July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

The Most Controversial Game of 2023

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley has seen an extreme amount of scrutiny within the past few months, ever since posts about the… questionable actions of its main characters went viral. The backlash was so intense that the creator has actually ceased all Internet activity– although they will continue to aid development behind the scenes. Despite all this attention, I noticed that it seemed the majority of people speaking on the game had no clue what it was actually about; I thought this was sort of ridiculous, so I decided to play it myself and see what happened.
0:00 – Intro (Background, Popular Tweets, etc.)
9:07 – The Game
12:47 – Episode 1: The Coffin
16:54 – Episode 2: Graves
27:47 – Reflection
30:08 – The Aftermath
Music Creds:
Honey Jam by Massobeats
Noir Fi Album by Ctrl Alt Beat
Intense Action Background Music by Argsound
#memes #games #tcoal #horrorgames #edutainment



  • @evie7500 June 26, 2024

    the decent samaritans can pry this game from my cold dead hands

  • i like yelling

  • @PIGselGames June 26, 2024

    I remember after playing this game that for a while i genuinely felt bad about myself. I really liked the game, and i really want to see it getting continued, but goddamn the fact that Andrew and Ashley first killed a girl when they were children, kill their parents and then had a dream about doing the deed really made me feel shit. But also, i did also explicitly take the "bad" path, so i cant really complain. I hope this game gets finished, its very interesting.

  • @Romanticize_luv June 26, 2024

    17:53 hate that you’re right😭 I still laugh or be baffled by their dialogue because it’s so out of pocket😭😭

  • @aarengabriel8106 June 26, 2024

    I had no idea this game even existed until now.

  • @philbuttler3427 June 26, 2024

    remember when doom and night trap caused congressional hearings over their content? This game made some chronically online freaks mad. Lmk when this game causes actual ripples in society over pissing off losers and ill believe you when you call something controversial.

  • @zombeef2158 June 26, 2024

    I seen game play of the first episode and general liked it. the only problem is that I and the guy I was watching both noticed a weird overly sexualized presence when the two were together, and I just hoped it did not go in that direction at all but it did.

  • @juciy8599 June 26, 2024

    i like the funny sibling game

    cosmo and wanda ain’t slick.

  • @DarkFrozenDepths June 26, 2024

    I've seen too much crap on the internet to believe EITHER side at a first glance so I actually looked up multiple sources to the storyline.

    I can't initially say that Andrew is a bad character. More that the situation and his sister molded him into becoming worse. But that's kinda expected when you're in the middle of an apocalyptic level event for the place you live at with a toxic AF yandere. The guy probably lost his mind while Ashley was LONG gone years prior.

    Of course there's more to it than that, but I'm not going to spoil things further. Only bringing up as much as what the vid has gone into. But honestly have to say that Andrew actually is a well written character while Ashley…. we don't talk about Ashley…

  • @Citronvv June 26, 2024

    We really need to normalize “don’t like don’t read” again. Like if it’s not hurting a real person directly who gives a fuck? Consuming content with social and moral taboos so long as you can separate it from reality is harmless and in some cases a healthy outlet?? At the very least in can encourage critical thinking.

  • @Mariklust June 26, 2024

    I fucking hate twitter. Most of the users are completely brainrotten and have no media literacy.

  • @RobloxianSoviet June 26, 2024

    im certainly said now i need to play while you got it for free 🙁

  • @FrstSpctr88 June 26, 2024

    Knowing Twitter, everyone who tries to moralize or "having a satanic panic", they're very likely into the thing they're motalize against…

    Even the woke can have satanic panics of their own.

  • @moneyhearts June 26, 2024

    Why are people freaking out when they didn’t even do anything it’s just a vision

  • @2444LOGANTHEJAMES June 26, 2024


  • @Chabelli22 June 26, 2024

    "You just helped me to desecrate our parent's corpses, yet getting laid is what your freaking out about?" -Ashley Graves

    "Why is this such a masive issue to you? We've done way worse things together…" -Ashley Graves.

  • @JimbobG.A.D June 26, 2024


  • @midorimuuu June 26, 2024

    Enjoyed this video, way less of a trend rider like other youtubers

  • @BlackReshiram June 26, 2024

    my insatiable morbid curiousity brought me here

    also hate that i actually find the art style kinda cute

  • @shamblingabby June 26, 2024

    Before I say anything, for sure I do not think the creator should have been doxxed.

    My thoughts on the game are pretty much as you put it, it's a fanfiction. And by a creator who enjoys fictional incest. It's clear since the beginning that the true route is supposed to put them together. Ashley exhibits incestuous desires toward Andrew since they were kids and there's a scene where before all of this happens Andrew asks his girlfriend to start wearing her hair in a ponytail, clearly meant to resemble Ashley. Now, could a game exploring this actually work as a piece of art exploring the dark descent of two people? Of course it could have. But this game is just a poorly disguised fetish.

    I wouldn't call the humor in the game Tumblr humor, I would call it reddit humor. Everything is just so edgy in such an over the top cringy way that's supposed to make you go, whoaaaaa that's so messed up! People in the town are overly rude, the reason they're all being starved is also over the top, even the ads are so 'Edgy On Purpose' it just made me wince from the cringe of it all.

    It's just generally, not a good game. If I found out that the two were based on sibling characters from a piece of media the creator likes I wouldn't be remotely surprised.

  • genuinely hate this game and it's not even for the content. I love playing crazy games with like scenes or themes that could probably get me thrown in jail. The issue was the writing. It's written in the exact way you put it "if you give someone from wattpad a game". If it was written tastefully like something like mogeko's castle for example it would have 10 times better.

  • @mayravelarde2247 June 26, 2024

    The developer Fr tweaking for that one scene

  • @gnomeknight2311 June 26, 2024

    I liked the game but I watched all the cutscenes for twisted metal black when I was in like 7th grade and watched grave of the fireflies, and princess Mononoke before that. I think I got a lot of weird influences.

  • @coldeed June 26, 2024

    You know at the end of the video, I'm kinda laughing how much an ouroboros this is.

    If media is excusable and what people create and how its consumed don't matter than the game is fine and the twitter drama doesn't matter.

    If these things do matter, then the game is evil enabling incest freaks for money and the twitter harassment is warrented and overkill at the same time.

  • @dustinmoyer8131 June 26, 2024

    Murder is completely OK to portray in any game but this crosses the line? How dumb lol

  • @SonyaStone-eu3ci June 26, 2024

    I personally feel bad for the creator they shouldnt have to be doxxed over a dream sequence that Ashley and andrew try to avoid doing and if the doxxing attempt worked the creator would be in literal danger

  • @glunkus June 26, 2024

    What is the music during chapter 1? Its burned into my brain I know I know it. Please god, help me

  • @finn_loves_tacos June 26, 2024

    i would be so happy knowing this thing wasnt real

  • @TurtleMarcus June 26, 2024

    This really shows that media literacy and literacy criticism is dead to the public. Have people truly lost the ability to understand that writing about something is not the same as promoting it?

  • @arturikartur9955 June 26, 2024

    People really hate the game for a CHOICE THEY can make, that's really a Twitter moment

  • @DumDeath. June 26, 2024

    I never know Internet Culture and Twitter but. I never understood how the Internet(Twitter) had never just scrolled away from such content, it seems the most logical approach to something they would deem disgusting.

  • @coatlessali June 26, 2024

    "That was it?! That was the incest game?! That was just a bunch of edgy fanfiction!"

  • @johnskelington June 26, 2024

    Hypocrites, all of them!
    So much moral outrage over incest while they enable it to porn producers.
    An honest millennial can't find footage with someone their age without it being some creepy step-parent crap.

  • @AKablalik June 26, 2024

    This game is like a Greek tragedy, everyone is horrible in some way or another and we just have to watch and suffer as they all do their shit.

  • @massiecure8422 June 26, 2024

    i like your review on saying the script sounds tumblr-y because it sounds exactly like the things i used to think sounds awesome when i was 14 scrolling thru tumblr

  • @massiecure8422 June 26, 2024

    just realized that that poster dynamic of the siblings is exactly like those "fave ship dynamic" stick figures on twitter

  • @Zeuliulas666 June 26, 2024

    I mean, I think plenty of people have watched bro and sis category on a certain hub site

  • short answer: very

  • @mettatonfanboy June 26, 2024

    didn't watch, dev deserved everything

  • good video but why is bro talking so quietly?

  • @FreshBakedPi00 June 26, 2024

    My issue with the game is the lazy use of incest as shock value and the fact it literally is JUST incest. The entire game was leading up to incest, they literally only kill and eat a FEW people?? This isn’t a cannibal game MURDER, no no, this is just fucking INCEST and it’s all it was meant to be!! The other route was so lazy anyway along with the creator being weird about the backlash AGAINST the incest?
    To explain further the game is overall really lazy. Ashley is nothing but obsessed with Andy, Andy is all she thinks about. That’s pretty lazy to center a character around only one other character barely developing anything around herself. She doesn’t have any emotional moments at all she is just this evil weirdo who wants to fuck her BROTHER. Only props I can really give is Andy’s develop into insanity.
    Not to mention using incest as a tool just to shock someone is so fucking disrespectful to actual victims of this, coming from a victim. And I know I myself being a victim may make me weirdly biased on this topic but does that really matter??
    Overall shock value is lazy, this game is lazy, and incest shouldn’t be a plot device to make someone seem more evil.
    I don’t think the creator should have been doxxed, that’s awful, but this game is pretty awful too.

  • @Nitrojak1 June 26, 2024

    As some nerd who bought it I can confirm it’s ass.

  • @leavemealone802 June 26, 2024

    The fact people were happy the creator got doxxed and was in danger, king makes me want to support the inc*st game! And I don't like inc*st

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