July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Trauma from Human Trafficking

In this video, Sandy Storm shares more about the trauma she experienced as a result of human trafficking, and how hard she works each day to maintain her mental health.

Watch the full episode

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #livedexperience #trauma #ptsd #cptsd #humantrafficking #humantraffickingawareness #psychology #podcast



  • @AA-lq5pu June 19, 2024

    After getting away from the Church of Scientology I got to take a longer than three minute showers, I got to watch a movie, I got to wear what I wanted, my Schedule was controlled from 7 to 11 at night. And I got to get a good nights rest. The sleep deprivation was the worst. Its tortore.

  • @donnalittle5453 June 19, 2024

    To stop human trafficking close Mexican border.

  • @Kjspun1021 June 19, 2024

    So wat your saying is now that jesus is all up in you .. but leaving a pimp is a choice.. u make no sense

  • @vanessaleighray878 June 19, 2024

    What am amazing testimony! I'm so grateful for your words and sharing the truth about taking back your power. We all have to stop living in the victim mentality. I'm so much healthier now taking back my power.

  • @shanalavoy5103 June 19, 2024

    The power of choice. The Privilege called Freedom God Bless your Journey

  • @EmpressRetard June 19, 2024

    and Eliza bleu is stealing stories from people like you to climb up the social ladder.

  • @milesdecker1 June 19, 2024

    God this is so so sad my heart really hoes out to her she's so pretty too I hope she's been able to heal and find as much peace inside especially as she possibly can I don't believe that everything that doesn't kill us always makes us stronger like addiction for example I'm currently in a methadone clinic from previous addiction to pain pills that progressively turned into heroin use till this day I'm not fully clean and free but at least I'm safe in a clinic being treated many people don't realize many addictions especially opiate and alcohol addiction is treatable but not curable much like cancer along with it being chronic and relapse is a part of treatment usually many times I feel wiser more cautious more experienced but I don't feel the experience in itself has made me stronger I just simply try to remain strong same as I don't think what's best is what always happens and is meant to be that what happens isn't always for the best but we can make the best out of what happens and try to find the good the useful or the silver lining in it find the ways in which it will help us grow something's do make us stronger and many things are unfortunately best learned through pain but the most important thing to remember is we're not defined by what happens to us but how we deal it and what we do about it in return how we react and respond is the area where we have a choice where we can always choose to do what's right that is the one thing nobody can take away from sometimes were shocked in fear we do often have involuntary reactions that are out of our control that does happen too I realize but once we get ahold of ourselves and have some time to process what we've been or are going through take a step back regroup rethink then take action that's where we have the control to be the best version of ourselves as we possibly can it's ok to be neutral and just normal not effect anyone in a positive or negative way but with all the people who do in fact do real harm sometimes it's not enough to just stay safe away on the sidelines out of the way of danger not even take a side as to completely avoid conflict we need good people to stand up against bad more importantly evil people it's a sad truth that without conflict all there is is stagnation limbo conflict does force growth and change there's nothing wrong with stepping into the battle and stepping up taking action as long as your on the right side of the conflict sometimes that can be very hard to know what the right thing is to do as in most cases of conflict it's two opposing sides with opposing beliefs and views based on having different perspectives and needs where it's rare that it's as simple as one sides evil the others good most of these conflicts can be sorted out to find a peaceful solution if there's a certain degree of cooperation adaptation symbiosis along with some tolerance for differences that both sides don't really like as long as both parties try there best to as evenly spread the goods that are the necessary needs to others and not be too greedy then usually a solution can be found and treaties can be made as majority of crime is due to necessity for poverty and hunger essential needs not being met for survival rather than just out of malicious evil or greedy intent although there are those few exceptions like the holocaust, genocide, slavery, child molestation, rape, murderers, & yes human trafficking are not necessary for survival and are completely evil abominations and human rights violations to the sickest most vile degree those things need to be fought put down shit down without regard or hesitation there is no room for diplomacy you don't and can't reason or bargain with pure evil anymore than you would try to reason with a hungry lion ready to pounce on you and try to eat you it's time for action not talking that how I view those cases of not just bad but extreme evil it's very hard for many people to except that evil sometimes just plainly purely does exist people wonder why where it comes from that it's not just that simple and has to be more complex than that it's not ignorance to recognize that something's just simply are and exist most things have more substance more under the surface than that but evil is hollow empty black like color white is every color mixed together within a spectrum black isn't the opposite of white or colors it's the complete absence of color same as darkness is the absence of light it's the natural state of everything everywhere when there is no light not to imply that naturally everything is evil as a natural state it's the exact opposite evil is unnatural like murder and cannibalism there's an inherent good moral light within most people rather there naturally or put there by god you decide same as evil people think it's too terrifying to think and except that its naturally a condition inside of us all that were all capable of that it must have been put there by the devil and came from the devil as well but we all know deep down I side were all capable of great good or tremendous evil to do good or do real harm I believe you have to ask the right questions in order to get the right or best answers you can ask where how why does evil exist or come from till the end of time it's not a very good question am understandable relatable question for sure but I see it more as a statement evil exists that's a fact rather it be a question or a statement the real question or best question is "evil exists; and what are you going to do about it"? What were going to do especially when it comes after us for us to destroy us the only relevant logical rational necessary question to ask is what are we going to do? The evil men & women in this world and the evil deeds they do is something that's all of our problem nobody should sit quietly on the side lines everyone everywhere needs to stand up and take a stand against all the evils of this world it's everyone's responsibility to stand up against those evildoers whom soe evil that is my firmly held belief that I believe and think to be objective fact regardless of others circumstances perspectives needs beliefs race religion creed social status class etc. It all goes back to the old saying to forget the past gives evil the chance to rise again, and the inky thing required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. The will to act to have convictions to make a stand for what you know is right is more important than all the tactical training and education in the whole world we must have the will to act or nothing will ever change we must have the courage to put strength over our fear look that pure evil straight in the eyes and face it head on praise you all god bless you all to the brave souls out there who are soldiers in the military fire fighters paramedics and many others who fight on the front lines to try and combat that evil as much as possible I hope as we continue to move into the future that more souls will rise up to defend protect the innocent and vulnerable to help give to those in desperate need many hands make light work if all would swallow our pride shed our ego throw our greed and selfishness away scattering it to the wind and have more empathy embrace compassion give more to everyone be selfless we all as a world could help each other a lot more than we do if we really wanted to as I'll always hope and pray for better days that we may live to see and be apart of a world where there is less evil tragedy atrocities disasters etc. Where we all can not just be good but great not just do better but our very best where things like homelessness poverty hunger was so little very uncommon I feel if we all really stood up with a real will to act that it could be there will always be accidents and chaos that's out of our control but the extreme excessive suffering of others of so so many is not just tragic and excessive but totally unnecessary it's not outside of our control it doesn't have to be the way it is when will we all wake up and start doing better but again god bless those few brave souls who are acting with a strong will standing for what's right not just talking or preaching it with rhetoric but physically actually doing it you all are making more of a difference than you know nothing happens in a vacuum we all effect each other in everything we do all our actions have consequences good and bad those who stand up and take action impact the lives of others positively so much more than you will ever know or imagine thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those people who do good stand up for and most importantly act apon what right.

  • @ritatharp5238 June 19, 2024

    I'm happy for you that you know now you have choices.

  • @helenboula3538 June 19, 2024

    My prayers are with you dear.

  • @catYourMom777 June 19, 2024

    So beautiful. I’m so glad she’s free. ❤

  • @d2670 June 19, 2024

    Very happy for her. I'm glad she was able to save herself. She is a very strong woman. I commend her.

  • @justjules6975 June 19, 2024

    I’m so so sorry she went through such hell and so happy for her that she’s free now xx♥️🙏

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