeparade-xu9jl July 5, 2024

    That feeling you get when you have an iPhone and do a “private” search or speak to someone on the phone about a certain thing and then Facebook is literally advertising those same things to you the following day.

  • @glenysshelton8898 July 5, 2024

    The deep state is an inside group that are corrupt I believe it started with JFKs assaination CIA Hoover became the person running the show against the govtJFK was a brilliant president and Johnson colluded with Hoover….this type of behaviour exists today…the corrupt state

  • @jaimeortega4940 July 5, 2024

    All you've proven is that the CIA exists. The CIA's intelligence counterparts in every sovereign country engage in the same behavior, some spy agencies are much worse. The concept of the mythical (and laughable) "Deep State" or all seeing Orwellian Eye – the real global "Big Brother" or the "Bogey man" that is out to get you. Notice not one of these people can name exact names or agencies or perhaps fractions of agencies but that's it? That being said the global (5 Eyes included) spy agencies lust for individuals personal information does extend to the mass surveillance of its peoples via smart phone. It also extends to other nations peoples. This data is then traded amongst them. This is well known by many people. These types of illegal surveillance should be globally banned and punished severely. If some agency has intel about a person or persons then get a search/surveillance warrant. FISA warrants are handed out like candy and are rarely denied. Perhaps when this global mass surveillance is finally reined in the "Deep State" will vanish. But I doubt people always need a conspiracy to keep them going.

  • @CarolynLewis-hd4fr July 5, 2024


  • @CarolynLewis-hd4fr July 5, 2024

    Deep State is REAL!!!!!

  • @eabroham7937 July 5, 2024

    What else is new?

  • @johnleckieWATP July 5, 2024

    OSS where not the first intelligence service we Brits had MI6 30 years before and are the masters we taught you everything you knew during ww2.

  • @scaxxce9022 July 5, 2024

    Well, the country has been imported evils for many years, so it’s not easy to defeat them. But it can use their method to defeat and then destroy them.
    In this world it’s not lack of heroes and patriots to fight evils. Let’s hold the line👊👊
    May God bless America and all the patriots and heroes🌹✨✨🇺🇸🇨🇦

  • TRUMP 2024

  • @wlfwlker3704 July 5, 2024

    Wake up America, Americans. Vote your brain as well as your heart!Wake UP America and Americans.
    LOVE AMERICA, NOT the elected.❤

  • @gggarcia7071 July 5, 2024


  • @Pansu1 July 5, 2024

    911 defenatly inside job by CIA or some other secretive group to start the war on "terrorism" and the start of the next phase of new world order. War is money…

  • @LeeLee-fw3hw July 5, 2024

    The real enemy is the ones we can't talk about and are running the media and banks. You are not even allowed to say or question anything about them. Why??? do some groups of people control most or every thing even the churches???

  • Is there any good that is done in the dark behind closed doors without oversight? The only way to stop it, is to defund it. We have been visiting a country in Central America, where there is no Military. No secret police. They call it "the Switzerland of Central America." They have kept these "intelligence" agencies out. It is interesting that Panama, Nicaragua and San Salvador have all had histories of coups, wars and violence, sadly all had U.S. secret agency influence…

  • The Reality-based Community-

    "That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

    -A quote from an unnamed Bush regime insider, likely Karl Rove

  • Candidly, the treason and selling out of our country for personal gain by our politicians has shocked Americans. We were too trusting. No More!!!

  • @Sirius-O-Serrius July 5, 2024

    DON-A-CON 33 ☠ The red fox deep state is basically anyone or anything who disagrees with Putin and Trump and their MAGA-LOVING MOSCOW connections.

  • @goshort798 July 5, 2024

    KGB helped the anti war movement anyway they could. Listen to your Basmanov’s interview 1984.

  • @goshort798 July 5, 2024

    I keep FF.

  • @goshort798 July 5, 2024

    So much fluff, get to the point.

  • DEEP STATE was here before Trump, and with Trump maybe we can get the country(USA) back from the international bankers who are trying to enslave all man.

  • @V_S_444 July 5, 2024

    Hey Johnny, stop saying, “American democracy,” “our democracy,” “democracy.” America was established as a Constitutional Republic, remember? “…and to the Republic, for which it stands…”

  • @user-hb3nw4ow4n July 5, 2024

    You even have to ask the question which means you doubt there is actually a deep state or not? Terrible!!

  • @GailH-sd1ug July 5, 2024

    To our republic

  • @GailH-sd1ug July 5, 2024

    Unelected bulletins need to be put in jail with the corrupt democrats.

  • @shelbyrisinger8140 July 5, 2024

    Hell yes the deep state is real! Thats who is running this country or I should say destroying this country!

  • @chrisminblkdiamond July 5, 2024

    How can you sit there and tell me about the deep state, when you left out the 16th Amendment the entire premise of the 4th of July.
    You have no clue what unions mean to the taxpayers. Let alone the concept of America was never meant to host taxpayers.
    Now that the politicians have figured out they can vote for themselves and their friends generous gifts from the public "treasury". America has become a socialist nation. Dictatorship is soon to follow. What did you think the fbi, cia, nsa, homeland, doj, and all other 3 letter "agencies" bring to the table.

  • @enkaiscott July 5, 2024

    I do not have the patience for you drama queens to get to the point so I will just say this, the deep state is real, we know this because Joe Biden is and has been for 4 years President of the USA in name only, while someone else, person or persons has been helming the ship of state. As they are unelected, they are what we call the deep state as they are undeclared, unelected and uncountable for the wars they wage and the deals they break. Forget the politics and think about the legality of it all. The state is run by a President and if incapable or incompetent the Vice President. Why is he still in charge, and why isn't she in charge that is the second question. The first remains who is running America RIGHT NOW?

  • @fredmarsy5876 July 5, 2024


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