July 9, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The REAL consequences after a burglary! Investigation, insurance, psyche

Burglary and the consequences: What are the consequences of a “successful” burglary on your psyche, your home, and your valuables?
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#burglary #police #insurance
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â–º Source crime statistics: .
â–º Source of burglary statistics:
â–º Source study home burglary:
â–º Burglarproof windows tested:

What happens after a burglary? The consequences can be overwhelming: insurance concerns, police investigations, and a feeling of insecurity in your own home. Burglaries are a serious hassle. In this video, I highlight the steps to take after a burglary and talk about police work, insurance issues, the psychological impact and burglar proof windows and doors. After a burglary, your first step is to call the police. Officers arrive, investigate the scene, preserve evidence, and try to find the perpetrators. But how can you contribute to the investigation? What information is particularly valuable for the investigation? And how does the cooperation between you and the investigating authorities work? That’s what I’m going to talk about in this video.
What do you do if you have lost your documents? What steps are important to protect yourself from identity theft? Losing debit cards, ID cards, and other documents can be troubling. In the video, I show you how to respond quickly and protect your personal information.
Insurance can cover the damage of a burglary if the right steps are taken. But what are the important details and conditions to consider? What about older policies and what security standards are changing? I offer advice in the video on how to ensure insurance claims are met.
Burglaries leave behind not only material damage but also deep emotional wounds. I show how burglaries affect the psyche and how people can find support to deal with the psychological consequences.
You can find the most important answers and solutions for the different aspects of burglary and burglar proof windows in the video. And if you really want to feel safe at home, contact Silatec and we will develop a suitable security concept together with you.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ About Silatec ▬▬▬▬▬▬

We are a family business from Germany in the second generation and produce burglar-proof windows and bullet-proof glass. We are your contact when it comes to armored glass, security glass and burglary protection.

Why we are so good? First, we have developed a unique technology for security glass. Second (and this is at least as important): We love to smash glass. That’s why we have this YouTube channel. Here we show you our glass tests and you can see for yourself what our safety glass can withstand. We also inform you about topics such as burglary protection, bulletproof glass and safety glass. As experts in these areas, we have prevented countless burglaries in 30 years. Feel free to ask us how you can protect yourself.

â–º Want to get in touch? Write us at [email protected]

â–º Don’t want to miss any more videos? Subscribe to the channel:

â–º PS: If you want to see the quality of our glasses, we also offer live demos on site. Sign up for an appointment at [email protected]

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Silatec Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬

We made you curious? Also check out our website and other channels:

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▬▬▬▬▬▬ Timestamps ▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 – Intro
00:25 – Police investigations
01:09 – Insurance
02:13 – Low theft sums
04:31 – High theft sums
06:40 – Psyche
09:27 – Active measures – mechanical burglary protection
11:33 – Zusammenfassung


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