July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The Student Debt Sentence: The British Election

The reform to higher education in England, which among other things tripled annual university tuition fees, sparked mass protests in 2010. In the lead up to the general election on May 7, only 0.3 percent of the policy debates dealt with the contentious issue of higher education.

VICE News follows students who feel let down by those in power and are once again taking to the streets and occupying their campuses. They are taking direct action against the new loan-backed fees system, which they fear is a ticking debt bomb, and their universities being turned into profit-driven corporations, rather than places to expand the mind.

Watch “Will Britain Bring Back the Hunt? – The British Election” –

Watch “Who Would Migrants Vote For? – The British Election” –

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  • @1Skeptik1 June 19, 2024

    Their grandparents who defended England in WW II are rolling over in their graves!

  • Who's forcing them to go to uni?

  • @bilqiseeee121 June 19, 2024

    …guess it didn’t work 😐

  • @wehrmeister June 19, 2024

    Lol, Professor Graebner out to hopefully get laid by these proggy, hipster chicks, by showing his support. Wonder if he's willing to slash his salary to help reduce the student debt? Rhetorical question, that Jaguar isn't going to pay for itself…

  • @barnbersonol June 19, 2024

    The Danes have free uni .. but someone there on 30-40k pays about HALF their money in direct tax! (Plus 25% VAT)

  • @NaeemKhan-cy2fg June 19, 2024

    I honestly don't care about univeresity fees that much. But I don't want any interest, it really brings me down to open a letter seeing my fees 27000 pounds increasing every year and I can't pay it off.
    Others than that the system is fair. Like if I earn 30k then like less that 3k a year is taken from me and if I dont pay it back then it's scrapped.
    But the interest makes me depressed cause I didn't go to uni to get paid as much as my dad

  • @grr00ss42 June 19, 2024

    nothing is free in this world. Well I thought we payed taxes. Yes they are used for various things especially the military but do we really need such a big military do we need to pick a fight with contries that dont concern us. The US. There is the money it is not being budgeted well. The fact that in this video they mention that the people incharge are getting payed so much that budget cuts are being made that is where the rage should be. That big phama can become a monopoly and change their prices as they please. Lets stop arguing about wether or not it should be free. Instead about why it isnt free and what are the causes.

  • @koo235 June 19, 2024

    They as a member of the eea could just enroll in a german university and study for free tho. I don't see why not.

  • @boy_named_niel June 19, 2024

    I'm studying in Scotland as an international student for 23k£ per year… Bruh

  • @andresortiz560 June 19, 2024

    Before you get mad at the free college system or the student loan system…ask yourself a few questions:

    1. Did I get a degree in something that is going to financially provide a return, or did I hope someone would hire me because they love feminist dance theory as much as i do?

    2. Did I read the contracts I was signing when I ask for the equivalent of 3+ years of salary to be loaned to me up front?

    3. In the light of the previous two answers, did I make a good investment in my future or did I get loan to get a worthless piece of paper just to end up trying to make ends meet at a starbucks after college?

    4. Who put a gun to my head and forced me to do such stupidity?

    5. How can I take responsibility for my actions?

  • @JW-uy2on June 19, 2024

    You do not have the highest tuition fees in the world. I attended a public university here in the United States, and my tuition was over $16,000 by the time I graduated (tuition isn't capped here). And our degree programs are 4 years.

  • @keitylerastrology June 19, 2024

    Brilliant! Students aka people demanding back what was taken. It's not about free education, cause that was already given to them. It's the fact that the schools become less of what the students need….just like America. They are willing to fight back, willing to exercise their rights to tell the people they elected to keep up to what they said would do. Imagine that, telling people we elect to do what they promised? Brilliant. Can't wait to see this in the US.

  • Are these students? They dress like homeless people.

  • Every smart person wants to go to university, no matter what some people say, I recommend non humanitarian subjects, humanitarian are a waste of time in terms of jobs 9 out of 10 times. I'd only not go to university if I had my own successful business.

  • @fuckfannyfiddlefart June 19, 2024

    they didn't "have to reduce public spending or the deficit" this is JUST A LIE, they could raise taxation, they could have NOT BAILED OUT THE BANKS, they could have not done QE which is nothing but a gift to the rich, they could have reduced PENSIONS as these are the people who got us into this shit with their selfish abuse of nonsensical neoliberalism.


  • @emmae9924 June 19, 2024

    She's holding a Costa coffee, can't be that short of cash

  • @emmae9924 June 19, 2024

    NHS = doesn't work
    Higher Education = money making machines

    Elephant in the room = no jobs, no hope

  • @chubbycheeks2894 June 19, 2024

    I'm going to be doing nursing in London and will end up in approx. £65,000 debt. i don't think i can even place a mortgage on a house because I'll only be paid £24,000 per year. Careers like this are needed and should be appreciated like it is in the US. The pay rise for nurses this year was 1%! Like what is that?!. I don't think education has to be free, but the tuition fee should be lowered, instead it rose an extra £250 this year so £9,250 per year.

  • @TheNuharoo June 19, 2024

    There should be a requirement that young adults go to trade school in order to show that they're not going to hold the school responsible for everything that happens in their future. An established work history should also be a requirement. None of this rioting 'finding yourself' bullshit and no more exploring your interests, but building on your actual abilities.

  • @MrGaite35 June 19, 2024

    bite de cheval !

  • @msJjbluematrix June 19, 2024

    good lawd! that's all you pay? I guess it's relative, but at 40,000 a year I am kinda not feeling it

  • @PsychosisFire June 19, 2024

    Due to the kind of demand that now exists for university places, I don't think it should be free; it just wouldn't be economically viable, and I'm saying this as a student myself. £9,000 a year, however, is beyond a joke. At the very least, it should go back to £3,000, with the reintroduction of maintenance grants for all living costs.

  • These students will not be in a financial position to buy homes, or, to start a family. The government will realize when there are no future generations to keep the economy running. The greedy bankers make millions and the millennials suffer. This is a travesty.

  • @coopsnz1 June 19, 2024

    It's a Business not a charity

  • @coopsnz1 June 19, 2024

    Higher taxes . Which you will be paying when you graduate

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