July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

Analysis of Evan Rachel Wood's Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Marilyn Manson

This video answers the question: Can I analyze the sexual abuse allegations by Evan Rachel Wood against Marilyn Manson? Support Dr. Grande on Patreon:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.

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  • @alexajazmin7559 June 21, 2024

    I love your words in this video 💕

  • @Steve-tc2pi June 21, 2024

    Sex abuse is very easy to fake.

  • @Steve-tc2pi June 21, 2024

    Everything you are saying about sex abuse can be said about false allegations of sex abuse.

  • @ciasa9488 June 21, 2024

    Thank you for this analysis. Been through this and only told a few close friends and partners over the years. Appreciate the kind manner of this analysis. Thank you.

  • @ammantophori June 21, 2024

    When you look in a deep well with water in it what do you think is in the well

  • @BellaLu26 June 21, 2024

    Ya know i didn't disbelieve the claim..until i saw her talk. thats not a dispute of him being a shitty husband, being a POS, whatever. put him aside and focus just on her and it starts to not math so well..Her dodgy behavior combined with a very convinient time to bring this up(me 2 movement),the ease of which she could research the way survivors behave/saying herself she's spoken with many surivors so she knows what they sound like, Manson being a very easy target to accuse just to name a few.

  • @DavidThomas-me6pi June 21, 2024

    What does she bring to the table other than allegations? Nothing. Why should she be believed and not him?

  • @marcusvalera5406 June 21, 2024

    I'm not a fan of Manson,but for some reason…I think part of it is BS.
    That's my opinion,maybe I'm wrong…but we'll see.
    The question is why until now and after all this years???
    What about his former girlfriends???
    Why they haven't say or confirm anything about these "allegations"???

  • @asvegas777 June 21, 2024

    As an actual survivor of actual abuse, Evan Rachel Wood is a joke and a travesty. I’m not a fan of Marilyn Manson or Brian or whoever but yeah. I differ on this. I think she’s lying and find it despicable

  • I only need to hear half of what he is accused of, and know without a doubt. My husband, ironically, always loved mm and basically worshipped him and still doesn't like truths. He treated me the same exact way, not in the extremes of some accusations but most of them. And the narcissistic abuse and manipulation.

  • @user-yn2xz9ee5l June 21, 2024

    Evan Rachel Wood is a fraud.

  • @lovorka3321 June 21, 2024

    I was abused by my brother, he was 12, I was 5. He lured me into oral sex on both ends, exposed my genitals to my niece and physically restrained me, and was often cruel in various ways and demeaning. But he was also loving and caring. My mother who is autistic and single mother was working from 5 in the morning to provide for us. At age 7 I started to have stomach pain from feeling something was wrong. I told mom and she beat him up. I understand why she did not send him into correction school, she had enough pain. My father divorced mom when I was 7, he got disability, I presume ADHD or autism. I don't know. But he was not around, only in other side of house that he split. He was forced by the law to pay alimony later on. Since I studied longer, he sued me to pay him so little money back and in court he looked through me, I got bullied in school, mom was worried about money so I couldn't study art. I studied business and ended up in few unhappy relationships, two emotionally abusive, one included me having abortion of my only pregnancy because he was unstable and lying addict and covert narcissist. I attempted suicide because he was not supportive and ended up blaming me for abortion. None helped or believed. I was just seen as crazy and I felt as burden. It took me years of therapy, and problems to realize that even though my brother never raped me, he was sexually and emotionally and physically abusive. I sent him email but he said to my mom that if I continue sending emails he will sue me. I cant do anything because he was a minor too. I started to develop depression, derealization, anxiety, and went into abusive relationships. I have anger issues and am afraid of people to certain degree. My ex fiancé followed me with car, and did not allow me to leave situation when I was in distress and then I started to have abusive behavior towards him, I attacked him multiple times. I told him I was not ready when I started relationship, and I still love him, but I feel manipulated. I hope one day I can heal. I am already 34 and have not been able to get pregnant, which made me more unhappy because I never had proper family and dying without one would be the worst. Anyway I tried DBT, CBT but lately I got diagnosed with autism and complex PTSD after moving to new country. In previous one I was jobless and had not much support. My mom supported me to move 5 years ago abroad. I am currently in rehabilitation for circa 4 years, got diagnosis recently and it took a lot of battle to even get to treatment for borderline personality disorder DBT therapy but then one doctor she saw C PTSD and I am waiting a year now will be for CPT and other for trauma survivors. Meanwhile I have been in EDMR in my own expenses and I have tried multiple therapists, some really broke me, I found good one but I am still on first memory with my brother. By the time I am ready to have a healthy attachment and get new boyfriend and conceive, I don't know what will happen, I lost half of my life living in depression just getting it over with. I never though I am allowed to study art. Now when I can, I am too tired, with chronic pain. I only regret not studying animation. I regret that I hurt my mother because of everything I feel. I regret hurting my ex fiance. I regret not being loved by my brother and father. I often felt like a ghost and motherless child. I questioned my feelings. I want to learn music production and animation, I want to write books, I want to do art, I want to hug man I love, I want to smell baby's skin, I want to give my child all the love and boundaries and care. But I am broken, and I am trying to find way to survive until therapy starts working. I used too many calming pills, ate too much food, exploded in anger too much, hurt myself too much. I want to stop procrastinating and learn animation and music production. I play piano, I need guitar and other stuff. I just want to know why I was born. I feel it sometimes. But every time man I love leaves me mercilessly, it puts me in grave. Silence and grave. My brother will never apologize. He says I am crazy. I have to find a way to believe myself and stop blaming myself for anger and hurting I have done. I just want to be loved. But in me there is abused part with fear and anger that runs or attacks. So I appreciate Peter Schwartz's Internal Family Systems. I like that my therapist does not pity me. In the moments of loneliness, I dream of mother dragon and oasis with spring where I am reborn. Buddhism helped tremendously.

  • @InMemoryOfDougWest June 21, 2024

    Instead of trying to deny it, Manson should admit it and get some help. He will never work in big show biz again Wish Dr Grande mentioned Manson's grandfather and his creepy stuff in the basement, to spice it up a bit. Great analysis though. Survivors should be heard.

  • @user-ci5ir6li6c June 21, 2024

    Evan is a pathological liar, she has no shame.

  • @sally4466 June 21, 2024

    Can narcissistic manipulation include forging a letter from the FBI to keep a child from his father?

  • @dougdewar7896 June 21, 2024

    Might be interesting to look at the Videos done my Martin DeCoder

  • @cinderbella9391 June 21, 2024

    You got this so wrong doc. She is playing out of AHs playbook or vice versa.

  • @alisonwilks302 June 21, 2024

    ❤❤❤❤ like Miss America by day ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

  • @potatopirate5557 June 21, 2024

    It's also worth considering his autobiography in which he describes extremely disturbing and abusive behavior. It's upsettingly illuminating as to his actual psychology and extreme violence towards women. I can't understand how anyone can read that and still be a fan. As a fellow freak, I really didn't want the king of the freaks of my era to be an actual monster, but according to him, he is.

  • @cb_norwood June 21, 2024

    ERW is lying. ERW had every opportunity to leave. Marilyn Manson was never in a position of power in her regard. Has she offered any proof? A doctors note? A contemporary documentAtion? This is a hoax. And it requires the same courage it takes to burglarize a house.

  • @rheverend June 21, 2024

    Aww disappointed

  • I couldn't look at a guy named Marilyn Manson and think of romance. 😮

  • @ProfessionalJerry June 21, 2024

    We love you Manson 🤘🏼💙

  • @Spaceghost22 June 21, 2024

    What about the fake FBI letter and the manipulation/ recruiting scheme exposed by Ashley Morgan Smithline??

  • @Spaceghost22 June 21, 2024

    Dr. Grande, how about making a video about Evan Rachel Wood’s behavior now that it’s come out she faked FBI documents regarding Manson and possibly planned a hoax against him, and there’s ACTUAL evidence of that available for everyone to see. Even one of the women confirmed this and said she was manipulated into making up false claims… it’s hilarious when some ppl on yt start making videos about Manson’s ALLEGATIONS but when evidence comes out pointing that the accusers lied and lost their credibility, they stop making videos.

    Possibly they’re afraid of getting hate online but it’s just hilarious the whole thing…

  • @carlpacheco2058 June 21, 2024

    And now it has come to the surface she has lied and coerced others into lying. I hope her life is totally ruined over this.

  • @claricependley3665 June 21, 2024

    Didnt even look into the cas did you? Look up Colonel Kurtz she will show you…

  • @myalias2812 June 21, 2024

    I had no idea Rachael had been with Manson & my first thought was – everyone knows he's a satanic abuser, why in the hell did you get involved with him?!
    But then I heard you explain he has groomed her and given everything that has been coming out the last 2 years, I understood. That poor young woman.
    I can only imagine the horrors he put her though not just sexually but psychologically. Made me think of Sansa & Jeffery. They weren't real, but the sadistic relationship as we've learned, is all too real for too many young women.
    I pray more actresses come forward with the truth about Hollywood & the music industry. These women should band together and help put a stop to this abuse.
    You covered this very well & very tasteful.

  • @chad85100 June 21, 2024

    Do you feel silly supporting/believing Evan RW now in 2023 that more FACTS have come out especially about her? I can’t stand Manson but ERW and AH are absolutely the worst humans around

  • @marymcdonagh-ql4sx June 21, 2024

    Marlyin Manson is a gentleman, I seen him do interviews , he is a well spocken and we'll mannered gentleman, inspite of his music and apperance , which is just hiss stage image! I'm sick and tired of people accueing celebratyies of sexual assault and domestic voilence, , most of the accuser,s do it for the money, and are willing to ruin someone's reputation and life to get their hands on it! Which is disgusting and pure evil! yes, I know some celebs have been found guilty of S.A beyond reasonable doubt,, but seriously this is just getting out of hand , micheal Jackson innocent and he was put through hell! You can almost tell what a preditur looks like because of their personality traits and social lifestyle and interest, I personally don't for one second beleive marylin Manson has any of these traits! But I'm just speculating , and I hope that I'm right?🙄😁😁😁

  • Thank you Dr Grande, this gets pretty close to SA and its aftermath

  • @bornatona3954 June 21, 2024

    She makes shes own bad decision now somebody have be responsible

  • @MaricaAmbrosius June 21, 2024

    Women get tortured into insanity and are then criticized for acting abnormal or traumatized.

  • @ExtraPencil2 June 21, 2024

    Wrong! Evan Rachel Wood just lost custody of her children because her lies were exposed. She is a liar, and you were among the millions who bought in. She is a far better actress than Amber Heard, but a far worse person, at least thar is how it appears now. You couldn't have known have manipulative ERW could be.

  • @sociologymusic420 June 21, 2024


  • Ooof the accusations of her forcing ppl to make statements and lie has not aged this well. On her end, not Dr Grandes.

  • That’s a real clinical analysis finally done by someone beyond any favouritism and just objectively. 👏👏👏

  • @kimberlywilson2385 June 21, 2024

    If you do your research, SHE IS A LIAR. she just lost custody of her son and the evidence is everywhere that she is mentally ill and looking for attention..Just like Amber Turd….you disappoint me….

  • Before supporting an accusation of abuse it’s important to look at the evidence or in some cases the lack of evidence. Dr Todd Grande have you done a video on this more recently with the new information that has come out?

  • @catwhisperer2736 June 21, 2024

    Would you address this situation again now that a lot more information has come to light? And rather or not you still have the same opinion, and why or why not? Thank you for your great videos.

  • @elvirafeher4254 June 21, 2024

    In view of recent facts coming to light, an update would be interesting.

    You're right that real victims of abuse should be supported.

  • So traumatised that she "likes a good rape joke". Yep, it there, I think she said it on the HBO documentary. Yes, she was text book ready. But funny how she forgot about nerve damage from all the bandage. Yes brave enough to make a fraudulent FBI letter…. you need to research the other side.

  • @AquarianAgeApostle June 21, 2024

    Amber Heard, Jada Pinkett Smith, Evan Rachel Wood, to name but a few ….. how about an analysis of this current epidemic of toxic succubi destroying the lives and reputations of innocent men?

  • @user-ci5ir6li6c June 21, 2024

    This liar is a disgrace to the REAL victims of abuse. Absolutely disgusting.

  • @matthewneufer1758 June 21, 2024

    The people who participate in that religion are very dangerous . They are very serious about their religion it'first starts by breaking the first 10 commandments by the age of 14 its called Satanism and all the little secret names In which Marryland is High Priest Brian Hugh Warner has under Alister Crowly and Anton LaVey.

  • @julielevinge266 June 21, 2024

    Even Rachel Wood has faked a letter from the FBI?
    Why would she need to do this?
    Is this caused by SA she suffered earlier on in life?

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