July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

Tomb Raider Controversy – Rape & Sexual Assault in Video Games

My thoughts on the current Tomb Raider controversy and my opinion about rape and sexual assault as themes in video games. To be clear, I do not believe that rape should ever be actually shown in graphic detail in a video game/movie/television show under any circumstances. Also, there’s video of me playing Tomb Raider Anniversary. Content belongs to Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix.

Kotaku articles referenced:

National Center for Victims of Crime:



  • @angelowentzler9961 June 20, 2024

    I project myself into every game's main char. Male, female or animal. I think the point of having a main char and controlling it is to identify with it.

    I also think rape is used a bit too lightly in a misguided attempt to provoke sympathy. All it does for me is provoke disgust, dismay and outrage. And not only directed at the bad guys, at the creators too!

  • @isaacriggs4656 June 20, 2024

    Have you seen I spit on your grave? The fun is in seeing how she enacts revenge.

  • @Bladeclaw00100 June 20, 2024

    In my opinion it clearly looks like Lara was assaulted with some sexual manor so yes that is sexual assault but I would not say it is actual rape. However, I can understand that executives in the US are so focused on being politically correct not to offend or portray that their game has sexual content while the developers create a game with high emotional impact through controversial content. If the executives say "Yes the some characters we close to getting raped and are sexually assaulted" that may downplay the game and steer some audience away from the game. The executives simply should have said nothing and let the game speak for itself. Let the audience decide if it's a game for them or not.

    The second problem is that our culture tears apart language and is offended for some of the most simplest things. For some it's clearly understandable. But out ethics of communication are being weakened. It's harder for public speakers to say something without being labeled, or attacked for the basic mistakes putting their overall opinions and messages out of focus since all focus is on the little mistakes they say. And we label them for that. And now you have speakers who are aware of that and try to stay clear of saying anything that may be offensive to anyone for any reason by using neutral language just so they aren't labeled or so no one says anything good. In this case They content speaks louder than the executive that represents it and we get this polar opposite effect of the game clearly showing sexual assault but executives saying its something else using neutral terms.

    My suggestion is for the audience is to let go of nit picking apart speakers' language. Understand the full message unless it's clear that they are suggesting something profound. The speakers will make mistakes once in a while. We don't need to label them for the mistakes. As for the speakers, they need to loosen up and not try to be so politically correct, say what it really is or let the audience decide what it is. Everyone sees it in a different way. Both sides are provoking this behavior. We are picking it apart and blaming, and they are covering up, hiding, their words while trying to seek this type of content.

    By the way great job on this video. I like all your walkthroughs.

  • @user-bu5fg6rz9x June 20, 2024

    too bad you sound like a zombie with those "urghhhhh " sounds….pffff for someone doing what you do its better to have a clear sounded languqge

  • @aw-Keypad June 20, 2024

    We are all just kinda looney thanks to our world… Ok, we are all taught the same, watch some of the same shows. Our decisions are affected by TV/media brainwashing.

    Ex. What does the devil look like? Horns would be a thought. But the bible says he looks like the pictures of Jesus (not Jesus but handsome), however, Satan was beautiful. Jesus was the hideous one. Isaiah 53:3.

    Saw a post the Roman Catholic Church sells porn and is owner of the industry. Would explain since even the American bible comes from them and has its share. Everything is related to sex. What do you expect?! I hate it, but to hate our system/America for our lies would make one a terrorist. Funny. Like it, ignore it, or become a prisoner.

    I agree with you, dormouse, and I'm a male. Hey, lol, did joe smith, the 1st commenter, kill himself. I mean if her voice is that bad, duh why listen #save yourself. See and ppl thumbs down for things like YOUR VOICE! Totally off subject.

  • @vunix1234567890 June 20, 2024

    Whilst I OBVIOUSLY condemn rape, why should it matter if it's in a fictional piece of material? Yes, there will be those who are hurt by it, but the same could be said of killing, thievery, etc… ANYTHING, really.

    At the end of the day, I'm sure you'll agree, reality and non-reality are two very different things – that's why we can laugh and enjoy murder in media, but find it shocking and horrible in real life. It's why we can go around and steal clothes from Whiterun guards, but know it's wrong to in reality.

  • @killermoon635 June 20, 2024

    Murder is ok, but can't have rape in video game ? Why not ?

    Just imagine that GTA 6 gives you the option to assault and rape women in the street. Thats fun. Killing people is already fun and raping them makes it more fun. Just my opinion.

  • @Thetcart360 June 20, 2024

    I know I'm incredibly late… But I want to put my opinion into the shitstorm brew of opinions here and say that when incredibly bad things such as sexual assault kidnap and just assault if implemented correctly make you FEEL things… Feeling anger and feeling sadness which is what a game is meant to do… Make you feel things… It's what movies do aswell… Something most modern games fail to do nowadays… Take call of duty modern warfare 3 for example… The most anger you feel through the whole game is in multiplayer being trolled or just being beaten by other players… (Usually cocky little kids) and in campaign you feel a small amount of emotion (spoiler alert) when you find makarov and kill him finally (I do not agree with rape it's a disgusting act)

  • @titilayoakwe6478 June 20, 2024


  • @kobudo June 20, 2024

    I think it works as a narrative device here. They portray the attacker as total scum, you get to feel good about shooting him, and then a longer-than-usual take off his last few gasps, as if Lara is frozen in horror for a few moments. It was certainly a scene of sexual intimidation, used to tell you more about how vile the antagonists are. If this was a movie, no one would even think about it.

  • Of course, these do detract from the basic truth that rape itself is wrong and murder is wrong, regardless on whether or not they are male or female.
    Still, speaking as a man, I do enjoy triggering my protectivity towards women, from time to time, as it reminds me of the days of chivalry, dragonslayers, and damsels in distress. Being able to internalize a noble character and personality is always uplifting in spirit. Speaking as a man, that is.
    I can't answer to how this is felt/seen by women.

  • I think there might be something to be said here about the expectations of society and male disposablility. If the test group was all male and the demographic that the game is being aimed at is primarily male, the context of "I want to protect her" definitely makes sense, whereas, if the protagonist was male and he got raped or murdered, the social answer probably will be either "He is one lucky bastard" if being raped by tribal women, or simply "That's sad" if he's massacred by tribal men.

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    Of course not. This is exactly what I said was ridiculous. I think the point was that people who feel that way are taking a belief system too far.

  • @blackday12341 June 20, 2024

    So…If you were at a resturant..And a guy was holding a door for his family, then saw you and your family coming he would leave the door open for you you would ask him to stop?

    It's called being polite, And if you would. It's time to stop being so self entitled.

  • @Mick0Mania June 20, 2024

    I am a male, and there is something i simply cannot grasp. Why are the two sexes depicted so differently? Why do everyone assume man are more powerful? I fear being out in the dark alone too, rape might not be as horrible to a man but i can easily be killed, kidnapped, crippled for life. Although i do not want to agree with the statement about "protecting female characters", im afraid that is the sexist reality. I am sick of the over protective attitude towards females that encourage sexism.

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    When I said "super feminist" I meant feminism to the extreme, like not wanting men to hold open doors or some kind of nonsense where you spell things incorrectly (womyn is not a word). I'm just not really into the whole politics of it, and "feminist" seems like a very politicized term.

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    Yeah, I'm not saying that such a scene could never be done in a tasteful way that added to the story and character development, but it really isn't something that I'd care to see. Luckily, the scene in Tomb Raider was really blown out of proportion. Just some unwanted touching before she kicked his ass.

  • @sofalofa77 June 20, 2024

    I really enjoy your video but I was a bit puzzled when you said you don't identify as a "super feminist". I am not trying to tell you what to say or how to identify. I'm just confused about your definition of a feminism. In the most general sense feminists are advocates for equal rights for all genders. Throughout history there have been offshoots of feminism that encourage ridiculous ideology such as "don't open the door for me" but most active advocates of feminism today are not like that.

  • @_fawkes June 20, 2024

    I love your commentary. We all know what sexual assault is and we don't need them in video games. Developers try to make the mainstream games as cinematic as possible these days and integrate various controversial scenarios like this into the game.

    Video games are icons of fun. Once upon a time, games were pure fun without all these. Sure we had killings, but those were meant for fun in an innocent kind of a way. What fun you can possibly get from encountering sexual assault in video games?

  • man people need to just shut the fuck up about this god damn rape scene god its nothing way to serious just chill

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    That's an interesting point. Personally I wouldn't want to see a graphic depiction of rape. I don't need to see it all to know how horribly sick it is. I don't think I'd ever watch Girl with the Dragon Tattoo again (or at least that part). I don't think you really have to show that much to get the point across. I'm not sure how to describe how it is different from murder to me. Maybe because the victim is still alive and aware afterward? Something to think about though.

  • @TruMorbid June 20, 2024

    Good discussion. But as much as I hate rape, I think it's irresponsible on the part of the creator(s) to avoid showing its harsh nature. If you really want people to understand how cruel and sick it is, you have to be explicit about it. We don't try to avoid scenes depicting murder in video games or other media. How is rape different? What matters is that you don't give people the impression that you're celebrating the act. It has to serve a purpose. Case in point, the rape in Thelma & Louise.

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    Yep, I think that you are spot on. I think they were trying to smooth things over, but trying to gloss over the subject came out just as poorly. Then the media spun the comments to spark even more controversy about a game that was months away from release. In any case, I'm really excited to see how the finished product looks and plays.

  • @bafbeer June 20, 2024

    Thanks, great listen.

    However I do think that the screw ups of the Crystal Dynamics PR guys weren't necessarily born out of belittling rape or sexual harassment. They were awkwardly trying to ignore the whole subject, because rape as a subject is just bad for (the videogame) bussiness. Thus making it only worse and really belittling of rape and sexual harassment.

  • @cjjtheone June 20, 2024

    Amen to that. I especially love how guest speakers state their case by providing So called evidence from case studies (usually from ASA) and manipulate information to fool the ignorant.
    I could go on.
    For the record, Fox News needs to be shut down.

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    Entertainment (video games, tv, movies, comics, books, etc.) have always been easy scapegoats for people (especially kids) committing violent acts. There has been practically no good evidence to support any of these claims. In fact, there has been a lot of evidence to the contrary: that playing a violent game actually helps to relieve tension in a healthy way. I definitely agree that this kind of game-blaming needs to stop.

  • @dormouse03 June 20, 2024

    Yeah, I agree that if the devs did their jobs correctly, the gender of the character shouldn't matter. I think it makes a lot more of a difference in a more story-driven game though. If I couldn't have a female Shepard in Mass Effect, it would have definitely lessened the experience for me. It would still have been great, but not quite as great. That could also be sensitivity though, because I am so often forced into a male character. Thanks for the comment!

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