July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

The Downfall of the Media and Hate-Crime Thirst

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  • its all about the views

  • @SylentONE July 1, 2024

    Rhonda do you have an email.

    There's a subject that I would really like for you to speak on. It's about how media/social media created narratives and stereotypes of issues that do not actually exist.

    For example, there's a social media post of a black man referring to his black female companion as not attractive but good enough because she's loyal. We don't even know if that's a legit account or who owns the account. But a lot of women are internalizing this as a reality and making anti black male comments. This can/will only lead to more destruction and depression amongst us.

    I've noticed over the years, since the early 90's Hollywood and the media have created these stereotypes and narratives that black men don't love or respect black women and vice versa.

    I feel that many of us are not being critical thinkers and identifying these occurrences as isolated events or fake News propaganda.

    Please highlight how society has been positioning black men against black women and vice versa.


  • @james8343 July 1, 2024

    It became a "National Story" because of our friend Jussie!!! But this is a young girl who probably has been bullied and wanted to get back at her bullies! but didn't understand the consequences!! It's unfortunate that she will probably be bullied even more now!!! MSM has become to powerful!!

  • @Mc007- July 1, 2024

    My observation is Guyger was aware of her circumstances because she kept saying she’s going to lose her job. Officer Guyger, didn’t care about who she killed because her job was more important.

  • @elmondoc5526 July 1, 2024

    They need to charge her with falsely accusing or do something of the same She need to get the charges just like the boys if it was true

  • @SylentONE July 1, 2024

    Are you locking your hair?

  • @Go_Ask_M0m July 1, 2024

    Recently came across your channel. I’ve been enjoying your content and perspective. 👏🏼

  • @Gainfulreturns July 1, 2024

    We are all politically motivated, young people are watching their Icons call the President out as the enemy.. It's not at all far fetched as it happened throughout history.
    * kamikaze units, deliberate crashes had been used as a last resort when a pilot's plane was severely damaged and he did not want to risk being captured, or he wanted to do as much damage to the enemy as possible since he was crashing anyway

    * Sleeper cells in US jihadist likely believe they benefit the community or the restraint of personal sins contempt for US liberalism, using strong armed fear. Sabotaging our safety with fear of another 9-11 and disrupting way of Americans live. ( Their noticeable silence reflected it in some people's view )
    * Phd. and CIA Supervisor Blousy Ford, FBI Comey, & Peter Strucke, Andrew McCabe, Special K Mueller = All bias and heavy career motivated types with supposed authority were willing to take massive risk as they have same destructive values mentioned for US? A cause to fight for?
    Hollywood's = Continues attack and alphabet channels for fake news in the tank for these destructive values. Willing to lose views anyone for the cause all day. They are just as religious and probably more than Christians. As they obviously had a stronghold over us as we seem to be asleep or compromised in our own convictions to elect these clowns of destruction.
    * The damage the enemy can do while good people remain silent. Is likely why we are here.

  • @Gainfulreturns July 1, 2024

    They want a do over..PERIOD! They have no Milestone achievements in Democrat Party?
    * Civil War= Republican President Lincoln ( Need another war so Democrat can get a win?)
    * Russian Cold War= Republican Ronald Reagan ( Wanted another Currently Hope they look good? Yet who knows if snowflakes can win with their indifference to Military. Apology war? Or that's when they like Nuclear power…Reckless but likely, lives appear to be useless or useful pegs on their political board.

    * Sex War & Natural order war= Can't except general knowledge boys & girls are different, oh, and you can kill your mistakes via
    * Genocidal war against next generation offsprings? The church has values to restrain, they have values of do judge me write horrible laws of death to conservative values.

    * Sovereignty and individualism war= You can be whomever you want as long as you aren't law abider who wants reasonable conversation using genuine facts. They can't win that so they can us xenophobic and racist? As you haven't accepted their collective views makes us deplorable. Open boarders make give them a wider scope of power to force their will down our throats.

    * Their other norms that want to tare down, as we know the Devils into the details.

    Light can't dwell with Darkness…PERIOD fortunately means we can pray for them, and trust Vengeance is mine says the Lord.
    Find a way in our hearts to pray a blessing of sight to see and ears to hear. As the Prince of darkness has blinded many these days.

  • the media is the new al sharpton.

  • @willmorrisusa July 1, 2024

    Hey, hey, hey ! U really know what time it is & looking good along the way ! It's Win Win wit Rhonda Mary ! ☺❤👊

  • @standalon3308 July 1, 2024

    But I believe that the incident is not indicative of a sinister trend that could be repeated. It was a freak accident. Biblically, she should only be financially liable. Not criminally.

  • @standalon3308 July 1, 2024

    I think that for a long time now, cops do not receive thorough training.

  • @michaela.abbott222 July 1, 2024

    These fake ‘hate crimes’ will continue until the false accusers face penalties that the accused would have if convicted.
    Lives are broken/shattered.
    The general public gets riled up for lies?

  • @samuelgrant2762 July 1, 2024

    Wow that's messed up

  • @eancurtis9333 July 1, 2024

    Sad times

  • @marystrength1002 July 1, 2024

    It became a national story because, it's a private Christian school, Vice President Pence's wife, Karen works there. The girl is black and supposedly white boys did the crime. Thats all it takes, sadly. The media isnt looking for truth, they want stories that are salacious. Really they like race baiting. But sadly that little girl and the boys and her grandparents and their school suffers.

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