July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

This City Decriminalized All Drugs. Is It Working?

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  • @GEN June 26, 2024

    Go to https://ground.news/Gen to stay fully informed on breaking news, compare coverage and avoid media bias. They’re giving my viewers 40% off the same plan I use – their Ground News Vantage subscription. And I think it's worth checking out.

    Also…would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Let's start a thread…

  • @JinnWong June 26, 2024

    Giving free drugs is cheaper than sending them to rehab.

  • Man the first few times are how it gets you, always starts out fun, no one is like let me toss my life away right quick, but the people who gotta help them really quit is themselves. You wont stop unless you want to stop, but you dont get there unless you have some dark stuff going on inside.

  • @user-hs5pd3kt3p June 26, 2024

    I wonder what YouTuber he’s talking about

  • @Liquidsemtex June 26, 2024

    I live in Vancouver. It really is as bad as Tyler showed on his video. Both my parents were addicts just before the Fentanyl crisis. We have an ancient government system amdnthe current leaders are more worried about social justice causes rsther than cleaning up the city of drugs and crime.

  • @mihong1187 June 26, 2024


  • @ArlindoBuriti June 26, 2024

    Yeah… saying that using drugs that can kill you will make life better xD.
    to me almost sounds like the police want this people to overdose and die.

  • @Lee.ronnyschreurs.s June 26, 2024

    Interessante que bom que você ajuda as pessoas boa atitude… Esse lugar está perdido,sem vida sem arte ,sem coração…🍃

  • @MrXavi67 June 26, 2024

    War on drugs

    I've been using heroin for the last 5 years or so and the only problem with my habit is when I don't have any because of the withdrawals. Other than that, it's alright because it doesn't make me unable to work like alcohol or marijuana. At worst, it makes me a little drowsy, that's all. All these zombies you're seeing in Portland are because of fentanyl or tranquilizers or they put too much in their body as they don't have a job or anything to do after. Too much restriction means hard to smuggle tons of heroin and easier to smuggle much lighter quantities of fent which is equal to the tons of heroin as it is 100s of times more potent.

    Now hear me out. Keep an open mind and just give it some thought:

    I. The Govt opens heroin clinics to sell unadulterated, pure heroin to addicts at very cheap rates. Like a dollar for a gram or more. Also, clean needles.
    1. Cartels can't compete with the govt and have to close shop as no one wants to buy costly and dirty drugs from them.
    2. Crimes like thefts, robberies, prostitution etc decreases as the addicts can easily afford their fix and don't have to resort to crime.
    3. Overdose deaths are reduced because addicts know what is actually in their drugs and the potency of each batch is perfectly uniform.
    4. A steady supply of clean needles ensure disease like HIV AIDS and hepatitis c are not spread.

    II. Registration for addicts.
    The addicts have to register themselves with a blood test report, prescription papers from a doctor and a valid ID to get a license for buying drugs from these clinic. The details are uploaded on a website with a central database of the entire country to ensure that only legit addicts can avail this facility.
    Kids can't get it anymore as the cartels have already closed shop and they don't have a license, no more new addicts and we have the details of every addict in the country.

    III. Revenue
    The sale proceeds are collected and audited every financial quarter or year. These facilities shouldn't be taxed to keep the price low. The revenue thus earned can be used in treatment and housing the homeless

    Look, problem solved! Without firing a single bullet, without destroying lives. Open your eyes people, prohibition doesn't work! Never has, never will. It's time to end the war on drugs because it's already lost!

  • @Xplicitthedon June 26, 2024

    I think legalisation is the way but they need a safe and regulated supply to make it work well.

  • @BrownGeorge-pw2xo June 26, 2024

    I started doing drugs years ago as a teenage, got addicted to heroin. Spent my whole life fighting heroin addiction. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until my son recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

  • @johnholdson7630 June 26, 2024

    So did the experiment work???

  • @freespirit4162 June 26, 2024

    People are a reflection of their Societies.. Escapism is Reason for Most Substance ABUSE.. Addictions

  • @freespirit4162 June 26, 2024

    Decriminalisation Yes.. Rehabilitation option YES Public use NO..

  • @azovandy14.88 June 26, 2024

    As an LCSW who works with drug addiction and homelessness amongst the veteran community I appreciated this fair take on this topic far more than Mr. Olivera’s who imo misrepresented the policy and effectiveness. I went on to watch a couple more of his videos, the sex offender community and the WV family, and he has an issue with misrepresenting his subjects to say the least. Hopefully this channel distances itself from Olivera’s gotcha shock style misinformation projects which can’t be considered documentaries given their preconceived and fabricated narratives.

  • @antman7673 June 26, 2024

    You gotta keep in mind, that addicts from other cities flock to these places.
    -So it is not necessarily causing problems, but definitely collecting them.

  • @joannemomoa7793 June 26, 2024


  • @birdbangbobaruni June 26, 2024

    Drugs decriminalization would save billions

  • @Nyfeee_RL June 26, 2024

    14:37 aaa smart dude. So we make them pay more for the drugs by adding taxes. More expensive drugs means more people doing crime to buy the drugs. How are these locals so disconnected with their own city?

  • The same people who cry about exposing truth are the same ones with this “progressive” policies that are literally destroying America. So boo hoo, nothing these leftist do helps anything!

  • It’s almost like open borders allow a shit ton more drugs and crime in…. huh?

  • @Femke0111 June 26, 2024

    I feel like the government hasn’t read very deep into the laws in Europe around drug use. I live in the Netherlands and yes drugs are legalized but only weed and only until a certain amount of weed. All other drugs are illegal and will you get arrested. Idk how other countries in Europe did it but I know Germany and the Netherlands do it this way

  • 😳

  • @ZENMASTERME1 June 26, 2024

    Never Freaking EVER FORGET!
    The war on drugs is an all out war on people!
    Not bought two by big Pharma.

  • @ZENMASTERME1 June 26, 2024

    “To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
    ~Theodore Roosevelt

  • @kennedy67951 June 26, 2024

    All drugs should be legal no matter what the outcome for some folks. Locking folks up doesn’t stop or prevent the use of anything. You should be able to go and get a recommendation from a doctor and get what you need or just go into a pharmacy and get what you need without the recommendation from a doctor. Doctors are just legalized drug sellers , that’s what they do. If you desire your not taking the advice from the doctor then you become a law breaker if you obtain medicine without there saying it’s okay to do so and that’s bullshit mates.😢 our morals, scruples and values are so messed up. Everything is backwards. This is how the Satan works. Thanks for sharing.

  • @bobsteave1236 June 26, 2024

    what if the gov arrested the very obvious dealers on shooters wearing black on every corner?

  • @rebeccaaldrich3396 June 26, 2024

    It costs a lot to keep people in jail.

  • @Commonguy70 June 26, 2024

    Piss and poop in a corner?
    Bidenomics & government is working.. good to see my tax dollars are being used for destruction..

  • @adamthompson6443 June 26, 2024

    I kinda doubt people are like "oh i wont get in trouble for having a small amount of hard drugs?! I'll become addict!" 😂

  • @juzeus9 June 26, 2024

    they didn't legalize, they didn't even decriminalize, they just ignore for the most part. all they're doing is promoting dirty cops. LEGALIZE IT AND STOP TAXATION.

  • @stephaniemcgrew665 June 26, 2024

    Well crap the gov wont even finish legal weed federally. Yet we have a big democrate in office. It was there idea then they refuse to finish it.

  • @roosterqmoney June 26, 2024

    Drug addicts are insane

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