July 3, 2024
Sex Crimes

Whisper Campaign: A Lawyer looks at the Dr Disrespect Twitch Accusations (VL784)

Richard Hoeg of Hoeg Law discusses Doctor Disrespect’s response to new allegations, followed by viewer questions and engagement.


– Doctor Disrespect’s sudden and controversial ban from Twitch in 2020 has been alleged to involve inappropriate messaging with a minor via Twitch’s whispers feature.
– Twitch and Doctor Disrespect reached a legal settlement in 2022, where no party admitted wrongdoing, but Twitch paid out the remainder of his contract.
– The recent revelation by a former Twitch employee about the alleged reason for the ban has sparked renewed debate, highlighting issues of transparency, corporate responsibility, and the complexities of legal settlements.

0:00 Introduction and episode overview
1:19 Viewer questions and engagement
1:33 Background on Doctor Disrespect and Twitch
2:35 Doctor Disrespect’s Twitch exclusivity deal
4:40 Mixer shutdown and its impact
8:28 Legal settlement in 2022
10:22 Twitch’s whisper function and potential implications
25:08 Doctor Disrespect’s response to allegations
35:20 Analysis of California penal code
56:08 Final thoughts and wrap-up




“Virtual Legality” is a continuing series discussing the law, video games, software, and everything digital, hosted by Richard Hoeg, of the Hoeg Law Business Law Firm (Hoeg Law).



PODCAST PAGE (with AI chat links)



  • @G_Ozare June 26, 2024

    Doc sued Twitch directly after they banned him, for breach of contract. Twitch settled with Doc (monetarily) bc he didnt know the person was a minor (whisper requires 18+), but most importantly, this was 7 years ago. This is nothing more than a intentional hit job to try and destroy him. We're living in a time where people actually enjoy the destruction of others and will pile on to feel a sense of moral superiority, in other words, to lavel themselvesas "good" without actially having to do anything but point the finger at someone else. Social media is a cesspool.

  • @tomawey2141 June 26, 2024

    part 2!!!

  • @burf90 June 26, 2024

    I admit to secretly thinking technical difficulties can be hilarious, but my heart goes out to the poor content creators when they're the victims of them. Good on you, Rick, for always handling them with grace and good humor. 👍🏻

  • @BlekPowers June 26, 2024

    Pokimane is pronounced Pokemon.

  • @topsy8701 June 26, 2024

    Hoping for the best but expecting the worse. His own company wouldn't have fired him without something substantial and legitimate. I hope it's not the case but I'm betting they saw damning chat logs. Something about him quitting everything seemed guilty. The whole NDA about his banning may have been to protect him initially. Twitch trying to cut ties versus destroying his life and outing him. I have a lot of respect and love for Doc I hope I am wrong.

  • @skiceman9611 June 26, 2024

    For me it's kind of clear why Twitch kept quiet, in the case the accusations are true. It is possible that Twitch obtained the information by illegal means. They advertised the Whispers service as a private chat that only you and the person you chat with can access. So the revelation that they actually access your private messages when they said they can't, might cause more problems and costs, possible multiple lawsuits, then paying the settlement to Doc. Not to mention the huge outrage from Titch users, if they were to find out something like this. You can perhaps present you opinion on this, as I am not an expert on US legislation and the Twitch terms and contracts.

  • @beowulfschmidt6031 June 26, 2024

    Legal question, not necessarily about this case, but maybe about this case. If there is a credible case for some SA or SA adjacent behaviour towards a minor, say a 13 o 14 year old, and there is a settlement that materially benefits the minor, and presumably the parents, and that settlement is covered by a an NDA or gag order, when the minor turns 18, is that minor still bound by the NDA or gag order?

  • @chrislognshot June 26, 2024

    the whole thing became mess when first started and did not tell DR why he got removed. to start with. if was over fact contacting someone of under age that works for company or under age not work. also fact they did come out or give revealing what happen. they where trying to coverup or sweep something under rug. when its about text someone or sexting that under age needs to be know and what really happen. by revealing issue at hand. if the whole thing was not paid off with no reason why he got paid off what put us in this mess.

  • @wdeemarwdeemar8739 June 26, 2024

    I certainly do not think Cody was in the know about the reasons he heard stuff around the water cooler.

  • @lukehershey6995 June 26, 2024

    If you look into the terms and conditions of Twitch Whisper. Part of the terms read:

    – Age Restrictions: The Twitch Services are not available to users under the age of 13. If you’re between 13 and the age of legal majority in your jurisdiction, you can use Twitch Services under parental supervision.

    So if he was messaging a minor, the minor was required to have parental supervision. I am pretty sure that probably gives Doc some additional legal leeway, yes?

  • @gngr2 June 26, 2024

    Why would you leave the countdown in the video?

  • @nookie077 June 26, 2024

    All the dr d sycophants are crying.

  • @DCcableguy June 26, 2024

    I think with everything laid out I believe Cody's tweet. A couple million dollars is chump change to a corporation like Twitch – almost 2billion in revenue in that year. I think the damage that would have come from it being said out loud that their platform is not safe for kids and their messages are not secure was far more costly than what they paid – and that is really all that needs to be said.

    Dr. Disrespect has always kind of been a piece of crap, I believe the accusation, I believe that a man child like him would be caught in that situation.

  • @HateMachinist June 26, 2024

    …….and as per usual, he seems to be guilty until proven otherwise.

  • @spadw3394 June 26, 2024

    I don't think it's legal to read users' dms? aren't they private? maybe for this reason he sued them

  • @Lingerminator June 26, 2024

    More people profiting off the back of gossip. Gross

  • @-Kailinn- June 26, 2024

    Working in any workplace people are going to gossip, and often people aren't getting the entire story. It happened recently at my workplace and being close to the issue I know the rumours were false because they were coming from a disgruntled employee. It doesn't matter though because people aren't going to get both sides of the story before spreading the rumour further. To say someone told you is a mistake, people could have the wrong idea or lack the full picture. It's possible he did something, but it's also possible he did nothing wrong. The claims aren't verifiable and it's all hearsay until proven otherwise.

  • @infiniterik2402 June 26, 2024

    This needs an update badly

  • @aurelf3158 June 26, 2024

    The next logical step for Dr Dissrespect is to sue Cody for public image damage .

  • @just_jeff4839 June 26, 2024

    Okay, let’s say DrDisrepect “did it” and his way to fight it would be to throw Twitch “under the bus” by letting it out that they knew about this and that they are collecting children’s data… how would the DrDisrepect “win” in that situation? Yea, Twitch would be in a bad spot but couldn’t Twitch also release all the evidence? Twitch would look “bad” but DrDisrespect would be going to jail, right?

    I feel like if this happened and Twitch was the one who put a pedo in jail they’d kinda be looked at in a good light, no?

  • @grumpydadstudios June 26, 2024

    How was he supposedly meeting someone at TwitchCon when TwitchCon was cancelled due to Covid????????

  • @Jono793 June 26, 2024

    I was hoping for more updates on this. But the TLDR appears to be:

    "there are these DMs"

    Fails to produce any DMs

    Because if the DMS were out there, and as bad as suggested, you know Twitch wouldn't have been able to keep a lid on it. Doesn't take much for a disgruntled employee to take surreptitious screenshots and leak them online!

  • @williamastout9509 June 26, 2024

    BTW if he 'got caught' he would be in jail, and he would not have been 'paid in full'. Twitch employees so bitter they're making stuff up now, and using it to promote their comedy gigs.

  • @williamastout9509 June 26, 2024

    Shouldn't twitch release a statement on this? Aren't they complicit in wrongdoing by not reporting it to the authorities???

  • @ZglenQa June 26, 2024

    Every successful person can mesiure their success by amount of ppl who try to take them down. Doc has whole company which tries to do that and fails miserably over last 4 years. Think about that.

  • @Doooooooooooood June 26, 2024

    Very simple for me. Why weren't the police involved? Why no court appearance? Contract or no contract you report such incidents to the Police to protect children then you let them handle it!

  • If this was the case, I think Twitch would not have come out with it, only if it was not a well founded case. Because then it would be tested in court publicly and if the accusation wasn't on the up and up….

    Twitch would be in A LOT of trouble.

  • MOG the tabs…

  • @Grandleon June 26, 2024

    I don't agree that Twitch reading your whispers would be a scandal. I've certainly understand for two decades now that platforms need to be able to see private messages in order to enforce moderation and deal with harassment.

  • @OfficialJesseUSA June 26, 2024

    if this is true or not we will all find out in time but this whole situation came up because Dr Disrespect was being friendly with fans personally. When you are a male public figure just cannot take the risk. Meant to do wrong it will come out. Really meant nothing bad or illegal somehow you will end up in the middle of something sooner or later

  • @kylewiener6214 June 26, 2024

    Isn't he aloud to say what he knows the case was not about? Or would that too breach the NDA? Feels like I'd want to clear the air, and the fact he didn't suggests it probably did, at least to some extent, involve communication with a minor.

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