July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Trial By Media: The Case Against Eleanor Williams

May 20th, 2020. The middle of the U.K’s lockdown. Most people were inside, online and scrolling through social media. One post would capture not only the attention of the small town of Barrow-In-Furess, but the whole of the U.K. It was so shocking, so awful and so graphic that people were horrified. But little did everyone reading it know, the police had years worth of evidence to prove that this post, the same post that had just destroyed a community, was not true…

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Further Resources ⬇️

Women’s Aid UK:
Samaritans (UK):

Refuge (UK):
Men’s Advice Line (UK):
ManKind Initiative (UK):
Everyman Project (UK):
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (USA):
RizeUp (Australia):



  • @ashleynunez3011 July 3, 2024

    I have serve cptsd & would never lie about my trauma 😤 she makes me so sick!!!

  • @soniaf6156 July 3, 2024

    Oh man, she's clearly disturbed and 8.5 yrs for the damage she caused is a joke.

  • @sarahstrzelski9870 July 3, 2024

    She took attention seeking to a whole other level. Ick. She should stay in prison forever.

  • @tarapragacz2256 July 3, 2024

    The women who make false claims should serve the same prison sentence of those she accused!

  • @allminegoaway.1161 July 3, 2024

    Pathetic sentence 😢 . Should have got 20 years no parole .

  • @gembert5957 July 3, 2024

    8.5 years does not seem long enough for the devastation she caused to so many people and her victims!

    I cannot believe she is not unwell mentally. It seems like an extreme case of Munchausen syndrome which im sure can be linked with complex PTSD?
    That girl needs A LOT of help and is a danger to many.

  • @unmuddywaters4602 July 3, 2024

    Seems like a variation of Munchhausen‘s doesn’t it? Still, criminal. At least with with regular Munchausen, they are only drawing attention to themselves. She ruined so many lives, and set victim’s confidence to report, back 100 years

  • @Honest-Don July 3, 2024

    This just discredits rape and domestic violence abuse cases attention seeking child

  • @Duurston July 3, 2024

    8 years, pathetic. Yet Jordan goes straight to the slammer on just her word and fuck all evidence. No wonder people have absolutely no faith in the system.

  • @traciehart4470 July 3, 2024

    Firstly I’d just like to apologise to all of these poor innocent men.
    Innocent men whose lives have been totally changed because of some wicked spoilt brat. They absolutely should have her charged with defamation and possibly her family, seeing as her mother seems to enabling her.
    I personally feel she did this because she liked going to the Police and having their support and sympathy etc. She simply never for one second thought about these poor innocent men. If any men unfortunately came across her in anyway at some stage in her life, then they were fair game for her to make up lies and walk into the police station. She absolutely deserves so much more than 8 and a half years. She’s ruined people’s lives and for goodness sake. Reporting her as missing 30 times within one year is absolutely ridiculous. That in itself should have raised eyebrows. So to speak.
    She has ruined so many lives and she should really hope and pray that when she does get out, that nothing actually happens to her because I’m pretty sure, many people will not believe a word she’s saying.
    Instead of ruining innocent people, she definitely should be putting all of that time and effort into improving herself and to stop lying. You certainly wouldn’t want to be a friend of hers, that’s for sure. Hoping she enjoys jail time, it’s exactly where she belongs

  • @annabezanson6167 July 3, 2024

    She got a smile on her face even after a hammer was used on her no I'm sorry theres somthing very wrong with her

  • @lindasue263 July 3, 2024

    The mother is a joke! That woman would believe her daughter if she said the sky was green and the grass was pink!

  • @KptnBlowFly July 3, 2024

    Why? Her mother that why.

  • @Estellbel1968 July 3, 2024

    She reminds me of amber heard lies lies lies

  • @anarchyexe July 3, 2024

    I remember the post being shared on facebook. I just scrolled past it, i had no idea about any of this.

  • @trennaclark1366 July 3, 2024

    Scamber Turd me too movement 💩

  • @Estellbel1968 July 3, 2024

    Only 8 years for destroying men’s life BS she needs to be sued stop lying mother . Like mother like daughter lies lies lies she is evil and you mother is going to be next to become her next victim

  • @Frenchblue8 July 3, 2024

    It's like Munchausen Syndrome or Munchausen's by Proxy, except there, the target of fascination is with the medical world via the presentation of a child's recurring illness, or their own, this is attention from law enforcement, via the self-inflicted wounding and reports of relentless yet varied sources of sexual assault~ in both instances, it's the profoundly desperate, pathologically specific need for attention and sympathy from whomever and wherever they can get it.
    A very perplexing and insidious display of mental illness that causes terrible, untold harm in a ripple effect that is almost incalculable.

  • @Estellbel1968 July 3, 2024

    This desperate attention seeker she needs to go to jail for a long time period. She is nothing but a evil person

  • @brandystephens3112 July 3, 2024

    I can't imagine how she beat herself up ?? That's just crazy .and the poor men she accused .

  • @laurawhitelaw6062 July 3, 2024

    What an absolute freak

  • @tanyahough6627 July 3, 2024

    I hope she never has kids.

  • @Estellbel1968 July 3, 2024

    This girl is a manipulator she was framing him I bet you she’s sycophant

  • @mobilegamersunite July 3, 2024

    She should get LIFE…not 8 years…this is insane!

  • @louisabah101 July 3, 2024

    Mohamed Ramzan’s Wife is a true definition of for better or for worst. Sticking to ur partner even wen all evidence was pointing at him😮

  • @cairas.6142 July 3, 2024

    What a sick woman!

  • @ykjo5613 July 3, 2024

    What a jackass. She should go to jail

  • @julieyoutu July 3, 2024

    Released?!?!?!?! After 4 yrs?!?! She’s fucking NUTS


  • @daisybogado1437 July 3, 2024

    Wife material right here…..

  • @jenna-a-gogo July 3, 2024

    Gone Girl

  • @Sawk_King July 3, 2024

    I know every tells white lies but I’m finding it incomprehensible how she fabricated such horrific stories. She’s beyond psychotic! Extremely dangerous. Sickening.

  • @doddodson6133 July 3, 2024

    reminds me of how amber heard beat herself in the face to frame johnny depp… some people are crazy

  • @elliem2943 July 3, 2024

    What was her problem with men?

  • @LOKDOWNKING July 3, 2024

    Believe all women huh

  • @tiegz9770 July 3, 2024

    Disgusting. Her sentence is far too lenient. The victims, the men in the community and girls who have truly been trafficked have all suffered from her selfish lies. Not to mention all the resources wasted on her. Lock her in prison and throw away the keys

  • @gibant1 July 3, 2024

    Anyone still believe in the MeeToo movement?

  • @platinummc01 July 3, 2024

    Women do this every single day. Falsely accuse men for one of the worst crimes you can have attached to your name. They get extremely little time(if any) , very little exposure, and this disgusting problem that only women abuse,is not talked about anywhere.

  • @winnifredcox July 3, 2024

    I ain't a psychiatrist, but i would say Munchhausen ?

  • @user-ox4cz4tw3k July 3, 2024

    It sounds bad but if she gets attack when she gets out no one will believe her

  • @user-ox4cz4tw3k July 3, 2024

    I know someone like this it gonna take something like this for ppl to see how dangerous the person is

  • @ueseflpc July 3, 2024

    Wow that's!……….Ya!….

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