July 5, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

The Huawei Hacking Controversy Explained – TLDR News

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Over recent months, Chinese telecommunications and electronics company, Huawei has found itself at the centre of international controversy. There has been growing fear that Huawei’s equipment can or will be used by the Chinese government to spy on other countries. Huawei is also accused of a long-running process financial fraud and even intellectual property theft. On top of that Huawei is also accused of breaking US sanctions on Iran. A lot of these accusations have come from the US and from the Trump Administration. In our latest video we discuss the controversy and how based in facts the outrage really is.

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Additional Writing from Josh Watts

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  • @Mic_Glow June 16, 2024

    "spyware in operating systems is relatively easy to detect"
    keyword relatively. There are potential exploits being found in 30 year old code.
    And what about hardware backdoors? It took like 10 years to find one in Intel cpu's.

  • @jeffmax8910 June 16, 2024

    This is awesome guys I received my wu transfer from Premiumtoolsaid, they are the best

  • google and facebook: hippity hoppity your data is now my money

    meanwhile in another universe: *apple suffers another lawsuit as security on apple products are non existent

  • @SillyGuy1234 June 16, 2024

    This guy works 40 hours a day.

  • @HopeRock425 June 16, 2024

    TLDR: You might have never heard of Huawei
    Me Watching on a Huawei Phone: No, I've heard of them.

  • @ropl3083 June 16, 2024

    The security risks from Huawei are shockingly clear, even for a regular guy like myself. Huawei is controlled by the Chinese government, so they don't operate independently from that government. As much as I'd like to believe that China is a fully transparent beacon of international solidarity and selflessness that just wants to trade with us as it's portrayed in its media and some of our media, the reality is that they've stolen sensitive information from America. They (the government) hacked everything from personal bank accounts of U.S. government employees to the blueprints of the F-35 U.S. fighter jet (which they used for building their knock-off version of it), to the coronavirus vaccine. The guys who were sitting in government all these years were complete wankers.

  • @hawks2114 June 16, 2024

    Talk about 5G I don't want that nowhere near my house at all all not even in it

  • @kasper7203 June 16, 2024

    Huawei is a hero of the people. Trying to subvert US sanctions on Iran is a noble cause. The world must begin to resist US opression.

  • @horizonbrave1533 June 16, 2024

    I work for Nokia, and while I can't speak for their 'back door" conspiracy…I can 100% guarantee you that the claims of IP theft is sadly true…

  • @uplink-on-yt June 16, 2024

    How to fix Huawei 5G: put it through NordVPN. There, can't spy on us now 😝

  • @drunkcatphil9911 June 16, 2024

    Each country could just make their own 5G tech and that would solve the problem. Chinese, American, Russian governments abusing the tech would struggle

  • @davidmaxwaterman June 16, 2024

    I kind of wish this guy could pronounce Chinese names better than he does. It's not that difficult, usually. Sure, you'll never get it exactly right, but it's quite difficult to get it as wrong as this guy does.

  • @sockold2216 June 16, 2024

    Copy and pasting audio from here to a new video. What’s new?

  • That’s right ban huawei

  • @marcusboxall7383 June 16, 2024

    How will this affect other Chinese phone companies like OnePlus?

  • Who are you really??? Why do you speak on the problems of huawei but not the problems created by 5G????????????????????????? Go back and check how much time you speak about huawei and then how long you spent on the issues of 5G (you did not speak on any 5G issues – the issues detrimental to our health. Seeing you begin to discuss 5G, I excpect you to continue and expose the dangers of 5G. If I am in error and you already have posted a video on the dangers of 5G then I will be in error but up to now I see no evidence. If you feel the need to raise issues regarding huawei whilst bringing up 5G then you need to do some research on 5G. Either you support the people of UK or you don't. If you decide it's not your job to speak on the dangers of 5G then why speak on huawei's?? People are already being targeted for speaking out on the dangers of 5G When I first started to listen to your vids I thought you were for the people. In time if you refuse to discuss the problems of 5G then you are a fake representative of the UK public and therefore have no right asking for support. Also in time I will remove my sub and encourage all to do the same (I will do my best to do this in every one of your vids. So just to be clear I thought this was a channel regarding the news in the UK and I quote 'TLDR News aims to make news and politics easier to understand. No one person can be an expert in everything so we create videos to make the world around you simpler. Our videos are designed to make complex topics understandable and to help you engage more with news and politics'. I look foward to your researched information on 5G and it's dangers …… or not.

  • @sails3538 June 16, 2024

    This is a right wing propaganda channel……. not addressing American spying on people is truly ridiculous. Shame on you.

  • @yendayo June 16, 2024

    hmm, i still see this as more of a economic reasons rather than security.

  • @zes7215 June 16, 2024

    no such thing as controversy or not, just u usa p1g idts do PRISM, shotgiant etc, cepu, do, can do any no matter what and any s ok

  • @WooShell June 16, 2024

    So why is no country banning Cisco equipment yet, who we /know/ since Edward Snowdens leaks, is being used by the NSA to spy on foreign companies and governments? (and keep having backdoor CVEs reported more or less weekly..)

  • @onwun4292 June 16, 2024

    Huawei was NOT founded in 1979

  • @Ewok612 June 16, 2024

    Ewww. That sponsor is actually a bit manky.

  • @yannisbaum1319 June 16, 2024

    Meanwhile most governments try to pass laws that allow them to use the same kind of backdoors. They're just jealous I guess

  • Since Lloyds of London has decided not to insure mobile providers because of the health risks, which is telling, I will not be getting a 5G mobile phone.

  • @janjangz June 16, 2024

    This video is 80% cons and 20% pros. A kind of gentle persuasion against Huawei. This video deliberately failed to mention the changing situations, e.g. new zealand prime minister publicly welcomes huawei for NZ 5G infrastructure.

  • @SomeDumbRandomUser June 16, 2024

    So the concern is a BackDoor wich weakens the security in favor of one others country …
    Like with America and their backdoors?!

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