Wednesday, October 2


  1. @TerryWallace-ty1cp on


  2. @adrianaperez7473 on

    This is so sad but can’t they Find out they’re innocent years before So they won’t have to spent many years in prison being inocente??? I don’t get it

  3. @mohammedzulfikar5019 on

    Why did you get arrested innocent person and you let them free can you even talk to the president

  4. @alexanderh2345 on

    I have a friend who was falsely accused of rape. It was the girl’s word against his and she could not keep her story straight. Thankfully the jury didn’t convict on the main charge of rape, but because the trial happened during the height of the Me Too movement, the jury convicted him on attempt, in what can only be described as insurance against possibly being wrong. He spent time in prison and on parole.

    Either way, my friend has remained strong and forgiving in his heart toward this girl and her family. But it has given him severe anxiety about being around any females and because he’s a registered SO he has trouble finding work, a relationship, and living arrangements. All the while he has to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars in restitution and court fees.

    For more details: my friend is 6’2” 260 pounds and this girl is probably 5’ and 90 pounds. She said he raped her at her home during a birthday party where her whole family was in the house too. Her house, btw, is a double wide trailer. And no one in the family testified at trial about hearing or seeing anything, but somehow this rape happened with all of them present in this little shanty of a house. Go figure….

    Furthermore, she was 14 at the time of the “incident” and he was 17. So he was tried in two, separate courts. One as an adult AND the other as a minor.
    …Didn’t know that was legal.

    He had to settle for a bogus plea deal in the minor court because again it was at the height of Me Too and his public defenders didn’t like his chances. Plus the possible sentence in the minor court was up to life. He of course didn’t want to risk it, so he plead guilty to attempted sexual assault. Who can blame him?

    There’s so much more. But that’s it for now.

  5. Nothing can bring back someone’s life and how much they missed. Whoever tf the detectives are or whoever sent these people in jail without PROPER and ACCURATE information, STRAIGHT TO JAIL. Life is precious and too precious to waste.

  6. @lonamylegaste7534 on

    this individual may have the glory of lord but the police and judges who convicted them will goes to hell

  7. @1992Zangetzu on

    I may be wrong here! Buyt a systemn that punishes innocent people with half their life, is not a system i would use to even get the right ppl! The fall of mistakes is to great to put into motion, and even 1000 right ones vs 1 wrong is even for me to much to be put into use! Like It's not right… And yes you can say everything has a risk… But playing with ppls lifes like that with no garante should never be leagal… My opinion. So yeah! I would any day chose 100 murderes to go free, than all those 100 in jail with 1 innocent also in jail. Like in Norway! If evidance is 99.99% it's not enough to judge you! And all should follow that.

    Moral Absolutism. Ethical Wisdom vs. Practical Smartness, Philosophical Foundations, Long-Term Societal Impact, Human Dignity and Rights. etc.. Sry i woiuld rather have a murder kilol 100 pl, than placing an innocent person in jail! Sry… It's not a question about the outcome, but what is right and wrong.. Justice is an intrinsic value that should be upheld regardless of the consequences. Punishing an innocent person is inherently unjust, and no outcome, no matter how beneficial, can justify such an act.

    beyond a reasonable doubt Should not be enopugh to judge anyone. Only absolute certainty should be enough! and if its not possible to get that, sry , U have no case

  8. @bloodmoonvampire6632 on

    It took the "witness" who didn't see anything in Jackson's case FORTY YEARS to admit that he didn't see shit?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!


    I just couldn't help myself, but to watch this video, because even if I cannot fully process the pain & relief of those innocent people, I can still relate to the pain & relief of people false imprisoned or put on trial for a long time in false cases, having gone through 18 days of imprisonment and 9 years of fighting false cases.

    Justice system in most places need complete overahauling to deliver justice to victims & bring manipulators to books.

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