July 7, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Top FICO Scores|Knowing|Hawaii|Identity Theft Protection|Better Qualified LLC

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Consumer credit is the portion of credit consumers use to buy non-investment services consumed or goods that depreciate quickly. This includes automobiles, education costs, recreational vehicles. The most common form of consumer credit is a credit card. Better Qualified provides the clients better credit analysis that is designed to educate clients on their credit and determine what steps need to be taken to obtain their desired score. Secured credit cards require that you put a down payment as collateral, so that you can build your credit risk free. The Finance and Insurance sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in financial transactions (transactions involving the creation, liquidation, or change in ownership of financial assets) and/or in facilitating financial transactions. Three principal types of activities are identified: 1. Raising funds by taking deposits and/or issuing securities and, in the process, incurring liabilities. Establishments engaged in this activity use raised funds to acquire financial assets by making loans and/or
purchasing securities. Putting themselves at risk, they channel funds from lenders to borrowers and transform or repackage the funds with respect to maturity, scale, and risk. This activity is known as financial intermediation. 2. Pooling of risk by underwriting insurance and annuities. Almost all Americans come across the problem of bad credit score. Steve, the author of the video, gives several useful suggestions to resolve this problem. First of all, one should look at the turning factors when it comes to scoring his credit. Payment history is the most important one. 35% of FICO score is based on payment history, so if you pay on time, your score will never be dropped on hundred points. Next, one should pay attention on the Amounts Owed, which takes 30% of FICO score. The rule №1 – don’t keep “max out credit cards”. If it happens, try to pay these accounts down. If you pay your accounts down to 20% or lower, then you will see a quick bust in your credit score within the next month.The length of the credit history is also important. The author suggests to think twice before closing your old accounts.
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Better Qualified is a global leader in Credit Care / Credit Repair business. BQ team of credit experts have decades of combined experience helping people manage and build their credit. The company has developed a proven credit management program that will help clients manage their credit and save money. Our company has consulted for thousands of individuals and corporations on their credit ratings, operations, sales and business models. We work with both public and privately held companies. Better Qualified 100% effective and legal credit management process has helped thousands of people achieve financial freedom. Welcome to Hawaii, the Aloha state. Hawaii is comprised of a chain of 132 islands. We usually think of the eight main islands when we think of Hawaii. This is not surprising as the other 124 islands only total about 3 square miles in land area. Hawaii is home of the world’s most active volcano, the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa. Sandy beaches, towering volcanoes, and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise.


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