July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes


January 05, 2017 MSM News
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  • @cnapier67 June 26, 2024

    These four should be mailed beneath the jail!

  • @johnbogacz3797 June 26, 2024

    Fake news station are now dead.Please rote in he'll with your sponsors.

  • @bboymanofsteel June 26, 2024

    funny how every single one of the statements made by everyone in this video basically pointed out all the hippocrisy's of the actions perpetrated by extreme leftists who support BLM

  • @deepstatiocracy4590 June 26, 2024

    There are hundreds of Pedo's arrested from a scandal in U.S and Canada,
    but for some reason the investigation stopped. At least 50 of these
    people were Canadian celebrities. Is Pedophilia so prevalent in our
    Government and Hollywood celebrities?! It must be, because there are
    thousands of people in these seemingly unending emails! Now Today
    150,000 Terabytes confiscated in Norway, This is big time people! It has
    to stop!!!
    So far it's already being covered up but there is one backup available
    thank goodness because someone screwed up at the Washington Post!
    P.S Ping pong is widely known as a childrens game, is why adults look
    ridiculous when they're playing,,,look on google!!! lol

  • @Steve-wh9ux June 26, 2024

    It's Russia's fault.

  • @firetxranger June 26, 2024

    You gotta love the fact that Don says it was "allegedly" by 4 black suspects

  • @bufongodemdabae308 June 26, 2024

    Fake news at it again

  • @ToFester June 26, 2024

    The actions of these individuals have nothing to do with BLM yet you people in the comment section constantly bring BLM up.

  • @macstone9 June 26, 2024

    Obama is full of shit!

  • there is no truth no justice no law of god in the lands

    Sodom is what is america is

  • @madmikey256 June 26, 2024

    lemon head doesnt give a shit

  • @cnapier67 June 26, 2024

    What gets me is that The President of the United States can't even at first breath states that the issue was a racially charged matter that had every characteristics of a racial hate crime not to mention crimes of a material proof to a handicapped individual. I know the sound a man makes when he is fearful or in pain or in total dispare of well being. I a sound that come from the soul, like a last ditch unconscious please for help, mercy, and or submittal. Few know or have experienced this human cry, people who know of this are typically military, healthcare professional, police, fire, and unfortunately TERRORIST.

    GOD KNOWS what this man endured what the camera did show. Send, this was, hate filed without doubt. And to top it office the man trusted his "friend" one he felt comfortable with and trusted but only to be brought to evil people!e and played long with it, this for a mentally challenged person is like placing a guy. to the head. How horrifying it most have been.

    Now comparing this to a completely different case in another state is with no merit. We not need to play the eternal game of whites in a crime compared to blacks in a crime and try to downplay the case at issue.

    I am sick of the black community stating they are depressed and are discriminated against.


  • @blue1spiral June 26, 2024

    No color unless the victim is black.

  • atleast obama called it a hate crime.

  • @okoriinaka6637 June 26, 2024

    This IS a HATE CRIME. They stated it THEMSELVES. No matter what color you are, HATE is POSSIBLE. And there's NO REASON to DEFEND ADULTS whom committed a HATE CRIME.


    And if you can't admit this, for this case? Then you aren't ready to address the reality of racism anywhere else.

    It isn't that parent's faults that other children are teaching each other, peer to peer, to have a lack of integrity out of sight of supervision. This act is on THEM as over 18 and ADULTS.

    We need to draw the line on the lack of discussions on 'what hate is' somewhere, and if this doesn't motivate people to start talking? Then I have a wonder what will.

  • @cbohne94bohne62 June 26, 2024


  • @missquinn7379 June 26, 2024

    "Is it a hate crime?!" Well it's simple. Was it racially motivated? They apparently said "fuck white people" so I am going to say yes, this person was targeted because he was white. Not too sure about the white on black crime the person mentioned, it could have simply been the kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time (was race a motivation?).

  • @TJMalana June 26, 2024

    I couldn't watch that video. I skipped it. I'm sorry but that is wrong. If you commit a crime like this you must suffer the consequences no matter the color you are. That's the truth. I like how CNN likes talking smack about "Fake News" when they themselves are the definition of "Fake Propaganda News."

  • @larrymor June 26, 2024

    So.  CNN is "right white media"?   Someone needs to pull their head out of their ass!

  • @jaythomas5895 June 26, 2024

    it was 100% a hate crime if any seen the video

  • @kylev6997 June 26, 2024

    There was a video broadcasted and people are unsure if it was a hate crime.

  • @kevinanderson3060 June 26, 2024

    These children need psychological help and they will be punished for this. But what about all of the unarmed victims of police brutality? These were hate crimes carried out by race soldiers.

  • @drivediveflyatr June 26, 2024

    Obama feels free to hold a news conference to tell America Trayvon Martin could have been his son, but his response to this kidnapping and torture is to apologize for the degradation of race relations on his watch.

  • @anoncyclist2131 June 26, 2024

    if white people cant discuss black racism how can 5 black people discuss white hate and racism
    and what was hand up dont shoot? pretty political… this is a defend the "kids" show

  • @GShock112 June 26, 2024

    How could have happened? You pay 50$ to each of those bums and it happens.
    Why do you think Barry signed the NDAA 2013?

  • @sydrivers8311 June 26, 2024

    2 things, a fake news reporting calling Infowars fake is ironic and the last dumb fuck saying this isn't about color and how ppl are using this for their own agenda. Are you seriously fucking kidding me? What the fuck does the BLM do? That exactly what they do,take any incident of white on black crime and go viral with it. So fucking please spare me your bullshit on a fake news channel.

  • @someonezmom June 26, 2024

    where is Symone Sanders and her racist drivel?

  • CNN stands for creative news….

  • @deadzombieballs June 26, 2024

    A lot of deflection, and fear I feel in the force, excuses, and turning to black victimhood I see!

  • @V1nn1ePJ June 26, 2024

    you can't eye for an eye you racist bald old timer.

  • @robbiespringman278 June 26, 2024

    All these racists pricks didn't have any trouble calling Dylan Roof a hate crime. the instant it happened.  How can you even consider yourself a human while you scramble to make up excuses for this. Difference between the left and right….. Anybody on the right didn't look at this as a race issue, it was an evil act performed by 4 teenagers to a dimished teen. The left instantly went into damage control and turned it into this huge racial controversy that it is now.  If roles were reversed, Chicago would be on fire and the white perps already drawn and quartered for a hate crime.

  • @Apache32D June 26, 2024

    The movement sucks

  • @matth.8627 June 26, 2024

    6:30 top right
    see that guy?
    Fuck that guy.

  • @filthyprank5164 June 26, 2024

    i saw humans trying too solve problems and thats something

  • @hellradiolives June 26, 2024

    "Race relations haven't gotten worse", even though over 8 years ago I rarely heard about "race relations" Now, I hear about them daily. And still, the black on black crime has only gotten worse.

  • @livingroom714 June 26, 2024

    Chicago doesn't lead the country in unemployment, Chicago has 6.5% while Detroit how 10.2%

  • @livingroom714 June 26, 2024

    not to be racist but if they're saying there opinion, wheres the diversity. being argued by 5 African Americans with no white opinion.

  • @redcoresuperstar June 26, 2024

    Right when the ex cop said people shouldn't politicise, the BLM activist started politicising. BLM are the people who spin the narrative and always speak with an agenda.

  • @Northguard86 June 26, 2024

    It's just so clear that the parents to these morons have been preaching hate against whites. If you have been hearing racist shit from when you've been a little fucker, no fucking suprise they end up thinking that all white people are evil. Fucking racist bastards!

  • @saintjoe14 June 26, 2024

    Finally, Don Lemon gives a layup lead in question to Black Lives Matter activist Ja' Mal Green The leader of a Black Lives Matter protest that vowed a shutdown of the Taste of Chicago festival and has been charged with several felonies, including trying to disarm a cop and was jailed on $350,000 bail…….about how it's sickening that there are fake news organizations that just want to create some false or fake narrative about this, what's your reaction?

    You " know" anything out of his mouth that follows is going to be in defense of how black lives should matter.

    Which isn't wrong.

    It's just that black lives seem to only matter as a brief respite to black on black violence when a black man is killed in the line of duty by a law enforcement agent protecting the people in some of the highest crime areas in the United States.

    Five bullet holes in a home's exterior mark a deadly shooting in Ferguson, Mo., that saw a 9-year-old girl gunned down while doing her homework on her mother's bed.

    There was no suspect in the attack more than 24 hours after that Tuesday's shooting that killed Jamyla Bolden and wounded her 34-year-old mother in the leg, authorities said.

    The girl's father, James Bolden, made an emotional plea for someone to step forward with information.

    "Do it for a 9-year-old child that didn't even get to see the rest of the world," Bolden told KMOV.

    It didn't matter.

    That very evening protestors were in the streets looting and burning down their own neighborhood over a lifetime thug police shot and killed while serving a warrant for violating his parole. Black lives mattered once more.

  • @saintjoe14 June 26, 2024

    Dominique Jordan Turner, president-CEO of Chicago Scholars bites on Lemon's false narrative that creates a strawman " black lives matter" and she taking the opportunity to defend BLM. stay focused people, let justice prevail, end of story. But it happened, it's a hate crime and it's aimed at an incoming president and white people. Let's not twist shit.

  • @saintjoe14 June 26, 2024

    At 6:02 into the video the radio talk show host AC Green [bald headed man] posits we can't be so sure it's a hate crime though after being probed by Lemon at 6:39 says straight out it's a hate crime no doubt about it. Shouldn't he resolve this one issue with himself first before he comes on to speak about it?

  • @saintjoe14 June 26, 2024

    So the granddaddy of racial divisiveness, Barack Obama, submits once again that racial tensions and hate crimes, indifference and lack of tolerance haven't gotten worse over his two terms, we just now have better technology like smartphones, social media, and mainstream media to go to war with. He's telling you it's just normal people, don't blame him. Isn't it always his message?

    That's like blaming faster automobiles for driving while intoxicated homicides.

    That this wouldn't be an unusual experience for us today, perhaps we should be more vigilant to how our auto industry builds new automobiles.

    Good riddance Mr. Obama

  • @ljmii5182 June 26, 2024

    This is disgusting! "F*&$ white people" is HATE plain and simple. What happened to the special needs black child was HATE.  Maybe these monsters were not members of BLM,  but the message "death to white people" chanted at BLM rally's, which I have personally witnessed, sounded awfully familiar. coincidence? Possible but doubtful. can we please stop making excuses for hate?

  • @ColdSoldier02 June 26, 2024

    "They need parenting!" Uhhh, little too fuckin late for that, they need prison time.

  • @haroldfinch9144 June 26, 2024

    FYI, for those curious about the Idaho case the man was referring to, the reason for the light sentencing was due to one of the individuals entering into a plea agreement and the reason it was offered was due to the lack of physical evidence that the attack took place.

    So that case is leaps and bounds different from the violent action in Chicago that was live streamed.

  • @Heathertfamily June 26, 2024

    they're fucking yelling "fuck white people" repeatedly while torturing a white kid! it's absolutely a fucking hate crime!

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