July 6, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

The Karen Read Trial – Prosecution’s Case-in-Chief with @brandichurchwell

Did Karen Read murder her boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O’Keefe, or is she the victim of a conspiracy to frame her for his death by the Canton Police Department in Massachusetts? This is a discussion about the prosecution’s case-in-chief. What did we expect going in, what did we get, and what (if anything 😵‍💫) could’ve/should’ve been done differently?

Joining: @brandichurchwell from the 13th Juror Podcast

Everything you need to know about this case to get started:

Full LegalBytes Karen Read Trial Playlist:

On the morning of January 29, 2022, John O’Keefe’s body was found on a snowy lawn in front of the home of fellow police officer Brian Albert. The night before, he had gone to a bar with his girlfriend, Karen Read, as well as some friends and acquaintances, including Brian. Not long after, Karen was charged with John’s murder, but her defense alleges that she is being framed by the group of people who met up at Brian’s home after the bar closed. Trial begins Tuesday, April 16, 2024 with jury selection.

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  • @nancywalsh2805 June 30, 2024

    guilty, guilty, guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @nancywalsh2805 June 30, 2024

    If she's found not guilty, it would be so unjust! I hope the jury is smart enough to see through the defense ridiculous accusations

  • @nancywalsh2805 June 30, 2024

    She's so guilty!! John O'keefe or the other men do not have bruises or cuts on their knuckles indicating a fight. If you are going to punch someone hard enough to fracture their skull, you are going to have bruising or cuts on knuckles. Plus, dogs don't attack with their claws, just their teeth. there was no evidence there was a fight. No evidence there was any kind of scuffle. She's guilty!! The way she acted, freaking out cause she saw her tailight was broken. she was freaking out at the scene so much they had to sedate her but no reaction to the photos of john's body in courtroom

  • @tony232cool June 30, 2024

    those phone calls are going to make the case against her

  • @PEBBLEZ21 June 30, 2024

    She’s guilty. She drug all these people thru the mud. Narcissist.

  • @couls3able June 30, 2024

    This trial seemed like the McAlberts vs Karen trial. Theirs witnesses were defending themselves and family. This wasn’t about John, and that’s so sad.

  • @couls3able June 30, 2024

    This trial seemed like the McAlberts vs Karen trial. Theirs witnesses were defending themselves and family. This wasn’t about John, and that’s so sad.

  • @lenser.competition June 30, 2024

    So tail light breakage- I have crashed a bicycle into a car, broke the tail light with arm and leg, I only had scratches. So that doesn't shock me

  • @gsf23 June 30, 2024

    "The crime scene told me" Looks like Trooper Paul has been watching too much Monk.

  • @vickies197 June 30, 2024

    It’s obvious neither of you payed attention at all! There was nobody outside who saw it happen

  • @vickies197 June 30, 2024

    You all also aren’t experts in crime scenes or how to do investigations

  • @vickies197 June 30, 2024

    When it comes to internal brain damage you are clueless !

  • @vickies197 June 30, 2024

    As for the dog defense person, fact and truth on a dog bite they have to be looked at physically not by looking at pictures someone else took!

  • @vickies197 June 30, 2024

    I am watching you both and laughing my butt off ! Karen read did log on johns internet and she had his pass word, it was testified to that she did😂 Higgins jeep was not there when Karen hit him either 😂 Karen’s suv was the only vechicle parked in the street😂 The medical examiner said could be a fight , she was honest the question was asked could it of been a fight! Listen to the key words in a question and how they are asked 😂 I also have a phone just like John did, my Heath things has me going up and down stairs to and I use a elevator cos I am on the 6 th floor in my building, steps are Doesn’t mean stairs , hills do the same thing ! San Fransisco is where I live and we are full of hills 😂 my health chat has me taken 2,3384 steps 😂 Those were not dog bites either marks are two close together for a dog! A dog attacks with there mouth and clamps down they also have canines on top and bottom of there jaws ! 13 juror is wrong about damage to a body ! The s,over the speed the less injurys the higher the speed make bones break I watched a girl get hit head on by a car After a light turned green and she flew up and over the windshield of car and landed on sidewalk , she walked away without a scratch no broken bones and no bruises ! 😂 also on reads suv there was a dent and a broken light dent was tailgate door ! If you’re gonna watch a trial pay attention ! The blonde is not smart at all , me didn’t agree with defense at all , look up the word possibly she used ! Funny how you all miss the real words and hear your own !

  • @PATRICIAFAW-sj6rq June 30, 2024

    I hope action Jackson tells the judge about yesterday MCalberts escape

  • @vickies197 June 30, 2024

    I am watching you both and laughing my butt off ! Karen read did log on johns internet and she had his pass word, it was testified to that she did😂 Higgins jeep was not there when Karen hit him either 😂 Karen’s suv was the only vechicle parked in the street😂 The medical examiner said could be a fight , she was honest the question was asked could it of been a fight! Listen to the key words in a question and how they are asked 😂 I also have a phone just like John did, my Heath things has me going up and down stairs to and I use a elevator cos I am on the 6 th floor in my building, steps are Doesn’t mean stairs , hills do the same thing ! San Fransisco is where I live and we are full of hills 😂 my health chat has me taken 2,3384 steps 😂 Those were not dog bites either marks are two close together for a dog! A dog attacks with there mouth and clamps down they also have canines on top and bottom of there jaws ! 13 juror is wrong about damage to a body ! The s,over the speed the less injurys the higher the speed make bones break

  • I think there was a fight shortly after J,O appeared at the party. In the house or outside. Someone punched him in the face, I believe the dog then went into protection mode ad attacked J,O and possibly other guests as well. J,O falls down and injures his head. The guests inside the house might not all have seen the fight and those who did might have thought J,O went home. I think it’s hard to believe though that no one leaving the party didn’t se him. I think someone did and thats when the conspiracy first began. Probably around the time of all the but-dials and potential Google searches.

    So many lives ruined by this tragedy and this investigation!
    John will never get justice, Karen will never recover from this, if John was murdered, that person/persons will never face punishment. Johns family and friends will never get to know what happened. The trust in law enforcement have been severely damaged. Everyone involved in this investigation needs to be investigated. A number of people should whitout a doubt lose their jobs. The damage cost will take years to recover from. But John will never have justice and Karen will forever have to carry the mark of having been indicted of murder and always have to deal with people wondering “did she do if” “did she get away with murder” “ is she really innocent”….

  • Yes it was the death of a cop.. But the cops it the house thump that… the focus shifted from finding a cop killer at all cost to protecting the owner of the house, the cops who was there and their families

  • When he said “the crime scene told him”… didn’t he mean the crime scene technicians?! That’s what I thought he meant. That they had told him it was a car crash and Karen killed John?

  • Based on personal experience. Being diagnosed with a chronic degenerative illness doesn’t only mess you up physically! It makes you hypersensitive. It makes you question everything and everyone. Your self esteem and self worth is demolished. You have a lot of thoughts about the future, your scared that people might leave when it gets to tough, that people might stay, your afraid of what will happen when your appearance changes, when you can’t take care of yourself anymore, when you need to use a wheelchair and so on. In my opinion this most definitely influenced the arguments between Karen and John and Karen’s fear of John cheating on her/ leaving her

  • Everyone in this “investigation” acted the way they did because from start Jennifer McCabe “said what happened” and question an McCabe or an Albert was not even a question/possibility. The only one who stood the ground in this investigation was the ME. I can’t even imagine what she has been through because of that

  • @Robo-el1ys June 30, 2024

    Turtle boy was in an altercation with some off the Albert's. The way they were talking to him, I believe John was jumped by at least 2 and bitten by the dog during the fight.

  • Every Lawtuber: "How are we HERE?!" 🤔

  • @Hail_To_The_King June 30, 2024

    Great summary

  • @TinBane June 30, 2024

    I came into this thinking she probably did it. Smart money for murder is always for someone known to the victim.

    I can’t believe they haven’t conceded the case yet. How much has this fiasco cost the state so far?

    They acknowledge possible bias, but don’t prevent access to evidence, or pick an unrelated state cop.
    They fail to collect and secure evidence.
    They fail to follow other leads, and lock onto one suspect.
    They act incredibly ineptly and unethically.
    If this case collapses, it collapses on the failure of the cops to collect actual evidence and on the over-confidence of the DA. They shouldn’t be allowed another reconstructionist, just because the first didn’t pan out. He didn’t even do any math or investigation. His explanation doesn’t account for even the limited evidence. Damage to destroy a light, is clearly more than damage to cause a contusion (bruise). Good chance his bone should have been damaged. The glass being on scene, but not from the same source is weird. The other cop who said it was cracked not gone is weird. The fact that no cracked glass or fragments found in wounds or clothes of the victim is just crazy! The chain of custody is insanely poorly done. Did we ever hear from the evidence officer? I don’t think he testified. Would have got crucified on the stand.

  • @LegalTubes June 30, 2024

    Very impressive women great analysis always Love Brandi great show Guys ❤❤❤❤

  • @apryllbrown3582 June 30, 2024

    Brandi's timeline Google doc is amazing.

  • @allisonglover7497 June 30, 2024

    It seems like Lally doesn’t even believe she’s guilty like he was forced to take it to trial.

  • @sandygrogg1203 June 30, 2024

    Hi, I enjoy your channel. However, I think your intro is a little too long. Short and sweet is best.

  • @meavey38 June 30, 2024

    The prosecution is so desperate to have you think that Karen Reed is guilty.

    At the same time the Commonwealth has sunk their own case due to the evidence or lack thereof presented. I can't think of any victim that would lose 3 liters of blood and the investigator doesn't even bother to enter the house and process the house as a crime scene, it's almost as if trooper proctor tried to screw up the investigation.

    Even an investigator on theirfirst day on the job knows proper evidence collection and proper preservation of a crime scene but the simple fact that the FBI is investigating the investigators is a HUGE red flag.

  • @WildSoftail June 30, 2024

    I believe in the defenses 3rd party culprit theory just as the defense has laid it out. Almost every single prosecution witness was destroyed and made to look either incompetent, unprofessional, uneducated, and evasive

  • @SLYDIT June 30, 2024

    Watching the alberts assaulting turtle boy today ,im more convinced than ever that the alberts killed okeefe..

  • @user-ut1lf3wu6i June 30, 2024

    It's NOT complicated Karen Read is guilty.

  • @Miriela480 June 30, 2024

    I don't see how they can use evidence of the location of vomit to show anything given that all his clothes went into one evidence bag together. 🤷‍♂️

  • @gloriaperez2782 June 30, 2024

    I’m not neurodivergent and attorney Lalligage comes across as disorganized, chaotic and nonsensical. His “What if any” questions are worse than Elaine’s and I didn’t think that was possible if any.

  • @dianeemanuel8541 June 30, 2024

    The star proved nothing they claimed they would.

  • @OurBestThots June 30, 2024

    The problem is Troopee Paul brought his therories to superiors attenrion resulting in higher charges

  • @1:26:00, it isn't a question of what is their best. Just as Ms. Read's lawyers said, she was framed.
    They didn't investigate. They assumed they push papers around, sign and fudge paperwork because no one would be the wiser. AND in the slim chance that Karen would fight back, she would have a public defender (who may or may not be also "connected" with the Alberts). She is a nobody and none of us (the public) would be the wiser.
    I sat waiting to hear from the non McCabes, the non Alberts, the non Higgins, and the non Proctor but turns out the 99 witnesses' testimony is a joke! I threw up my hands a few days ago. Even before Trooper Paul took the stand.

  • @natalinarose2307 June 30, 2024

    I’m obviously watching this late but in regards to why it went to court with such laughable evidence in all reality likely it was a pressure thing to bring it to court because of the coverage and it being a cop. I don’t think that he thinks she’s guilty or that this was done right. I think he was just forced to do it.

  • @OurBestThots June 30, 2024

    Mt therory of why "perfert" is the 25-yr-old Sullivan sister John is so involved in everyone's life, The Sullivan girls, the children, his kids, Nothing left for Karen

  • @prisonersdilemma939 June 30, 2024

    1:34:30 The ME said she couldn’t determine it was a homicide under a much lower “clear and convincing” standard. I think some of the jurors may pick up on that and it may factor in on any acquittal decision.

  • @prisonersdilemma939 June 30, 2024

    Is a plea deal out of the question? Would the DA go to the defense early this week, knowing their case is in shambles and let her plead to involuntary manslaughter or some lesser charge. I think they should because there are so many victims that will be severely harmed by an acquittal. And Karen might be open to a deal where she would only do a short prison stint.

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