July 8, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Vince McMahon Accused Of Sex Trafficking



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  • @SmashBrosAssemble July 5, 2024

    I hope Triple H declares that apart from his comments they’ll be no further mention of Vince McMahon, Chris Benoit him out of existence.

  • @Ashbash-kf5xd July 5, 2024

    Well at least he looks like a dirty pervert now.

  • This is fairly recent, i think if you really go back through Vince's past you'd see some more despicable acts but somehow i am not surprised AT ALL.

    Sooo, lemme get this straight tho, she's coming back to court because Vince stopped paying hush money?!?

  • @onthespiral4054 July 5, 2024

    He’s innocent

  • @Magysh511 July 5, 2024

    Bro how do you sex traffic?

  • @GerholdRosemary July 5, 2024

    Absolutely epic! I'm hitting replay immediately! 🔄 👄👄👄🍆🍆🍆

  • @RedVsBlueFPWW July 5, 2024

    Vince McMahon go to jail! Do not pass go! Go straight to Jail get bashed with the Jail Looney Tunes style. You go to jail.

    Go to jail! Go to jail.

  • @GerholdRosemary July 5, 2024

    Absolutely beautiful! I'm speechless! 🌺 🍑🍑🍑🍆🍆🍆

  • @meganblanchard3351 July 5, 2024

    Tom, a genuine thank you for presenting just the facts

  • @darylpaulk July 5, 2024

    Well obviously his 2000s behavior and what he let go on from his more prizes wrestlers shows he was just ,being THE MAN, as bad or FAR WORSE than them. Not ,unfortunately, probably the worst he's done, the SuperFly situation come to mind. But NARCISSIST is the only blanket statement I can sum him up in without speaking way left of him. Did Linda know anything about this……and others? 1966 is a long marriage to an a–hole and know nothing 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @stormteam3004 July 5, 2024

    How come most of the thumbnails for this particular subject have a fake Vinc McMahon????

  • @robinrobin02 July 5, 2024

    I still have trouble getting past how Vincelooks now…its just plain creepy! He looks like a bad porn actor in the 70's. He always made my skin crawl, i didn't realize it could get worse.

  • @Anthropoahagus July 5, 2024

    She has ZERO credibility as far as I'm concerned she took the money.

  • @PMV67 July 5, 2024

    Vince come on really you know what you did. Oh you look like a 🤡 with all that dye. 😂

  • He did nothing wrong

  • @doublegvon615 July 5, 2024

    She was down with it at first but when Vince stopped paying now she wants to sue

  • @joannrosario9373 July 5, 2024

    Hi is a sum bag a lot of people died on his watch. I hope he go to jail. For at least 35 years..he can hangout with r Kelly…😅

  • @Therealchandradipm July 5, 2024

    The “wwe wrestler” in question is Brock Lesnar.

  • @Shaeuwu July 5, 2024

    John Laurinaitis doing a sexual assault, are we even shocked.

  • @ryandavis4448 July 5, 2024

    The guy is obviously very disturbed.

  • @magusxxx July 5, 2024

    I bet his wife already called Trump for advice on how to get away with this…Oh, wait…

  • Defacated on her head….

  • @GerholdRosemary July 5, 2024

    Elegant and graceful, just like a dream! ✨ 🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦

  • Money would make you do some bad things!

  • @N3gativeR3FLUX July 5, 2024

    Keep doing the good work lads, sharing the charity links and advocating for the victim is really important and little guys like me notice. Whatculture, you guys rock! Proud to be a fan.

    To anyone feeling badly affected by the content I highly recommend calling a mental health phone line and having a chat or reaching out to safe people (keyword being safe, not everyone is). For the Aussies there's a few options i can think of off the top of my head such as Lifeline and Beyond Blue. You can also speak to your GP and get a referral to a psychologist/counsellor service. Speaking from experience, finding the right one does help. I've made a lot of progress in the last year with the help of the right supportive people. Dont be afraid to keep trying until you find someone. They are out there. 🫂

  • @Yosserhughes87 July 5, 2024

    I only got to about page 6-7 and was horrified! I’ll read it all eventually. He is literally what describes a “dirty old man”. Shitting in her hair too! JFC!!!

  • @ice_cube8302 July 5, 2024

    Vince Mcmahon went doody on a woman and another dude kept having the horizotal shuffle with her? Think about the smell. That's disgusting.

  • @JadaKilla July 5, 2024

    Shame we don’t have a screenshot of Vince shouting you’re fired on the tv screen 😂

  • @1991ltd July 5, 2024

    While I believe these particular allegations and am glad Vince is gone. 'Believe Survivors' is a harmful mindset.

    That implies you just believe anyone who accuses anyone of anything, without questioning it.

    In this case I personally believe her based on what I know about Vince already and a lot of her story lines up, such as the timing of Brock's return and him being at an MSG house show when she says something occurred.

  • @dawnclark4635 July 5, 2024

    As a person who has endured a smilar assault thank you so much for helping. My heart broke when I read the horrible things that Vince McMahon was accused of. Heartbroken but not surprised. He seems to have a long history of forcing himself into situation he doesn't belong in and the stuff the whole complaint was utterly depraved.

  • @WanderingKhajiit July 5, 2024

    Vince did nothing wrong. that bimbo is rich now thanks to him lol

  • @HTHAMMACK1 July 5, 2024

    Nothing about this is surprising. Just look at the vile crap he put on TV throughout the years, including the exploitation of females in WWE.

  • @viperrecords3288 July 5, 2024

    They accuse Andrew Tate of the same thing and guess what? It was BS. He was running a web cam girl business. The girls were willingly doin it. They just threw that accusation to shut him up and people bought it. Just like the idiots in the comment section. Vince pissed someone off and now they’re coming for him.

  • @Tibs_Budapest July 5, 2024

    The Mr. Mcmahon character was the tamed version of the real life person.

  • @willshad July 5, 2024

    Woman tries to use her sexuality to get ahead in her career, and then turns around and blames a man and plays victim. Nothing new here, folks.

  • I dont want to say anything but this vince got away of covering his tracks with money hes nothen but an embrassin vile human bein who deserves to be behind bars regardless of being a billionare an i will not defend him or defend his actions because i have no respect for guys like himat all

  • @billybatts8283 July 5, 2024

    If someone says have sex with me for money, you can say no. It's real easy.

  • Somehow when he comes on TV the crowd will still happily sing his entrance music.

  • @likeitis5662 July 5, 2024

    “ excuse the reading on air?” it’s all you guys do in all of your news videos you just have your phone is there and you’re constantly reading what other people have tweeted

  • @yoggsaron8867 July 5, 2024

    Trope h knew and should be fired.

  • @Ludoed July 5, 2024

    Thank you Vince

  • @rajann6566 July 5, 2024

    WWE's main business is sex trafficking, everyone knows that.

  • @MrBobbyz24 July 5, 2024

    So the question everybody needs to ask themselves is, should I watch the Royal Rumble? Does Vince McMahon stand to earn money from me watching the Royal Rumble? I don't think anyone should watch any WWE programming until the man is either underground or completely severed from the company and cannot profit from it.

  • @Behemoth66 July 5, 2024

    Basically she’s a șlut looking for a pay day. She was a willing participant, made videos for everyone etc. now she claims to be a victim? lol what a joke

  • @DWboy14 July 5, 2024

    These guys will still use him for views which is disgusting

  • @DWboy14 July 5, 2024

    Looking forward to his return

  • @jasonsierchio1167 July 5, 2024


  • @jasonsierchio1167 July 5, 2024

    Vince is innocent!!!!

  • @KaitoKiara July 5, 2024

    And now the creepy old pervert is gone. He stepped down from all his current positions.
    I don't think, there's any coming back from that.

  • @Zman82 July 5, 2024

    I don't buy half of this story.

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