July 3, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The King of Insider Trading – The Rise and Fall of Wall Street's Ivan Boesky

In this episode of Let’s Teach – the story of Ivan Boesky, a Wall Street executive whose wealth, power, and influence were all due to illegal insider trading. To save his own skin, he became a police informant and gave up others just like him, which landed him a sentence that nobody thinks he deserves.

When it comes to the words “Wall Street” and “greed,” perhaps the first thing that you think of is “The Wolf of Wall Street” – a 2013 film starring Leonardo di Caprio. It tells the story of “Jordan Belfort,” an American entrepreneur and stockbroker who was convicted in 1999 for crimes related to stock market manipulation.

But he wasn’t the only “Wolf of Wall Street,” though. Before Belfort, there was Ivan Boesky, who also resorted to illegal means on his way to the top.

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  • @northernking2604 June 27, 2024

    Hes the inspiration for gordon gekko

  • @ademarduque7175 June 27, 2024


  • @marlisamorgan2 June 27, 2024

    I'll never understand why these people do ponzi schemes 🙄🤔. They get rich working on Wall Street regardless so why have illegal scams when you're rich and living the good life without it?! 😏🤫🥺

  • @kingmike40 June 27, 2024

    You say Boesky is a symbol of 1980's greed. Did I miss something in the last 40 years. Nothing has changed. He was a symbol of greed. No matter the decade. People's attitudes about money hasn't changed. Wall street will steal the last dollar from the poor and give it to the people who have more money than they need for a life time.

  • @LetsTeach June 27, 2024

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  • @mu3076 June 27, 2024

    I don't see anything wrong with arbitrage

  • @powerzlo June 27, 2024


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