July 3, 2024
Hate Crimes

Trump Reply Guy Says White People Are To Blame For Black Hate Crimes Against Asians, Somehow

Tim, Ian, and Lydia join guest and fellow YouTuber Jack Murphy to scrutinize the recent tweet of a former Trump rely guy as he seeks to remain relevant by blaming white people for crimes black people commit against Asian people.

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Guest: Jack Murphy
@JackMurphyLive (YouTube)
@JackMurphyLive (Twitter)

Merch –

Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds), @RealSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)

Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms!



  • @x77punk77x June 28, 2024

    Alt-right losers.

  • @esausidas3242 June 28, 2024

    The most discrimination I ever encountered when I came to the US was from black people. The worse the white kids ever did was to stay away from us. But I should have known it was all because of the "white man."

  • @jekinneys June 28, 2024

    That is about the most racist comment I have read/heard about all week. Any case many Asians are legal slaves today in other Asian and middle eastern countries. Many of the "third world" Asian countries are exploited and sold into slavery of many forms. Filipinos are pretty close to #1 for being explored and you can verify easily by that google machine and cruise lines. Still a huge sex and child sex trade with Asians being forced to work.

  • @shishoka June 28, 2024

    All lives matter.

  • @kinabalucat June 28, 2024

    Its black that's racist because they dont held accountable when they are being racist, saying blacks cant be racist. They even push black racism against asian blame to white people. That's why pandering to black is bad, it makes them entitled to br racist

  • @AssNuggett June 28, 2024

    Spot on

  • @Tyjohnable June 28, 2024

    I see that you have almost a million subs, but ARE YOU A DOCTOR YET?

  • @thewayofaxiom June 28, 2024

    To white people do not apologize for being born white just like every civilization in the world every race.. have blood and chains in their hands.. Those who will blame you for their existential problems have no clear idea of their own history and understanding of other peoples history. That even if you believe it or not white people themselves are once became slaves.. the serfdom through out the middle ages and the roman empire where many barbarians tribe fell to the shackles and boots of Rome. How can they explain that the Word slave did not came from Africans but, Balkan Slavs of Eastern European origins they were enslave by Muslim caliphates and the ottoman empire.

  • @kendallcuddles June 28, 2024

    Wait, how do you see blocked tweets without a second account?

  • @terryrodbourn2793 June 28, 2024

    I just want to share over time why I never see black people going to Chinese Restaurants?

  • @arphaksad01 June 28, 2024

    They keep us divided. Can’t let that happen

  • @ralphrice2199 June 28, 2024

    The man had killed his mother before he beat the Asian women.

  • @liamj.mcmars8383 June 28, 2024

    All Lives Matter

  • @Nsinger998 June 28, 2024

    Looked at the reply guy's tweet and his last line is, I think, True: "White People in power are experts at dividing and conquering to stay in power".

  • @kathykahle9499 June 28, 2024

    Don’t these people see how F ed up in the head they are. What this idiot said makes no sense.

  • @travissalisbury7637 June 28, 2024

    When Google lectures us on "Falsehoods, Lies, Fake Information, and Fake News" they ought to include this stuff if they had any integrity, but they don't. They largely bankroll the Democratic Machine.

  • @shadowfoxcorp June 28, 2024

    I would love to point out how Asians were fully on board with the anti-white racism righ up until there place on the grievance tree was demoted. Just saying.

    How quickly we forget.

    BTW I had to eat moldy bread when I was homeless also. Not that anyone cares, I'm sure.

  • @docwobbles June 28, 2024

    People like Mr. GOO need to be silenced….permanently.

  • @Adam-ve7gu June 28, 2024

    Ian is just awful

  • @miketheviking_ June 28, 2024

    I always select “prefer not to say” when selecting that option. Ever since affirmative action was implemented I knew if I selected white the odds of me getting that job plummets

  • @cannibalaaron1222 June 28, 2024

    Blacks and asians in nyc typically do not get along I have been harassed several times in asian run establishments not making excuses for anyone just stating facts

  • @karlurban5401 June 28, 2024

    Tim, caring about the needy or minorities isn’t progressive. Many conservatives also care about the needy and minorities. My 88 year old uber conservative mom is still running a food pantry. Progressives just scream and virtue signal about injustice and then expect someone else to do the work.

  • @gdaholic June 28, 2024

    Yeah my family had to lie about being Native American for centuries but kept the culture alive in the background. But today that fear is irrational unless you grew up in it and have limited contact with the modern world. There’s no reason for anyone who has experience with the modern world to fear being a race even in places like rural East Texas where I grew up. But there are isolated pockets in the deep woods that are racist against minorities, but those places are becoming more and more isolated and the KKK is exponentially shrinking.

  • @ianskinner1619 June 28, 2024

    listening this episode makes me realize just how piss poor the millennial education is.. my god, you have a sliver of a concept the blindly extrapolate from there, Jack has some good insights.. but tim, Ian.. ffs..

  • @fettel1988 June 28, 2024

    If whites were so omniscient, why would we have condoned any of you people?

  • @nemoyuno1627 June 28, 2024

    Do we have to have these silly History Channel type references to the Romans? Alexander Great has been deleted from History. Carthage. Philistines. Rome defeated the Greek Army. Period. Ghengis Kahn another White guy.

  • @archades115 June 28, 2024

    Just remember. Only Whites ended slavery. Only Whites granted civil rights. No one else ever did on their own.

  • @mattpires607 June 28, 2024

    What’s sad is people whole heartedly believe this, they refuse to even consider another perspective and youre racists and a trump supporter

  • @allthingssilver7635 June 28, 2024

    Blame everything on the white man and/or Trump.
    If a white man is involved in any crime then hes racist. Now even if one isn't involved its still bc of a racist white.
    This is the world we live in now.

  • @astrotrain85tr70 June 28, 2024

    I guess my original comment was too much. Got deleted.

  • @capo4ever334 June 28, 2024

    Jack is not only smart but hilarious lol keep him as a regular

  • @C_R_O_M________ June 28, 2024

    No, it’s not a “class war” when someone beats someone else. It’s a personal responsibility issue and you’d be wrong if you’d veered off and stripped personal responsibility off the perpetrator!

    You, yourselves, at least Tim (with whom I agree in most things) put it on the right perspective : at the level of the individual and the single crime we have at hand.

    If you were a jury you wouldn’t give the perpetrator a lighter sentence because of his “class” (another vague label that incorporates arbitrary assumptions – class in what? income? societal status? education? perhaps intelligence – that’s a taboo topic isn’t it? – these may differ across and between them), you’d judge him on the basis of his actions and his actions alone in relation with his intentions.

    Otherwise the individual will always have an excuse for deviating from morality. It is my understanding that deep down human beings share the same moral code as cats share theirs.

  • @capo4ever334 June 28, 2024

    Dude Eugene is up there with the krasensteins as most annoying woke people on Twitter

  • @erintolentino7645 June 28, 2024

    im a filipino and usa is aimed just because of high wages, bigger population for good business and when you bring usd to Philippines, it's more, many filipinoes go usa then return and retire in Philippines, many americans do that too, they are millionaires here ahaha

  • @sebwanna June 28, 2024

    I’m from the England and iv said from almost the start when in Uk they started protesting for George flloyd. (can’t remember the spelling of his name) This is clearly class wars as that’s what we have in the Uk for a long time, we don’t have the race Element like you do in the US how ever but of corse there are racist of every colour and creed in every part of the world.

  • @misfit2022 June 28, 2024

    Eugene Gu debunking the link between doctors and intelligence

  • @valarmorghulis5265 June 28, 2024

    Race matters

  • @reflexboxer2ndlt807 June 28, 2024

    Why TF would a Asian say he’s Hispanic??? They might get away with white but… not even close or in the same category Dude.

  • @jeromethiel4323 June 28, 2024

    Asian culture is VERY antithetical to the woke ideology. Both because of the meritocracy attitude, but also very family oriented. How many single parent Asian families do you see? Almost none. The nuclear family is a strength, not a weakness.

  • @FEMBT-yb8rh June 28, 2024

    Comminists makin us fight one another.

    Watch who tries new laws removing more freedoms. They are the enemy to be removed.

  • @nativeamerican7424 June 28, 2024

    Communist dictatorship and enslavement with marxist lies will fix everything like that big brother government in 1984 George Orwell

  • @joseinluzon2218 June 28, 2024

    I seriously was waiting for someone to claim this.

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