July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

3 Arrested After Violence Erupts Outside NYC Republican Club Event

The NYPD is responding to criticism about how it handled a brawl outside the Manhattan Republican Club on Friday night after an event featuring “The Proud Boys'” controversial speaker. CBS2’s Alice Gainer reports.



  • @zebonaris July 4, 2024

    Cuomo is such a sleazy, good for nothing, lying wimp.

  • @kali-spy6046 July 4, 2024

    Beat Dat Ass!!!!

    "robbed by the other group." Say it. Antifa. They continue to call them protestors and then don't even say their name when talking about them robbing someone.

    WHAT A JOKE!!!!

  • @jessesmith3650 July 4, 2024

    (Chauvinistic) it's horrible to love your country, right? Lol he's a governor you'd think he knows that pride in one own nation is a good thing.

  • @FNG_Star July 4, 2024

    The name of the "other group" was ANTIFA. Gotta love how the news "names names" for the right, but the left wing group was just some unknown group who nobody knows. Media bias.

    And they wonder why Antifa has seized on the moment of protesting police and govt and are now co-opting the legitimate protesters and using them as a launching pad for violence.

    Congratulations, water downed protectionist reporting like this is why ANTIFA thinks they can get away with this.

  • @blahblah7963 July 4, 2024

    God bless the Proud Boys!

  • @Thunor93 July 4, 2024

    Oh this scumbag mayor -_-

  • @SlippyDude July 4, 2024

    Oooooh the controversial boogeyman.. Gavin! Ooooh scary. Fucking scumbag network full of fake news. You're just as fake as CNN and MSNBC. Keep it up!

  • @crystalhoskins1655 July 4, 2024

    Antifa fucking started it.

  • @bluewater454 July 4, 2024

    Anyone else catch the fact that it was(once again) ANTIFA who showed up to start the trouble? They threw a bottle(caught on camera) and a fight ensues…. but it is the Proud Boys who are blamed? Hmmm

  • @MRFOX-sx9rb July 4, 2024

    This ain't Portland. In NYC ANTIFA Will get Fucked uo

  • I'm a western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world!!!

  • The proud boys is a comradity of men who share the same values and are like-minded. They promote masculinity, manhood and are Pro American Patriots making men great again.

  • @geoneo7238 July 4, 2024




  • @jmc235 July 4, 2024

    That was what is known as mutual combat people…. Did anyone notice the circled A spray painted on the doors? That is the symbol for anarchy for those that do not know… The Proud Boys are nothing but a group of American Patriots… The leftist groups are fascist anarchist… All one has to do is the minimum amount of research and you will that I speak the truth…

  • @tomv5988 July 4, 2024

    IDK if this is can be categorized as a hate crime, just a bunch of white guys beating on each other.  Nothing too crazy, I mean no one was hospitalized.  The punches thrown were very weak, the kicks were kind of the same.

  • Antifa started it and the proud boys finished it. That is how things get done. Cuomo is an IDIOT and should resign. Also you this "news" organization is nothing more than a PROPAGANDA tool, try to report FACTS AND TRUTH FOR ONCE, will you! You are nothing but a JOKE!

  • Half the police department there to keep the groups separate, leftists take the effort to sneak past the police, assault them because they thought they outnumbered them, and of course end up getting a little bit of their well earned bashing, and as always they immediately cry and play the poor victim 😂

    More to come, much much more.

  • @mynameisslimepunx July 4, 2024

    Proud boys needs to be arrested

  • @reallyyourkidding July 4, 2024

    Fuck Cuomo

  • @catseye10000 July 4, 2024

    this is why i wish for humanity to just end

  • Cuomo isn't fit to lick the Proud Boys' boots. Little bastard needs voted out.

  • @Racingpappy101 July 4, 2024

    Democrats built Antifa just like they did the kkk. Just a new form of #Sheeple to use to do their dirty work. 1200 democratic seats already lost. And another #RedWave coming.

  • ANTIFA is very violent, very fascist, and cowards. The left won’t stop…. Red Wave coming baby!
    #Trump2020 #ProudBoys

  • @H.P.Blavatsky July 4, 2024

    great beat down delivered by the Proud Boys!

  • Proud boys are not far right, and you can say antifa are anti facist all you want but itll never be true

  • @srdf990 July 4, 2024

    0:33 let me fix your description
    Proud boys, the right-wing male chauvinist group
    Antifa, a left-wing anarchist group

  • @jeff-vs2eu July 4, 2024

    Cuomo is a fucking scum bag!!! vote that crooked POS out!!!

  • @prfu1222 July 4, 2024

    "Hey, why do we all have on the same black Fred Perry?"

  • @ramboozled4438 July 4, 2024

    Antifa are the fascist. Leftist shrills media

  • @dr.crentist3155 July 4, 2024

    No guns involved….let them go and sort it out themselves.
    Anitfa threw a bottle and got their asses kicked

  • @daceztrell6232 July 4, 2024

    Scum bags giving guys on the deck beatings like that….not sure who's worse now….. I'm from Dublin….not a fan of that sort of violence….give him a few slaps but that kicking in the head stuff and crawling over so they could pound on them turned my stomach…..Proud are yis boy's….fuckin stand up toe to toe and spark anyone of yis I would….. an I'm like an x-ray walking round…disgusted boy's you feckin should be

  • @Jay-so2dk July 4, 2024

    Good job officers for stopping it quick👍

  • @KevinLaPage-ff6bj July 4, 2024

    Those Antifa cowards won't even schedule anywhere in Wisconsin they know it won't end well for them. Most likely get beaten to death.

  • @JungleJargon July 4, 2024

    Cuomo slandering the President of the United States

  • @hankterreros223 July 4, 2024

    "Fright Power!"

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