The Real Crime Diary Blog Hate Crimes After mass shootings, Georgia organizations push harder for state hate crime law
Hate Crimes

After mass shootings, Georgia organizations push harder for state hate crime law

After mass shootings, Georgia organizations push harder for state hate crime law

Representatives of the #HateFreeGA coalition stood inside the Capitol, saying the recent mass shootings are reason enough for local lawmakers to pass the law.


1 Comment

  • @tambojo1554 July 3, 2024

    U miss the whole point of ALL Dogs who pick up weapons to Open Fire upon A Public Area Is A Terroristic Attack and all the Nation As A Whole Tremble from Fear and Uncertainty knowing its not a.Hate Crime Issue. Its A Attack upon ALL the Society All The Freedom to Live peacefully and harmony of Lifes Events , celebrations, Gatherings as a Community and Voices .These Shooters Attack the Core of Our National Beliefs .Haters of Peace Love Family. ,Hope .and all that We as A Nation Must Vote To UNTIE thehands of Our Law Enforcement and our Trusted Policemen and Vote into a national Law To SHOOT ON SIGHT any Person commiting a Act In this Manner . Immediate Lethal Force must And will be Instantly Implemented . Safety and Security within Communities MUST Be Restored Must Be Reinforced And Return Our Country's Eminent Trust in The Security to Live In A Peaceable Land.

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