July 5, 2024
Young Thug Rico Trial Witness Testimony
Legal and Courtroom

Young Thug Rico Trial Witness Testimony

Young Thug Rico trial witness testimony

Copeland – aka Woody or Lil’ Woody – is one of Fulton County prosecutors’ star witnesses. Young Thug attorney Brian Steel is accusing prosecutors of coercing Copeland’s testimony, who he said was being surrounded by law enforcement and district attorney officials



  • @annai3826 July 3, 2024

    Well apparently he’d been given immunity before testifying and during his testimony he said that all he told to cops before was a lie. Then in an ex parte meeting with the prosecutors and the judge he said he was going to testify that he did and the prosecutor told him they would prosecute him for perjury if he did. So he said no because if he didn’t he’d catch a charge and the prosecutor knows he’s lying. It’s unethical and prosecutorial misconduct to put a witness on the stand that you know will lie. She and the judge needs to be disbarred.

  • @HisLamb22 July 3, 2024

    His body language froze cause he was nervous answering and then he started moving in the chair again. He definitely killed that dude.

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