July 8, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Zuckerberg and Meta Sued for Failing to Address Sex Trafficking and Child Exploitation

Mark Zuckerberg and other Meta executives and directors are being sued for failing to prevent sex trafficking and child exploitation on Facebook and Instagram. The lawsuit accuses them of turning a blind eye to “systemic evidence” of criminal activity, and failing to protect the company’s and shareholders’ interests.



  • @allstarsusa June 22, 2024


  • They said my comment goes against their policy or rules . That video goes against all rules and they restricted me for my comment

  • He murdered both those babies, it really effected me for the longest and still does but for awhile I couldn't get that out of my head , very sick . I messaged Facebook about that video and went straight crazy on Facebook and they restricted my account for 90 days over my comment to facebook

  • He allowed a video of a boyfriend of a woman who had to go to work and the boyfriend watched her kids a little boy about 4 and a little girl that was about 5 years old . As soon as she left for work the boyfriend hung this little boy with a rope and started beating him with a stick or belt and made the little girl watch and he started beating the little girl and I haven't been able to get that video out of my head . I honestly believe that video In it self made my PTSD much much worse . I almost got sick . I'm sure that video is floating around still on the Internet some where. If you try and look up that video and you suffer from some kind of mental issues DO NOT WATCH THAT VIDEO I promise don't watch it . I literally had night mares for a couple of weeks after but still till this day I'll never forget that video ., Thanks Mark

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