July 3, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

WATCH: Next step in Kia, Hyundai theft battle

Attorney General Keith Ellison and the mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul announce their next steps to address the Kia and Hyundai theft epidemic.



  • @Nast405 June 26, 2024

    STOP PROTECTING CRIMINALS! Go after the manufacturer and PROTECT THE CRIMINALS! Dem State. Shameful.

  • @scuffedclips1 June 26, 2024

    do we get to sue st paul and minneapolis for their failure to keep these violent criminals in jail who steal the cars over and over?

  • @DogmaDisputant June 26, 2024

    The systemic problem isn’t the specific models of vehicles; it is a specific model of people! Cars don't steal themselves nor do guns kill on their own. Keep the focus on the specific brand and model year of the criminal.

  • This is Just BS , clean your city and stop blaming someone else.

  • @scuffedclips1 June 26, 2024

    next Keith is going to investigate home owners if they leave their door unlocked for getting robbed

  • @scuffedclips1 June 26, 2024

    protecting our cities by investigating a car company not actually locking up the people stealing the cars?

  • @DogmaDisputant June 26, 2024

    Yes Frey, there is a disproportionate dynamic going on here. →👨🏿‍🦱←

  • @DogmaDisputant June 26, 2024

    100% 🤡💩

  • @DogmaDisputant June 26, 2024

    We used to hang horse thieves for a reason! Without the owner's means of transportation, they could lose their livelihood and home.

  • @leakyjeep5.9 June 26, 2024

    I got a brilliant idea! Let's make stealing cars illegal and punishable by law. Any thoughts?

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