July 8, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Why We Lost The War On Drugs

Stop data brokers from exposing your personal information. Go to my sponsor to get a 14-day free trial and see how much of yours is being sold | We’ve been fighting the War on Drugs for over 50 years now, and it’s only gotten worse. Even with Obama officially retiring the phrase “War On Drugs” that was just symbolic, we’re still fighting the same fight we always have, but not against an even more formidable enemy: the opioid epidemic. And we’re losing.

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  • @aurtisanminer2827 July 5, 2024

    42:12 one of the funniest videos I ever saw was of a guy being revived with naloxone with a bunch of idiots around him, one of which was trying to use milk to revive the guy. After the naloxone is administered the guy wakes up and says they fucked up his high while kicking the guy with the naloxone square in the nuts. It was a good example of how aggressive someone can become after that intense awakening.

  • @tonimojo5859 July 5, 2024

    Love this video done so well. What hreat research and presentation.

  • @jonathanstrand2474 July 5, 2024

    Your truth is going to get attention. From those who like the drug war, who like racism .

    Like abortion, not being about babies, the DEA has nothing to do with drug abuse prevention

  • @Kaltag2278 July 5, 2024

    I didn't know what , most drugs were until the DARE program told me about it.

  • @CedenoJose July 5, 2024

    Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety, alcoholism, smoking, and illicit pills addiction. Imagine carving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not, in a couple of years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.

  • @brightmoon7132 July 5, 2024

    Like so many, many, many other American problems there is no intelligent dialog about that one little thing- the meeting point of individual and community rights. Do I care if people want to do drugs until they take a big dirt nap? No. Do I want my town to look like the dope head tent cities in Portland or Seattle or LA? Oh hell no.

    We know prohibition doesn't work. We know decriminalizing and emphasis on treatment doesn't work. (Unless you consider Portland a success story LOL.) Hmmmm. Ya' think there might be something missing here? You want to keep throwing billions of dollars at something that just won't go away, makes people criminals, makes them homeless, and kills them?

  • The War on Drugs is a misnomer in its entirety.

    I forget the exact conservative who said it, but the whole criminalization of specific substances was actually part of the backlash of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s.

    The gist of what they openly said, was that the point was to silence leftists, since it was well-known how many lefitsts used certain substances. When those substances were 'think of the children'd, it was carte blanche to imprison people for political reasons, without all those pesky 1A violations.

    The War on Drugs has only ever been a war on leftists who make too much noise. As a result, it could also never be won or lost; it was a fig leaf all along.

  • @jeffreywenger281 July 5, 2024

    Thank ytou for that.

  • @Lydynthmn July 5, 2024

    U R AWESOME😍🤩. If everyone had your heart and intellect this country would be in a good place and not the hellscape it is.

  • @witwisniewski2280 July 5, 2024

    PEW poll fails to ask if corporatocracy, the evisceration of our livelihood by corporate exploitation of us is important.

  • @mecca777 July 5, 2024

    Matt Walsh jr?????😂

  • @johnnytwotimez July 5, 2024

    Prevention is the function of observing the result of indulgence.
    Make it all legal, make it readily available, give clean needles.
    Let those who want it, have it. They get it anyway.
    Let the mechanism play out, offer aid and help to those who want it.

  • @brendanstevens537 July 5, 2024

    Oh. It must be close to election time. Youtube is recommending a bunch of Democratic support, fluff videos. Brace yourselves, folks, we've got a lot of "organically recommended" videos coming. 😂

  • This video indicates you don't need a high IQ to be a good investor, just 2 qualities, self discipline and a lot of patience. Investing is mostly about behavioral psychology. How can I generate more income to retire with at least $3m for long term care?

  • @NBM3 July 5, 2024


  • @talkidrew July 5, 2024

    About the cia selling crack, its actually mire true than you think, one of the reasons DEA agent Kiki Camarena was tortured by the Guadalajara cartel, was because he found out a plot invilving the cartel, the mexican government offering a protection racket, and the cia offering guns in exchange for protection from law enforcement, the CIA often times made the hunt for miguel angel felix gallardo and pablo escobar one of the most difficult things to do

  • @HocusPocus6969 July 5, 2024

    If they actually cared it would be treated as the health it is, instead of just one more thing monetized by the ‘gods’ on wall street.

  • @sasa-nb3jf July 5, 2024

    It's also neccesary to recognize how important the 'war on drugs' has always been for the enforcement of US imperial ambitions in latin america. The rethoric of 'fighting drugs' and cartels (which only exist because of the combination of prohibition, high demand and relative affluency in the US in the first place) has been a major tool to justify the meddling in latin american countries' affairs, including full on access for secret service activity or even the outright stationing of troops. And if any government refuses to colaborate, they can be smeared as colaborating with the drug cartels, a handy tool in justifying sanctions or even coups or invasions to the public at home.

    Thus, these policies are essential in giving the US free reign to suppress any kind of antiimperialist resistance before it could even become a problem to their hegemony, whilst also destabilizing the region, keeping most political and economic development under firm US control.

    Combined with the slave labour extracted from the prison industrial complex, the ability to police, oppress and desolate minority groups, enforcing white supremacy to keep their labour cheap and creating a scape goat for any kind of social issue, disparity or injustice, the 'war on drugs' has absolutely been a full-on success.

    I think it's pretty naive, looking at the track record of this political project, to see the seemingly irrational actions and policies by the US government and understand them as just a series of 'misguided' attempts to combat drug addiction. To actually combat this social issue has never really been the overarching goal of most of these policies, they rather serve as a trojan horses in furthering other aims. There simply isn't really a reason, why the government would want to actually 'win this war' instead of just enacting pseudo solutions to pacify the public, since being successful would actually harm the material interests of the US Emprire and its' property owning class.

  • @jaxensley9130 July 5, 2024

    The alternative seems to be going well in Seattle, Portland, and California…

    There’s gotta be a better way 😔

  • @ttystikkrocks1042 July 5, 2024

    "Just about everyone knows someone affected by fentanyl addiction" Yeah, I know people who died, more who are addicted to the point where nothing else in their life matters- and damn few who have kicked it, in spite of trying hard and often. I didn't know what THE answer is; you can't cure an addict who doesn't want to be cured. On the other hand, programs for those who sincerely want to quit and need help must be well funded so they are free and fully accessible to those on poverty incomes. Over a hundred years ago, China beat opium by killing all the addicts they could find, thus ending the British led Opium Wars. It seems we will never see the end of those who would use drugs to gain power; perhaps such people should be subject to the same draconian laws as was criminals because the danger they pose to society is just as terrible.

  • @Terrell070 July 5, 2024

    The point of the war on drugs was to fill the prisons.

  • @silentglacierfang July 5, 2024

    35:44, correction: roughly 90% is seized at official ports of entry (almost all of that by people legally allowed to enter). Roughly 73% of those smugglers are US citizens and 56% by weight is smuggled in by US citizens.

  • @lukaslambs5780 July 5, 2024

    We need to look at what countries have the best handle on drug use and learn from them

  • @jaimehart5108 July 5, 2024

    And who were the people hurt the worst? The chronic pain community. The 2016 CDC Guidelines left people abandoned with no pain management docs, forced tapers that often left people stuck on their couches, unable to function, suicides because of continual unrelenting pain which most people don’t understand. How can you feel so bad when you look fine? This was supposed to be a policy directed at pain management docs but family medicine, ER, PCPs, even pharmacists jumped on the bandwagon. It became exceptionally political when the ngo group PROP, docs for responsible opioid prescribing got in the act. Now 8 years later overdose deaths continue to skyrocket yet opioid scripts have been almost been halved! The deaths are NOT coming from diverted legitimate pain medication from legitimate pain patients. The chronic pain community continues to suffer, lose their ability to function and ultimately to end their own lives.

  • Drug abuse is NOT America's number one enemy. Never has been. No, our number one enemy is the American uberwealthy elite.

  • @notrandom2 July 5, 2024

    "the other side would be worse" IS NOT A JUSTIFICATION! It is not a motivation to vote for "the lesser evil".

  • @Narwhal5000 July 5, 2024

    I did DARE and now I'm a stoner 😂

  • There's nothing that Tre45on can't make worse.. won't make worse if he involves himself in.

  • @CB-vt3mx July 5, 2024

    I can tell you what went wrong, but you are not going to like it. We went wrong. We decided that drugs were better than living life. We decided that getting high and partying was "important"–so important we were willing to sacrifice everything to do it. We decided that we would tolerate any amount of violence in our cities to have the ability to get high.

    Politicians did not do this to us. We did this to ourselves.

    And I don't care what happens to those of us who have decided to allow it, use drugs, etc. Now I only care that you who do stay away from us.

  • @Thomas-pq4ys July 5, 2024

    The main cause is poverty, manufactured by the wealthy who own the people who make and alter the laws, for the wealthy, send the 99.99% the bill.

    Instead of letting the wealthy pay little to no taxes, why not a population wide guaranteed income of $1000 per month… then watch drug use, crime, plummet.

    Desperate people to despirate things, like commit crimes, and getting high for 15 minutes to escape their sorry-ass reality, briefly, and almost dying to do so.

    When Reagan was in power, 80+% of Americans were middle class, and he saw a gold mine for his wealthy friends… Since then, the middle class dropped to 40+% and dropping.

    Thanks Reagan…

    At least in the 60's, drugs were recreational. Now, psychological relief.

  • I am so irritated ans stressed by that sweat shirt that seems to advertise "Reagan", since that's all that's in the frame!

  • @chuckmoore7771 July 5, 2024

    Nicely done. Thanks.

  • Used for the work load or something like. Its not meds necessarily all the time , but is withheld if truly needed imo. Not opiate but still. I dont see the same exactly but not looking at total whole. So everyone ? Except those wanting powers . Exactly. The point is , for the srudy of gases and not poison , the plants do kerp balance with our air and every chemical off those plants play a role toward better or not better. Coca is not the same and should be second look. Rhey taught what they wsnted imo

  • @Luked0g440 July 5, 2024

    Daryl fucking “I’ve got a Republican fundraising dinner to attend, while the Rodney King riots burn my city down” Gates, started the D.A.R.E. program? I did not(zi) know that.

  • Look at the original type setting for the whole devious use. Soldiers and forcing starvation then. Each yes was initiated. Id see a piunt if a region had offended that much some. Spain has had sanctuon for throwing out jews that dnded up europea and ussr supper. Mestime invention anesthesia and arsenic poison came with the gases of europe usa and other that ysed poorly paid to get furniture and pouson to use at chambers . This generation knows little of full violence abd eased if a stone head or aggressor. They still exist

  • @WulfDawg July 5, 2024

    I’m today years old and I learned that the gateway drug myth was a lie
    The more you know haha

  • @anthonyweller3077 July 5, 2024

    💚 Hemp for Victory 💚

  • @anthonyweller3077 July 5, 2024

    💚💚 Jill Stein for President 💚💚

  • @dyotoorion1835 July 5, 2024

    Leeja Miller is awesome! 😀 <3

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