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True Crime Documentary – Jeff and Tanya Borlase Case, The son did horror things to his parents

True Crime Documentary 2024 – True Crime Documentary 2024 – Jeff and Tanya Borlase Case, The son did horror things to his parents

Jeff Borlase, 43, and his wife, Tanya, 44, were both found dead outside their home in the Deep Gap area of ​​Watauga County on the night of October 4. What happened to them?

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  • Iam a new subscriber an can I say iam loving ❤channel 😊

  • @dallasskelcher9754 June 23, 2024

    Fuck god

  • @jennatrusty522 June 23, 2024

    I'm not surprised that they said this that they made this claim that it had to be because she was Native American let me just explain she's half Native American first of all secondly it's always kill whitey it's always kill whitey did it why he doesn't care because white he doesn't care about any color but white that is absolute hogwash and I think you already know this that is some deliberate you know racist perpetuation that's all that that is and I'm so sick of hearing it because her dad is white okay so get real first of all secondly the reason why they didn't take it seriously is because how put this kid this pregnant kid go missing if she couldn't go anywhere she can walk anywhere and see the last place she was was right upstairs and if they go upstairs and they look in their they don't see anything what are they to think what would they conclude what kind of insane individual would do something that's stupid that's why they didn't take it seriously they couldn't imagine somebody to be in that freaking crazy that's why I don't I don't know why they didn't smell the blood is what I don't understand even if she tried to clean it up it would still smell like blood but that's beside the point it doesn't matter if she was Native American and white or white and purple or white and green or whatever it doesn't matter the reason why it was not taken seriously is because it's the most absurd set of circumstances one could ever even imagine could you even imagine somebody doing this being that Brazen to do that me personally I would have busted her door down I would have busted that door down the second that she didn't come back because you need to keep in mind when you're pregnant that you're in danger girl it doesn't matter who you are some weirdo tries to ask you to come over to do some random thing or offers you free s*** you say past girl leave it in a box on the side of the highway I'll pick it up later I'm not going to hang out with you regardless of if I've seen you before or not it doesn't matter if somehow someway ridiculously enough you become friends with somebody all the sudden I don't know where who says they're pregnant too unless you see their belly button sticking out unless they take their top off take them and you know my best advice is to take somebody to swimming when they get pregnant I want to see your belly I want to see your body exposed I want to see that belly if you don't see a pregnant belly but I can't see your stomach then I don't believe you're pregnant I don't become friends with somebody the moment I get pregnant either that's another red flag I hate saying that expression that's an indicator that this person is after your baby people are freaking insane when it comes to babies it is very important not to make new friends when you get pregnant

  • @jennatrusty522 June 23, 2024

    This guy William is full of crap you know exactly what she was going to do what puzzles me is that she had plenty of children to choose from that she actually gave birth to I'm still stunned that they didn't smell the blood in that house I can't imagine how they were able to stuff that tiny I mean she had to be so tiny if she fit into a dresser do you know how sad the story is so senseless it makes no sense because it would never have worked I don't know what she was thinking

  • @jennatrusty522 June 23, 2024

    That's what I'm talking about this Psycho mother was filming everything he did this was an inevitability you cannot raise a kid the way that she was doing it you can't have it both ways it's just like the men from Pakistan that that do honor killings you can't raise a kid with technology and all the stuff that most kids have you sent to a normal school and all the kids have the same things you can't you can't treat him like an adult and then treat them like a child in another way she treated him like it was very conflicting treatment that she was given this kid and also you know you're giving him a conflicting type of upbringing where he's around normal kids and then he's supposed to be a Puritan he's supposed to be an Amish person I mean what the hell are you thinking she got two two obsessed with what her son was doing was that her biological son Tristan or was that the adopted kid because I could understand if it was an adopted kid more than I could if it was their own kid or maybe it is because of the adoption of the other kids that he never felt good enough for you guys or maybe because you adopted the other kids something deranged to happen between the adopted kids and him and that's why he's behaving this way there's something off about the way that she would sell it for wedding ring and you know like buy a cheap ring you know it was like she was a toning for something that she did that was really disturbing and I got to wonder what it was that would have sent this kid over the edge like that I couldn't have just been about a cell phone all those cameras around the house there was something perverted going on in that in that house I can't put my finger on it but I'm just saying

  • @jennatrusty522 June 23, 2024

    Tristan was an entitled little schmuck and when he got his hands on a cell phone and he got on the internet he thought he was a king ding-a-ling the second you know what it is it's the second he had sex put some little girl he thought he was a man that's the way it is that's why kids should not be having sex and the thing about it is is if his mom if his mother hadn't been so aggressively demanding like you know I understand you want to keep your kids in line but you can't micromanage everything he does you're not going to be able to do that and it seems to me that she was she was figuratively choking him not not physically choking him I think that's you know anybody he's lying to you if he thinks that that that he's going to get away with saying that his mother choked him no she didn't know she didn't and the problem was he got too big for his britches he got a little too familiar and they didn't they didn't the problem is that they didn't lay down the law and knock the taste out of his mouth the first time he got a smart mouth on him why would you buy my cell phone to begin with you do not reward bad behavior and I feel like that's what was happening and he thought he was so grown I would have kicked his ass right out of the house

  • @jennatrusty522 June 23, 2024

    You know it's one thing to be kind it's another thing to be a psychopath okay why would you sell your wedding ring so that you could send money to charity and then buy a cheap ring that doesn't make you look like a better person it makes you look like you're trying to hide something terrible in my opinion it makes you look like you've done something so horrendous that you have to you have to keep on like fainting this belief or fainting your kindness or pretending that you're so selfless that you would give out a wedding ring that just that is the weirdest thing I've ever seen in a Sunday hat kind of thing that's why I be looking at you sideways if you did something like that like if you were my wife or my husband and you did that I would be looking at you sideways forever selling a wedding ring so you could give some money to charitable situation over a hurricane when they got enough money to take care of themselves you don't need to sell your wedding ring that's just bizarre to me I feel very weirded out by the whole situation you putting your kids in danger by bringing random kids into your house that I've had trauma it is a dangerous thing I always question people that do this it doesn't make you look like a good person almost makes it look like a staged your staging like there's something going on and you're not as actually genuine as you want to come across as being

  • @jennatrusty522 June 23, 2024

    According to according to their cherry pics religious beliefs children were not allowed to have cell phones into a certain age now where is it say that in the good book huh in this cherry-pick book where the hell did they get that information now I do believe children shouldn't have cell phones either it is quite a distraction you want to use the phone use the house phone there's no reason why you need to keep secretive information in your cell phone but but what do you mean in according to the book according to their religion how the hell does cell phones equates to their religion

  • @MsLilsweets June 23, 2024

    Brook is a monster

  • @qmaube1 June 23, 2024

    AI generated is a cop out. What is your voice that bad.

  • @SpiritGirlSF June 23, 2024

    Who uses grammar and words the way this AI narrator does?

  • @princessakua4735 June 23, 2024

    This woman was just born bad and worst!

  • @deevillarreal9475 June 23, 2024

    😮 Jealous bio kids get jealous of newborn babies, imagine your parents adopted on top of that? Yeah he had early anxiety and anger 🤷🏽💔

  • @deevillarreal9475 June 23, 2024

    😢 why is Loving God made so much of a punishment by men, the scriptures themselves are not like that. Man takes it to an extreme no wonder people are pushed beyond limits there old and married and you want you kids to be completely away from the opposite sex, Let them be themselves not everyone is going to be cut out of a cookie cutter. They can't always be in trouble with your parents and not be angry and distracted. It's over the top

  • I know this man lying about North Carolina being mostly safe lol

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