July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

After mass shootings, Georgia organizations push harder for state hate crime law

Representatives of the #HateFreeGA coalition stood inside the Capitol, saying the recent mass shootings are reason enough for local lawmakers to pass the law.


1 Comment

  • @tambojo1554 July 3, 2024

    U miss the whole point of ALL Dogs who pick up weapons to Open Fire upon A Public Area Is A Terroristic Attack and all the Nation As A Whole Tremble from Fear and Uncertainty knowing its not a.Hate Crime Issue. Its A Attack upon ALL the Society All The Freedom to Live peacefully and harmony of Lifes Events , celebrations, Gatherings as a Community and Voices .These Shooters Attack the Core of Our National Beliefs .Haters of Peace Love Family. ,Hope .and all that We as A Nation Must Vote To UNTIE thehands of Our Law Enforcement and our Trusted Policemen and Vote into a national Law To SHOOT ON SIGHT any Person commiting a Act In this Manner . Immediate Lethal Force must And will be Instantly Implemented . Safety and Security within Communities MUST Be Restored Must Be Reinforced And Return Our Country's Eminent Trust in The Security to Live In A Peaceable Land.

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